Employment Practices page 3
Title: / EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE STANDARDSPurpose: / Outlines the steps, both required and recommended, in screening new employees
The Department of Developmental Services requires that all contracting agencies, prior to hiring new employees, follow certain procedures to verify the suitability of such employees. At this time, these requirements apply only to employees, not subcontractors. In addition, other employment screening practices are recommended, but not required.
Pre-Employment Practice Standards
Birth to Three programs are required to:
1. Verify the potential employee’s prior employment and professional credentials
2. Verify that the potential employee is not on the DDS Abuse and Neglect Registry (See DDS Registry below)
3. Verify the individuals motor vehicle license and motor vehicle record.
4. For Birth to Three programs that are school districts or Regional Educational Service Centers, fingerprinting as part of a criminal background check is required and defined in state statute. Pre-employment fingerprinting is optional, but recommended for private programs. C.G.S. 10-221d.
5. Verify that the potential employee is not listed on the sex offender registry (www.state.ct.us/dps/sex_offender_registry.htm).
There is additional information on some of the above categories at the DDS website under Administrative Directives that Pertain to Private Employers
It is recommended, but not required by DDS, that Birth to Three programs
Conduct a criminal background check and perform Drug Testing.
DDS Registry
Under State Statute 17a-247 the Department of Developmental Services is required to maintain a registry of individuals who have been terminated or separated from employment as a result of substantiated abuse or neglect. Employers, meaning DDS or agencies or individuals that are licensed and/or funded by DDS, have the following responsibilities:
1. Verify that prospective employees are not listed on the DDS Registry. This is accomplished by employers accessing the DDS Registry’s Online Inquiry System. Please contact DDS Human Resources at 860-418-6142 for information on how to access the system.
2. Refer any employee who has been terminated or separated for substantiated abuse or neglect to the DDS Registry. Referral must occur within five days of termination or separation. Please click the following link to access the “DDS Notice of Termination or Separation for Abuse or Neglect” form http://www.ct.gov/dds/cwp/view.asp?a=2039&Q=452230
Post-Employment Practice Standards
Birth to Three programs are required to ensure that newly hired employees demonstrate proficiency in their knowledge and skill in the following:
· agency policies and procedures
· emergency procedures
· abuse and neglect prevention and reporting requirements
· communicable disease control and bloodborne pathogens
· confidentiality requirements
· basic first aid
· IFSP process
It is recommended that new employees have:
· A pre-employment physical exam
· Considerable supervision prior to being assigned to provide services on their own
· Regular performance appraisals
· Training in infant CPR
Additional information on Employment Practices is available on the DDS web site at
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the DDS Registry
What is the DDS Registry?
As required by statute, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) maintains a Registry, or list of employees who were fired or quit their jobs as a result of substantiated abuse or neglect of persons with mental retardation. No employer can hire or retain an individual whose name appears on the DDS Registry.
You must check the Registry to be sure the name of the person you want to hire is not on the list. You must do this before you can make a final offer of employment and the person can begin working for you.
How do I Check to Find Out if Someone's Name is on the Registry?
To gain access to the Registry you must contact DDS Human Resources (860.418.6000) and complete an on-line tutorial.
It usually takes two business days to tell if a person's name is on the Registry.
What if I Fire Someone Because I Suspect Abuse or Neglect?
If you fire someone or they quit working for you because they are involved in suspected abuse or neglect, you must report the incident so that an investigation can begin
What if the Name of Someone I want to Hire is on the DDS Registry?
By law, you may not hire or continue to employ anyone whose name is on the Registry.
What if the Person Resigns Voluntarily?
Even if the person quits you must report the incident so that an investigation can begin.
Do I Have to Check the Registry for Anything Else?
At least twice a year, DDS will let you know if any new names have been added to the Registry. This information is highly confidential and must not be shared with anyone. You will need to review this list of names to be sure that people who already work for you are not on the Registry. If the name of someone currently working for you appears on the Registry, you must let that person go. It is against the law for you to continue to employ someone whose name is on the Registry.
Section 17a-248e (e) of the C.G.S.
Section 17a-247e-1 – 17a-247e-9 of the Regulations of CT State Agencies