Honors Algebra II
Instructor – M Stoneking
(e-mail address)
Courses Description: Algebra II introduces and explores elementary functions including linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational and radical. These functions wills be used to model real-world situations.
Sequence of Topics:
- Equations and Inequalities
- Functions
- Special Functions
- Quadratics
- Polynomial Functions
- Rational Functions
- Radical Functions
- Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Data Analysis
- Maintain a notebook with class notes, class work, handouts, and homework.
- A graphing calculator will be made available during class. Students have the option of purchasing their own calculator for homework, or utilizing an on-line calculator. We will be using the TI-84+ in class. However a TI-83+ would work, as well as the silver editions of these calculators.
- Participate in class, volunteer for board work, and work cooperatively with your peers.
- Complete all homework assignments, in-class assignments, quizzes, examinations, and projects.
- All homework assignments will be posted on the calendar page of O365, once all students have been assigned their laptop. Until then, assignments may be found on the teacher’s calendar page.
- A homework quiz will be given every 3 – 5 days. The students will be able to use their homework as a resource, although the homework quizzes will have a limited time to be completed. The homework quizzes are a quick check of students’ daily work, as well as their understanding of the material.
- Marking period grades will be composed of the following:
- Demonstration of Knowledge: 20% of overall grade. This would include in-class and take-home assignments, as well as homework quizzes.
- Quizzes: 30% of overall grade. Quizzes will occur regularly, and may be cumulative.
- Examinations: 50% of overall grade. Tests will occur at the end of each unit and may be cumulative.
- The final average for this course is determined:
- 20% for each quarter
- 10% for Mid-Term
- 10% for Final Exam
- Grade Scale:
- A - 90% - 100%
- B - 80% - 89%
- C - 70% - 79%
- D - 60% - 69%
- F - 0% - 59%
Attendance Procedures:
- You are RESPONSIBLE for any items you miss.
- If you know you will not be in school, please ask the teacher if you can be provided the lesson before the day you will miss.
- If you are absent, you will receive a paper stating the items you missed that day, until O365 is up and running, and students have received their laptops.
My teacher page:
- Course Syllabus
- Instructions for signing up for Remind
- Textbook Login Information
- Active Calendar Page- until we are running on O365
Classroom Procedures:
- You are expected to be in class, on-time, with your materials ready.
- School policy requires that you sign out to use the restroom. Make sure to complete the sign-out sheet completely and accurately. You are welcome to ask to sign out while you are completing seat work. You should not interrupt instruction, nor should you leave during a time that will cause you to fall behind.
- Your phone/electronic device should not be out during class. You may choose to put it away, and keep it away, or you may choose to stow it in my caddy. The first two offenses, where it is pulled out during class, will result in a detention, and a phone call home. The third, and all other offenses will result in an office referral.
- You may not have an electronic device on your person during an exam. All electronics must be turned in prior to the exam, and will be returned when all students have completed the exam.
- All work submitted to me must be completed in pencil.