Farm: Last Resort Farm

Owners: Eugenie Doyle and Sam Burr

Location: Monkton, Vt

Date: Monday, Sept. 27

Meet in front of greenhouses at UVM campus at 1:30. BE PROMPT


A highly diversified small fruit farm where blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and currants are grown using organic management practices and sold as pick-your-own. In addition, a variety of vegetables are also grown at this farm.

General questions on which to base your report:

  1. How many acres are planted?
  2. How many different kind of fruits do you have planted?
  3. How often do you replace the plants?
  4. What pre-plant soil preparations do you make?
  5. How do you manage nutrition according to the soil type?
  6. How do you control weeds?
  7. What cultivars do you have, and why did you choose them?
  8. In general, what is the cost of planting one acre and how much does it cost to maintain it in subsequent years?
  9. What are some major cultural and pest problems you have encountered?
  10. What are the characteristics of your site?
  11. What practices do use to minimize winter damage?
  12. How do you sell your fruit?
  13. Is labor an important issue in your operation?
  14. What is the main problem (s) you have encountered?
  15. What do you like the best about growing strawberries?
  16. What criteria do you use to determine when to harvest the fruit?
  17. What sustainable agricultural practices do you use?
  18. Any other question you wish to make....