Our students have been hard at work taking beginning of the year assessments to assist the teachers in creating meaningful instruction. It is exciting to see our students showing what they know so early in the year!
Highly Qualified Teachers Letter
As part of Title I, parents have a right to know that their child’s teacher is highly qualified in the area in which he/she is providing instruction. All of the teachers at EES are highly qualified. A letter from Dr. Alban explaining this requirement is included with this Eagletter. If you have questions, please contact Ms Golightly at 240-236-1750.
Title I Family Involvement Plan Including Compact
A Title I Family Involvement Plan including the Student/School/Families Compact is enclosed with this Eagletter. The plan, which is on gray paper, explains that EES is committed to providing information and events for families to better the school-to-home connection. The Compact portion of the document is the agreement that Students, Staff, and Families have to improve student success. If you have questions about the document, please contact Mrs. Fawley at 240-236-1737.
Our attendance so far this year has been very good. Over the years, we’ve noticed the trend that overall school attendance is good at the beginning of the year and it declines as the year progresses. This year, we would like to see the attendance stay at a very good rate. You will receive a letter if your child’s absences (lawful and unlawful) are close to 10 for the school year. After the tenth day, a doctor’s note is necessary for ALL absences. If no doctor’s note is received the absences will be considered unlawful. More information can be found on pages 38 & 39 of the FCPS Calendar/Handbook.
Please obey all traffic signs and do not enter the areas that are marked with DO NOT ENTER signs. A Frederick County Deputy will be randomly patrolling and will issue citations to those not following the signs. Also, please do not use the front parking lot during arrival and dismissal. In the back parking lot, please follow the line of cars when dropping off your children. Please remember that no one is on duty to supervise students until 8:10 am. Please do not drop off your children or allow them to walk before 8:10 am.
October Reading Incentive
Mrs. Reed is again offering a reading incentive during the month of October. Read 15 minutes each day (including the weekend) for a total of 465 minutes and earn a $2.00 off coupon to be used when purchasing a book from the November Scholastic Book Fair.
Character Counts! Week
We will be celebrating Character Counts! from October 21st – 29th. These days will be school spirit days and we encourage the students to wear the colors that represent the pillars of character. Please see the Important Dates for the colors to wear each day.
Important Dates
Wednesday, October 2nd – PTA Fundraiser Pick-up
Wednesday, October 9th – PTA Cultural Arts Program, 9:00 am – date change
Friday, October 11th – Third Grade visits the ESSL
Friday, October 18th – No School, Professional Development Day for Teachers
Monday, October 21st– Wear Purple for Citizenship
Tuesday, October 22nd – Wear Blue for Trustworthiness
Wednesday, October 23rd – Wear Yellow for Respect
Thursday, October 24th – Wear Green for Responsibility
Thursday, October 24th – End of Term I
Friday, October 25th – No School, Teacher Work Day
Monday, October 28th – Wear Orange for Fairness
Tuesday, October 29th – Wear Red for Caring
Thursday, October 31st – Author Visit
Friday, November 1st – Fall Festival Celebrations
We would love to hear from you. If you have any concerns, kudos, or suggestions, please feel free to contact the school by telephone, email, or written notes. Thanks for all you do to support our students and our fine school. 240-236-1750