Ms. Delmonico’s

Learn the “art” of creating beautiful spaces for residential and outdoor living; as well as commercial space planning and design.

This course is an introduction to the world of “housing and interior design”. Housing and Interiors will prepare students to understand the creative process using the fundamentals of design. You will learn how to manage and overcome the challenges of being a designer and working with the public in a demanding “service” related industry. Students will acquire job readiness skills, functional design knowledge and the ability to problem solve using creative ideas.


3 ring Binder


Extra notebook paper

Pencils and pens (black or blue)


Classroom Rules & Responsibilities
  • Follow all school rules.
  • Bring textbook, notebook, pen (blue or black ink only), and completed assignments to class every day. If you have to leave class to go get materials you will be counted tardy or given a zero on the assignment.
  • Attend class regularly. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete any assignments missed when absent. The due date will always be the next school day (class time) after you return unless the teacher directs otherwise. (Example: You are absent on Monday and return on Tuesday. The assignment is received by you on Tuesday and is due on Wednesday at the BEGINNING of the class.)
  • When returning to class after an absence, ALWAYS check with the teacher for any assignments missed BEFORE the class starts. Do NOT ask for make-up work during class time.
  • Be sure to sign up when coming in to make-up a test, quiz or activity. Indicate the name of the activity, quiz or test you wish to make-up. Please let me know if your plans change, as I will, for you, if my plans change and I cannot be available. If you fail to come at the appointed time and date and you do not tell me in advance of any changes, then you will receive a zero for the activity, quiz or test.
  • All assignments are expected on the due date set by the teacher. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Make-up time will be by appointment before and after school Monday – Thursday.
  • Grades are based on classroom tests, quizzes, daily activities, in-class assignments, homework, and projects.

***Class time is important to both of us; therefore,

  • Use the restroom BEFORE or AFTER class.
  • Eat in the cafeteria or at home……… and drink are NOT to be consumed in the classroom. This includes hard candy, breath mints, suckers, etc.
  • Visit the Guidance Office BEFORE or AFTER school or during lunch. You must bring a note from a counselor before you will be allowed to leave class. The note must be obtained before the tardy bell rings.
  • Sharpen pencils BEFORE the tardy bell rings.
  • Deposit trash/scrap paper in the trashcans as you leave the classroom.
  • Remain seated unless permission is granted to do otherwise.
  • Raise your hand and wait for permission to talk.
  • Be ready to begin class BEFORE the tardy bell rings. This includes all the books, assignments, pen or pencils, etc. You should be attentive, quiet, and in your seat once the bell has rung.
  • Sit quietly in your seat until bell rings and you have been dismissed from the class.
  • No inappropriate language will be tolerated.
Grade Evaluation The nine-week grade will be determined by the following:

Tests 30%

Projects/Presentations 35%

Quizzes 15%

Class work/ Homework 20%

The final grade is determined by the following formula: First 9 wks. = 40%, Second 9 wks. = 40%, Exam = 20%. (The exam is a NC VOCAT. All students are required to take exams.)

Your effort and willingness make all the difference!

I have read the above information and I will do my best to follow these procedures and to be an asset to the class.


Name of the student Date


Parent Signature Date