Filippos Lampadarios - Spata – Blanos Sports Park (BOWLING)
As a privately owned venue, Blanos Sports Park created many challenges for all FA’s. This meant that everyone needed to work together as a team to make it happen properly. In fact, from day 1, every one of the FA’s was very passionate and enthusiastic in working to that goal. But it was the great teamwork displayed by everyone there that made Dr. Shriver say that he had the best time while visiting Blanos Sports Park.
As manager of the Honored Guests Services, the main difficulty I faced was with establishing a flow for the “clients”. With a large number of athletes and families roaming the venue, it proved a hard task. One that was achieved with the great teamwork I mentioned above.
The second largest problem I faced there, was the area that had been chosen for the ASF/MVP lounge.It was a balcony that was closed-off with windows, thus allowing all the heat of the sunrays in, and not allowing the heat to escape! The temperature of the room made it uncomfortable to sit in, meaning that if the guests couldn’t relax at the lounge, they would have to go to the stands. The problem was that due to the large amounts of athletes and families, the seating was extremely scarce, meaning that essentially the guests would not be able to sit anywhere. This problem was resolved by the venue owner, who decided to help us out by offering to purchase the materials needed to sun-proof the room, as there was no available petty-cash for us to go out and buy them ourselves, and given that the Look department had their allowance cut by 50%!
Overall though, apart from the fact that everything moved smoothly, it is also important to mention that none of this would have been possible without the invaluable help of our fantastic volunteers, as well as the other FA’s. Both managed to work in unison and made for a great team.
No / Issue Description / Recommendation
1 / ASF/MVP lounge too warm –
As aforementioned, the area housing the lounge was overly warm and un-inviting to potential guests. / Not much one could do, except seek the help and understanding of the venue’s owners who came through and helped out massively.
No / Functional Area / Issue Description
1 / Media Department / There came a few times where the Media Dept had some requests for access to our clients that were not justified in our protocol. These issues/pressures occurred in the days before the Games, and we managed to work things out. After all, we both wanted to do our jobs in harmony.
Indicative list of visitors
Zulueta GaniGlobal Messenger Mentor
Silos AntonGlobal Messenger
Στέφας ΑλέξανδροςΑντιδήμαρχος Αμαρουσίου
Reilly NiamhGlobal Students Delgate Bangor University
Ophelders AddiePresident Eu. T.B.F.
Damentko MariuszSport Director SOI
Chang Ching – YuHOD EA. SO Chinese Taipei
Τσίμπρης Εμμανουήλ Υποστράτηγος Ειδικών Δυνάμεων
Childree KimGMS Support
Blyden Johnneice GMS Support
Doolan Denis Interim President managing DIR
Maner SueSpecial Olympics Sothcardina
Hippen PeggySpecial Olympics Sothcardina
Ophelders AddiePresident Eu. T.B.F.
Damentko MariuszSport Director SOI
Κουλοχέρης ΒασίλειοςΠρόεδρος Ομοσπονδίας Μπόουλινγκ*
Sharon BollenbachVice President Special Olympics of Canada
Kathy DuvalSenior Program Manager
Βασίλης ΚασιμάτηςSOH
Άρτεμις ΒασιλικοπούλουSOH
Geoff VickersChair National Selection Committee
Catriona BarryCEO Special Olympics Australia
Νίκος ΛαυρεντάκηςΠεριφερειάρχης μεταφορών
Αθανάσιος ΜαργέτηςΑντιδήμαρχος Σπάτων-Αρτέμιδος
Horne DavidCouncilor Portsmouth city council
Lambert NelloVice chairman Special Olympics Bahamas
Cleopatra AdderleyDirector Special Olympics Bahamas
Laura LingChairperson Special Olympics Hong Kong
IP Davis President Special Olympics Hong Kong
Dr. Prexl Renate(Duestor)(?) S.O.O.
Μαρία ΦαγογένηVolunteers Program Director
Yan GSOI Documentation Crew China
Vivian Wong KA WAI SOI Documentation Crew China
Mitsui Yoshiko Special Olympics Nippon
Watanabe HiromiSpecial Olympics Nippon
Murakami TomoworiSpecial Olympics Nippon
Κων/νος Λιάκος Φωτογράφος SOI
Wong KA WAI VivianSOI Documentation Crew
Yang CHISOI Documentation Crew
Jay EmmettSenior Director – Special Olympics International
Tim ShriverChairman & CEO Special Olympics International
Γιάννα ΔεσποτοπούλουPresident of Athens 2011
Anton SilosIGM
Gani Zuluetta IGM – Mentor
Anton SilosGlobal Messanger
Yuko ArimoriHOD Japan
Emiko TsoutsoumiVOL DAL
Maner SueSpecial Olympics Sothcardina
Peggy HippenSpecial Olympics Sothcardina
Skvarka PaulStaff, RSO
Saito TakuyaPresident SPBB Company
Mori RiyoASF Guest
Mitsui YoshikoSpecial Olympics NIPPON
(Wurster)SO Germany
Gürgen (Kimir)SO Germany
(Baner) BärbelSO Germany
Τζοΐτης Αθανάσιος Διοικητής Πυρ. Υπηρ. Κορωπίου
Anton SilosGlobal Messenger SOI
Zuluetta IsaganiGlobal Messenger SOI
(Heinnd Olpen)HOD
Childree Kim GMS Support
Blyden JohnneiceGMS Support
Taillon Patrick
Zieler Gunther
English MattChief Executive Officer
Roman EichlerΕκπρόσωπος αθλητών των Special Olympics Γερμανίας
Hoyles Christine
Lacrosse Camy
Cmacnabb Alex
Lacrosse Thomas
Miyares AndyGlobal Messenger SOI
Rex LangthorneSOI Board – Australia
Bryan Robles (USE)
Damentko MariuszSport Director SOI
Παπαδημητρίου Νίκος Γεν. Γραμματέας Ελλ. Ομοσπονδίας Bowling