The Meeting commenced at 4.02pm and concluded at 5.40pm


Councillor Representatives

Councillor Wilson – Elected Member, Chairman

Councillor Mrs Hillman – Elected Member

Councillor Trent – Elected Member

Governing Body Representatives

George Sanger

User Representatives

John Long – Vice Chairman

Deborah Wheatley

Michael Gregory

Non-Voting Membership

Tim Hill – Rossmore Leisure Centre Manager

Sally Apps – Head Teacher, Rossmore Community College

Clive Smith – Head of Leisure Services, (Borough Of Poole)

Also in attendance

Nicky Dutton –Director of Sport, Rossmore Community College

Michelle Coplestone – Clerk Legal and Democratic Services, (Borough of Poole)

Members of the public present – 0


Members of the Meeting introduced themselves and welcomed Sally Apps, newly appointed Head Teacher of Rossmore Community College, to her first meeting of the Rossmore Community Use Management Committee (RCUMC).


Apologies for absence were received from Peter Cotton, School Advice and Support Services, Tim Gomn, Governor Representative, Councillor Mrs Lavender, Kelvan Finch, SLM’s Area Manager and Fran Morgan, Cuddles Day Nursery.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 July 2006 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendments:

(M.4) Review of Membership

Delete paragraph 2 “The lack of involvement from Rossmore Community College at Committee Meetings was discussed” and insert “The lack of involvement from Rossmore Community College at Committee meetings was discussed and it was noted that their involvement and attendance at meetings was both valued and welcomed”.

(M.8) User Representative Items

Delete section (ii) under actions agreed “Tim Hill, would contact Rossmore Community College with regard to using the grass area at the front of the Leisure Centre as an overspill car park” and insert “Tim Hill would contact Rossmore Community College with regard to using the grass area at the rear of the Leisure Centre as an overspill car park”.


(M.8) (i) User Representative Items

Concern was raised that the new headed paper being used at the Leisure Centre did not include any reference to the Gymnastics Club. The Meeting was informed that it was SLMs Company Policy not to include any branding other than it’s own. The Meeting expressed its disappointment over this matter as the OLGA brand was considered very important to Leisure Centre Staff and OLGA team members.

(ii) Tim Hill advised that a joint meeting was to take place between the Gymnastics and Trampolining Parents’ Committee to dispel current tensions between the two groups.

(iii) The Meeting discussed the current car parking situation at the Leisure Centre. Concern was expressed with regard to using the area behind the football pitches as an overspill car park, especially during periods of inclement weather.

The Meeting was advised that alterations could not be made to the existing school grounds due to planning regulations, however, the area in front of the Multi Use Games Arena (MUGA) between the Fitness Suite and the gateway to MUGA could be made suitable for use as an overspill car park.

It was highlighted that using this area would not pose a problem as long as the ground was not effected and it was used outside of school hours. The Chairman advised that the area would need to be monitored as there was a possibility that members of the public could use it more frequently as a right of way if they saw others doing so.

The Meeting questioned whether using the area at the front of MUGA would address the current car parking issues and pressures at spectator events? The Chairman advised that if bad practice arose then the situation would need to be redressed.

The Meeting was informed that a planning application had been submitted to the Borough of Poole to withdraw a number of on site car parking spaces in connection with the proposed building of a new Children’s Centre. The Chairman advised the Meeting to view the application, which was available online on the Borough of Poole website, as it would have an impact on the school and Leisure Centre.

The Chairman Highlighted that SLMs vision was to increase the use of the Leisure Centre and that in order to do this issues such as disabled car parking and on site litter must be considered.

AGREED that Clive Smith, Head of Leisure Services (Borough of Poole), would contact SLM with regard to displaying the OLGA brand on Leisure Centre Stationary.


RESOLVED that the Meeting confirm the actions taken at the inquorate meetings of the RCUMC held on 15 May and 3 July 2006.


Concern was raised over the continuous loss of keys to the Multi Use Games Arena and the fact that Rossmore had to keep replacing them.

It was noted that this problem could be resolved by replacing existing locks with a Yale key system. The Meeting was advised that some locks could have been vandalised and that combination locks were now used to help prevent any further vandalism. It was hoped that the padlock on the main gate could also be changed.

