Neighbourhood Partnerships Programme
Highlight Report Cardiff West
Programme Details: / Neighbourhood Status DashboardProgramme Name: / Neighbourhood Partnership / Programme ID: / ID: NP / Previous / CURRENT / Future
Red / Red / Red
Senior Responsible Officer: / Sarah McGill
Red/Amber / Red/Amber / Red/Amber
Amber/Green / Amber/Green / Amber/Green
This reporting period: / Jan-Mar 16 / Next Period: / Apr - Jun 16
Green / Green / Green
Overview of Neighbourhood Partnership:
ID / Neighbourhood Areas within this Programme: / Neighbourhood SRO / Current RAG status
ID: NP.W / Cardiff West / Claire Cutforth, Operational Manager- Recycling Services, City of Cardiff Council ()
Inspector Ian Randell, South Wales Police Force
() / Green
Neighbourhood Indicators: Neighbourhood chairs and neighbourhood partnership officers to agree which issues need to be escalated to the attention of the Neighbourhood Partnership programme lead. This will be done where negative trends are evidenced or a number of red/red amber RAG status are being identified throughout the neighbourhood action plans.
Issue: Older People
Source: Ask Cardiff Survey 2015
Story and context for current trend
Older people account for a large proportion of the Cardiff West population, with 38.7% of residents being over 50. Statistics also indicate that there is a strong likelihood that tackling age-related health conditions, particularly dementia, will be a key priority over the coming years. 2011 census data revealed that 13.8%, (equating to approximately 3,590), of all households in Cardiff West are occupied by people over 65 who live alone. These factors highlight the scale of the challenge partners are faced with in relation to reducing social isolation and the early identification of medical issues.
The graph above shows how respondents to the Ask Cardiff survey 2015 felt about care services for the elderly. In Cardiff West, there was a 35.2% satisfaction rate, (either very satisfied or fairly satisfied), showing a 7.5 percentage point increase from the 2014 figure of 27.7%; compared to the 2015 overall figure for Cardiff (35.1%) which has increased by 4.3 percentage points, from a satisfaction rating of 30.8% in 2014. The graph indicates that residents from Cardiff West are the third highest satisfied of the Neighbourhood Partnership areas with services for the elderly.
Currently the Cardiff West Partnership Group are working to achieve the aims of the Cardiff West Dementia Friendly Community Action Plan and cascading the Dementia Friends community sessions across the neighbourhood. Creating further support sessions for people with Dementia and their carers, plus suitable exercise classes for 50+ residents, all help to support the Dementia Friendly Community aim.
Issue: Environmental Issues
Source: Ask Cardiff Survey 2015
Story and context for current trend
The graph above shows how respondents to the Ask Cardiff survey 2015 felt when asked about concerns in their immediate neighbourhood. Residents in Cardiff West were most concerned with litter and nearly two thirds (70.7%) stated this. Litter remains the main issue with an increase of 6.3 percentage points since 2014 (64.4%).
Fast food related litter became the second largest concern (62.8%, up 8.6% from 54.2%), ahead of dog fouling (60.2%, up 2.2% from 58.0%). Incorrectly presented waste (33.3%) and abandoned trolleys 20.3%) were the areas of least concern.
With this in mind, Cardiff West has seen a number of new community groups set up over the past few months, with specific aims of improving the perception of their local area and increasing community involvement in environmental focused outcomes. Community litter picks have proven popular and support for these projects remains high across the whole area. Hot spot areas have been identified through multi agency working, and work to address issues arising in these areas, including littering and fly tipping, has begun to have a positive impact on the affected areas.
Issue: Antisocial Behaviour
Source: South Wales Police NICHE
Story and context for current trend
Between March 2015 and March 2016 the ASB rate per 1,000 population in Cardiff West was below the equivalent rate for Cardiff as a whole. During this time the NPA rate was at a low of 1.1 per 1,000 in November 2015, having peaked at 2.6 per 1,000 in April and July 2015. In March 2016, there were 85, (1.4 per 1,000), ASB incidents in the NPA compared to a Cardiff figure of 2.5 per 1,000. This rate was up from 1.3 per 1,000 in December 2015 but down from 1.8 per 1,000 in March 2015. In the last quarter, (Jan-Mar 2016), there were 256 ASB incidents in the area. This was practically unchanged from the previous quarter (251) and the same quarter in the previous year (266).
Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership has worked to support operations to address this issue and a number of productive, multi-agency operations have taken place. Over the February half term and Easter holidays, a variety of diversionary activities took place at locations across Cardiff West. These sessions focused around sports taster sessions, as well as craft sessions and community clean ups aimed at 7 – 16 year olds and involved work from a number of partner agencies.
Milestones Achieved /
ID / Milestones Achieved in this reporting period
1.7 / Work to Promote Healthy Eating
The Pentrebane Zone continued the Fareshare food bag scheme, the Love Food, Hate Waste project and the Pentrebane Zone Gardening Club during January, February and March. These projects are helping many local residents to access low cost food bags, educating participants on the better use and storage of food at home, providing healthy food cooking sessions for all ages and teaching gardening skills to enable volunteers to learn how to grow their own fruit and vegetables at the Zone and in their own gardens.
1.4 / Increase the Dementia Supportive Communities Initiative Across Cardiff West
During January 2016 1st Whitchurch Beavers, Scouts, Young Leaders and Leaders participated in a Dementia Friends Awareness and Action Planning session as part of the “A Million Hands” Community Impact Award badge.
1.4 / Six Dementia Friends sessions for key partners and community members were held by Cardiff West Dementia Champions, creating nearly 100 more Dementia Friends, including Tongwynlais Community members attending a Dementia Friends Awareness session to look at developing further Dementia Friendly support and activities within the village. Hub staff from across Cardiff also completed Dementia Friends sessions.
1.8 / Work to Encourage Physical Activity
Cardiff West partners explored opportunities for alternative travel options involving community groups including Walking School Buses, (Park and Strides), with representatives from Living Streets. Hubs and Community Buildings in Cardiff West have been provided with Living Streets walking kits, (hi vis vests, pedometers, walking route leaflets), available for loan by community members. These kits were funded through the Neighbourhood Partnership Fund.
1.9 / Work to Reduce Damaging Alcohol Consumption
Partners were sent information on Dry January and offered free promotional materials provided by Public Health Wales. Dry January was also promoted using social media.
3.1 / Work to decrease the number of reported ASB/Criminal Damage/ Deliberate Fire/ Theft incidents
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service initiated an education and diversionary campaign at the start of February to try to reduce the number of deliberate fires occurring during February half term. A “Fire Fighter For The Day” course took place at Ely Fire Station on the 17th of February.
1.8 / Work to Encourage Physical Activity
Sport Cardiff held free hockey, rugby and cricket sessions for young people at Pentrebane Zone
2.3 / Help to support and promote Social Enterprise and Time Banking
A Timeplace event, promoting SPICE Time Credits, was hosted at Pentrebane Community Centre. The event was a collaboration between SPICE, Action for Caerau and Ely and Pentrebane Zone.
1.10 / Work to Increase levels of Immunisation and Health Screenings
The Cardiff West GP Cluster meeting took place at Llandaff North GP Surgery. The meeting highlighted actions achieved throughout the year, including a successful Flu Vaccination Programme and identified key actions and priorities to carry forward to the 2016/17 action plan.
1.2 / Develop opportunities, classes and activities for older people including support to address the issues of loneliness and social isolation
Golden Oldies were supported through the Neighbourhood Partnership Fund to purchase technical equipment, making their engagement sessions more accessible for visually impaired and hearing impaired attendees.
1.3 / Develop opportunities for older people and young people to socially engage with each other
Fairwater Ladies Bowls Club received support through the Neighbourhood Partnership Fund to enable them to offer taster sessions to members of the general public, including young people. These sessions are likely to continue through the summer months.
Misc. / City of Cardiff Council Budget Savings Proposals Consultation
The Neighbourhood Partnership Officer facilitated the community engagement events in support of the City of Cardiff Council's Budget Consultation 2016/17, which was open from December 11th 2015 – January 12th 2016. The events took place at a variety of locations across the city.
Misc. / Annual Review
The Cardiff West annual review of the Neighbourhood Partnership Action Plan took place on the 10th of March at Radyr Old Church Rooms. Twenty six partners and four Councillors and Community Councillors participated in the review session and worked to identify new priorities, tasks and objectives for the Cardiff West 2016/17 Neighbourhood Partnership Action Plan.
