Mr. Wingate – WHAP 2013
The main purpose of this activity is to prepare students for the AP World History exam. As we get closer to the exam, students will study for and discuss major historical figures, what impact they had on history within their own region, and how they have remained relevant over time. On another level, this activity is to encourage students who are not taking the exam. Points will be earned for preparation, enthusiasm, and presentation.
- At the end of this activity, students will
- know information about historical figures that will be on the AP World History exam.
- discuss information about historical figures that will be on the AP World History exam.
- prove that your historical figure is the most influential person in history.
- Research your historical figure to ascertain why they are important or influential. Questions you should be able to answer are:
- When and where were they born? (Time period and region.)
- What major accomplishments did they make throughout their life?
- How did their accomplishments affect the people of their region and time period?
- How did their accomplishment stand the test of time?
- Do people still regard them as influential?
- You will go head to head in a “debate” about whether you are the most influential person in history.
- You should spend the time explaining in detail with specific facts about your own historical figure, their accomplishments and their affect.
- You shouldnot waste time discussing your opponent. (Voting will be based on who presents the best argument for their own historical figure.)
- You should give the information in FIRST PERSON. Costumes are optional.
- Round 1: You will have 4 minutes to explain why your historical figure is the most influential person in theirown region.
- Round 2: You will have 4 minutes to explain why you believe your historical figure is the most influential outside of their own region over an extended time period.
- Round 3: You will have 4 minutes to explain how your historical figure has remained influential after their death.
- Round 4:You will have 3 minutes to explain why your historical figure is the most influential of all time.
- Finals: You will have 4 minutes to state why your historical figure is the most influential of all time as well as why they are more influential than the other finalist. You should talk about why, how or who still regard the historical figure as influential today.
- Points start off at a base of 80% for participation and loss in the first round. (Mr. Wingate reserves the right to lowerpoint if a student is not prepared to discuss their historical figures with facts. Mr. Wingate also reserves the right to award morepoints if a student loses in the first round but presents an excellent case for why the figure is influential.)
- Points go up for every round that you advance with maximum points being awarded to THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON OF ALL TIME.