April30, 20..
Name of program Director
Dear Dr. ……:
The site team would like to take the opportunity to thank you, the faculty, the administration, and all involved with the (Insert program Name) at (Insert University Name)for their openness and candor displayed during our recent site visit. The level of professionalism exhibited to the visiting team should be commended. As you recall,the purpose of the team’s visit was to validatethe program’s self study and to identify gaps between the ACPHA standards and actual practices in the Program. To summarize, the following standards were not met as stated in the Site Team Evaluation Report:
- IV. Assurance of Student Learning Standard Area:
- IV a.
- IV b.
- IV c.
- IV d.
- V. Curriculum Standard Area:
- V d.
The next step in this process is for the Program to respond to any concerns regarding standards that have not been met. These are considered by ACPHA as areas that need to be addressed to receive initial accreditation. The Commission is most receptive in helping the Program eliminate these deficiencies in a timely manner. Thisprocess should be a collaborative strategy by all involved with the Program to eliminate the recommendations for action that have surfaced as a result of concerns by the ACPHA Site Team in meeting the standards.
The suggestions offered throughout the report are just that and can be discussed with the faculty and administration as viable options for programmatic improvement. Please remember, any suggestions offered do not need to be addressed at this juncture. Your response to the Commission only needs to address those standard areas not met.
The Program has to respond to the Commission as to how it will meet each missed standard area and a time frame in which each standard area will be satisfied. It is not necessary to have the deficiency corrected at the point of seeking ACPHA accreditation, but to make clear to the Commission that there are concrete plans in place to rectify the problems. The Commission reviews those plans on an annual basis. The program should complete a summary along with the “Post-Visit Response Template”. This template can be retrieve from the ACPHA web site at
The Post Visit Response Template, along with the summary and supporting documents needs to be sent electronically and in hard copy form to the ACPHA Commission Offices by Monday June1, 2015, so it can be ready for the next commission meeting on July 31, 2015.
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Accrediting Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration
P.O. Box 400
Oxford, MD 21654
Attention: Dr. Dorothy Fenwick, Executive Director
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
(Insert Program Chair Name and contact information)
Widener University, One University Place, Chester, PA19013-5792
t: 610-499-1101 f: 610-499-1106