Misc. / Neighbourhood Partnership Fund 15/16
Twelve applications were received for the Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership Fund during January and February. Seven projects, covering a variety of Cardiff West priorities, were successful and received financial support.
Misc. / Neighbourhood Partnership Fund Monitoring
The majority of monitoring has been received from each successful applicant to the 2015/16 fund. There are however seven organisations that have yet to send their monitoring in. The Neighbourhood Partnership Officer has been in contact with each organisation and is working with them to assist project completion. The monitoring is being used to inform case studies for the annual review.
Milestones Not Achieved
ID / Milestones Not achieved (including those with Red or Red Amber Status) / Comment
Next Reporting Period: /
ID / Key milestones for Next Reporting Period: / Baseline delivery date / Status
2.2 / Continue to work with The Scout Association and explore the potential links with volunteering opportunities, intergenerational projects, Dementia care, support and training for young people and adults and other support services. / 30.06.16 / Green
3.3 / Support further Community Clean Ups and Litter Picking Events across Cardiff West, particularly around Radyr and Whitchurch, and connecting with key partners and community residents to develop regular, monthly sessions, where/when possible. Key highlighted areas include Longwood Drive, Hailey Park and Radyr Weir. / 30.06.16 / Green
1.9 / Circulate and promote Making Every Contact Counts training session information and potential dates to Cardiff West partners. / 30.06.16 / Green
1.12 / Circulate and promote the C-Card and Sexual Health training dates to Cardiff West partners / 30.06.16 / Green
3.2 / Explore opportunities for WRAP training (Workshop to Raise Awareness of PREVENT) with Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership Group. / 30.06.16 / Green
1.8 / Continue to explore opportunities for alternative travel options involving community group and partners including: Walking School Buses; Park and Strides; cycle groups; walking groups. / 30.06.16 / Green
1.4 / Progress and review the Cardiff West Dementia Friendly Communities action plan ready for the first 6-monthly reporting in May 2016 / 31.05.16 / Green
1.4 / Continue to cascade Dementia Friends partner engagement sessions, holding 5 further sessions for key partners. / 30.06.16 / Green
1.4 / Promote and support Dementia Awareness Week in May 2016 with partners across Cardiff West / 31.05.16 / Green
1.1 / Support the Cardiff West GP Health Cluster Plan and the quarterly review meeting to align the GP Cluster Action Plans and the Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership Action Plan / 30.06.16 / Green
3.4 / Develop community engagement further by creating closer ties with community ambassadors, inviting community members to relevant sub-group meetings / 30.06.16 / Green
1.2 / Link with the Rotary Club and Parkinson’s UK to further support the 50+ focused work taking place in Cardiff West / 31.05.16 / Green
2.2 / Explore links with Girl Guides Cymru to promote and support volunteer opportunities, adult training schemes and support for young people / 30.06.16 / Green
2.1 / Work with the successful Youth Innovation grant applicants for Cardiff West, to support the Youth Club provisions starting in Whitchurch, Radyr, Fairwater/Pentrebane and Gabalfa / 30.06.16 / Green
2.2 / Promote and support Small Charities Week and Volunteers Week in June 2016 / 30.06.16 / Green
Promote Asthma Awareness Day during May 2016 / 31.05.16 / Green
Misc / Support and promote the launch of the Cardiff Neighbourhood Partnership Fund 2016/17 / 30.04.16 / Green
Misc / Hold funding drop–in workshops in Cardiff West to support potential applicants with information and links / 30.06.16 / Green
Misc / Finalise the Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership Action Plan for 2016/17 / 31.05.16 / Green
Significant Current Workstream Risks:
ID / Date Raised / Description (clearly highlight impact) / Owner Initials / Countermeasure(s)/Contingency / Status
1 / Resource issues for Council and partner agencies have impacted on attendance at Neighbourhood Partnership meetings, events and activities. / Neighbourhood Partnerships to continue to encourage engagement, and develop contingencies as specific issues arise / Amber
Decisions Required from the Cardiff Partnership Board:
Author Sign-Off and Assurance:
Report Author / Claire Cutforth and Ian Randell / Report Sign off SRO: / Sarah McGill
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