The issue of whose responsibility for replacing locks was raised? Tim Hill, Leisure Centre Manager, advised that Leisure Services often replaced padlocks so responsibility was split between Rossmore and Leisure Services.

Michael Gregory, User Representative, commented that he was very happy with the equipment in the Fitness Suite and that the Aqua Gym was still very popular. He further advised that the swimming pool could still benefit from having a second set of disabled access steps. The Meeting was informed that Julian Collins, Property Services, was working with SLM to investigate whether steps could be installed under provision of the Disability Discrimination Act.

The Meeting queried whether the application for ‘Gym Mark’ had been submitted? It was explained that due to on going issues e.g. risk assessments, the application should be submitted by November 2006.

The Meeting was advised that new flooring was to be laid in the Gymnasium and the lockers outside this area used to have new locks and barrels fitted. Unfortunately missing locker keys could not be replaced for security reasons. It was highlighted that SLM was committed to ensuring 80/90 % locker availability.

The Meeting was informed that SLM required Poole Swimming Club to have lifeguards with a National Poole Lifeguard Qualification (N.P.L.Q). It was noted that this was not a previous requirement and that coaches and helpers of Poole Swimming Club would need to be N.P.L.Q qualified so that there was at least one qualified person present at each swim session. It was highlighted that all pool staff at the Leisure Centre were already N.P.L.Q qualified, however, pool staff were not present during private swimming lessons. SLM were running N.P.L.Q courses for those interested.

Tim Hill, Leisure Centre Manager, was asked to confirm the booking for Poole Swimming Clubs Sunday evening training as the booking agreement had not been received.

The Chairman commented that swimming standards at the Leisure Centre

Were excellent and that risk assessments were enforced to minimize the risk of accidents happening.

AGREEDthat Tim Hill would chase the booking agreement for Poole

Swimming Club as detailed above.


An update on improvements to the Leisure Centre was requested. The Meeting was advised that improvements to the Fitness Suite would commence on 20 November 2006 and that changing room doors without locks would be addressed in two weeks time by Tim Hill. It was noted that car parking and site problems were an on going concern for all.

The RCUMC still had one vacancy for a Governor Representative which was to be advertised at the next School Governor Meeting.

The Meeting was informed that no-one had come forward to fill the vacancy of Student Representative. Nicky Dutton, Director of Sport, advised that she would advertise the vacancy in three weeks time when the new sports captains were elected.

The Meeting discussed ways of attracting a Student Representative to join the Committee and it was suggested that students ‘buddy up’ and attend meetings in pairs. The Chairman recommended students to submit their questions to the Committee in writing or that their items be put on the RCUMC Agenda first to encourage them to attend. It was highlighted that the views of young people were very important and that their input to future meetings of the RCMC would be welcomed.


Councillor Trent asked Rossmore Community College and it’s Governing Body to confirm that it had not negotiated with any external parties (other than Leisure Services) with regard to the use of the schools rugby field as rumours were circulating that the field was to be sold to Developers.

George Sanger, School Governor, advised that the Governing Body was not aware of any plans to sell off the schools rugby field to building Developers.

The Chairman advised that the rugby field was adjacent to Dorset Heath SHC land, and that the English Nature Reserve had already made objections to proposed development of Dorset Heath Land so it was unlikely that any developments would take place on the school field. The Meeting was further advised that if a new school was built in the grounds then that would be permissible, however, no residential development could take place on site.

Concern was expressed with regard to the increase to ‘Access to Leisure’ payments. One Councillor had been approached by an ‘Access to Leisure’ customer who advised that his advanced payments had increased from £18 to £60. It was questioned whether vulnerable persons entitled to concessions should have to pay such a price increase?

Tim Hill, Leisure Centre Manager, informed the Meeting that swimming lessons had increased from 8 week blocks to blocks of 12 or 14. It was confirmed that swimming lesson fees were the only fees agreed between the Borough of Poole and SLM. It was highlighted that users were now getting a better service so were expected to pay more. Concern was expressed that the increase in fees would have a big impact against people with very low incomes.

Tim Hill advised that ‘Access to Leisure’ fees were paid in a block and that by next month it would be known whether payments could be made by monthly or quarterly direct debit.

