Transient Simulation with a Sinusoidal Input

Build the circuit shown. Below the circuit is a list of the parts that you will want to use and the libraries that they belong to. It is important that you pay attention to which library you get the parts from. If you are running the simulation at home using the student version the libraries will be different.

§  The input sinusoid has a frequency of 1kHz, an amplitude of .5V and an offset of 0V.

Note that nodes which have the same name are connected

Part / Part name / Library if you are at school / Library if you are using the student version at home
resistor / R / ANALOG / ANALOG
DC voltage source / Vdc / SOURCE / SOURCE
capacitor / C / ANALOG / ANALOG
Sinusoidal input voltage / Vsin / SOURCE / SOURCE

You can paste Pspice schematics into Word and Power point documents as well as other Pspice documents. This is done with standard cut and paste commands.

To include the diagram in a document.

§  Select the circuit

§  Hit Ctrl-C (to copy to the clip board)

§  Hit Ctrl-V to paste the circuit in the destination document

To perform a Transient simulation

§  From the main menu: Pspice->New Simulation (or Edit Simulation)

o  If you have selected “new simulation”: Enter a name for your simulation and hit <create>

§  You will see the menu below

§  Select Time Domain (Transient) as an analysis type

§  Hit <OK>

§  You will see the window below

§  You will need to adjust the run time. Our sinusoid has a frequency of 1kHZ and a period of 1msec. Choosing a run time of 2msec will cause the circuit to be simulated for two periods.

§  Hit <OK>

§  To simulate: from the main menu: Pspice->Run

§  A Blank window will appear

§  To plot the amplitude of the waveform from the main menu select: Trace-> Add Trace

§  The window shown below will appear. On the left are all the waveforms that are available to plot. On the right are the functions that can be performed on the waveforms. For our simulation we name the output Vout so we select V(Vout). If we had forgotten to name the node we could access the same waveform V(Q1:c) the collector voltage of transistor Q1. Currents can also be plotted. IB(Q1) is the base current flowing into transistor Q1.

§  Hit <OK> to plot

To determine precise values from a simulation use cursors

§  From the main menu select: Trace->Cursor->Display

§  There are two cursers cursor A1 is affiliated with the left mouse key and cursor A2 is affiliated with the right mouse key

Left mouse curser:

§  Using your left mouse key, indicate the trace that you want affiliated with the curser.

§  Press your left mouse key down and slide the mouse. You will see a moving crosshair. The value of waveform at the position of the crosshair is indicated in the probe cursor window (A1)

Right mouse curser:

§  Using your right mouse key, indicate the trace that you want affiliated with the curser.

§  Press your right mouse key down and slide the mouse. You will see a moving crosshair. The value of waveform at the position of the crosshair is indicated in the probe cursor window (A2)

To include a printout of the simulation

§  From the main menu: Window->Copy to clipboard

§  This plot is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into a document using ctrl-V

§  Note you are using the printer in room 409 plots of this type use too much memory. You might want to just do a screen capture: <ctrl<alt<print screen>