It was noted that ‘Access to Leisure’ users received a 50% discount on fees and whilst it was recognised that some families had financial difficulties it had to be remembered that they were already in receipt of a large discount. The Chairman highlighted that ‘Access to Leisure’ fees could not be changed due to Council Policy.


Tim Hill presented the Leisure Centre Manager’s Report (as previously circulated). Key points were summarised as follows:

  • The first months of the year had seen a 12% increase to Leisure Centre usage compared to the same period last year.
  • There was no available information on the budget. Tim advised that he would liaise with Clive Smith, Head of Leisure Services, with regard to the future presentation of financial information.
  • It was highlighted that November to March were the Leisure Centres busiest months.

It was queried whether performance indicators would be reviewed now that SLM had taken over the running of the Leisure Centre? Tim Hill advised that either current performance indicators would continue or SLM may want to run their own.

It was requested that figures for swimming pool use be broken down to show the difference between lessons and general use. It was noted that this would be useful following the price increase to ‘Access to Leisure’.

Clive Smith announced he was monitoring all Leisure Centre visitor numbers and ‘Access to Leisure’ usage for SLM. He added that the level of measuring would progress and that targets would increase. Clive advised that he would report back on targets at a future meeting.

The Meeting was informed that a standard sum was paid to SLM each month based on a detailed budget for all three Leisure Centres. The Chairman advised that it was important that the community understood that the Council subsidized swimming lessons for ‘Access to Leisure’ users and that the Local Authority contributed to the Leisure Centre. Clive Smith advised that he would liaise with Financial Services regarding what information could be made available to the public.

Nicky Dutton, Director of Sport, Rossmore Community College, advised that more pupils were getting involved with the Leisure Centre which was very encouraging. It was questioned when the Centre would be extended as space within the Gymnasium was restricted and uncomfortable to work in when full to capacity. The Meeting was advised that if the Centre was successful and increased it’s proportion of visitors SLM would fund an extension. It was highlighted that if the Leisure Centre was extended, students would receive additional time in the Gymnasium.

The Meeting was informed that the schools PE instructor had 12 students which he took through the Leisure Centre each half term, however, there was approximately 48 students waiting to use the facilities. The Centre was also used for Year 10 curriculum and Year 11 students could opt to use the Centre if they wished. It was highlighted that students had free after school usage of the Centre which was excellent.

The Meeting then discussed the following:

  • Chip and Pin was now in place at the Leisure Centre,
  • Congratulations were expressed to all Gymnastics and Trampolining

competitors for their success at recent events; and

  • SLM would be placing it’s own promotional materials and advertising around the Centre over the forthcoming months.

The Chairman asked the Committee for its thoughts on recognising the achievements of both the Gymnastics and Trampoling Teams? It was suggested that competitors receive a certificate or that congratulations be expressed on the Centres notice board. The Meeting also discussed different ways of promoting the Leisure Centre such as using photos, video clips or audio display, displays on notice boards or a press release to the Echo.

AGREED that a letter be sent to both the Gymnastics and Trampolining Teams to congratulate them on their success at recent competitions and events.


Clive Smith, Head of Leisure Services, advised of the following:

  • Improvements to Rossmore Leisure Centre were to be launched on 20 November 2006. Developments to the other Leisure Centres would commence in late Autumn through to March 2007.
  • Improvements would be made to Leisure Centre Access.
  • All Centres would receive promotional banners.

The Meeting was informed that Rossmore Leisure Centre would be promoted in November and again in the spring when the other Centres were ready.

Clive was meeting regularly with SLM’s Management and staff, who were very complementary about the staff at Rossmore Leisure Centre. It was highlighted that performance indicators were being monitored and that an annual report on all three Leisure Centres would be produced for the Council. A new Recreational Manager was to be appointed by the Council for its Leisure Centres and if a successful appointment was made, the new postholder would be invited to future meetings of the RCUMC.


The Meeting was advised of ongoing work to the Alderney Recreation Ground to make it a family friendly area.

Work was also ongoing on Bourne Estate as part of the Local Area Agreement to invest in the area and support the community. It was noted that these improvements would have a positive effect on the Leisure Centre.


The Chairman asked if everyone was happy with the dates and times of future meetings? The Meeting agreed that they were.

AGREED that the next meeting of the RCUMC would take place on Monday 13 November 2006 at 4.00pm in the Library, Rossmore Community College.