Ag Research New Zealand
Ag Research,
IICT & Ag Research
IICT, Bhadohi / VISION – IICT: To emerge as a globally renowned centre of excellence in carpet & Textile Technology providing a team of professionals capable of attaining high standards to bring the Indian Carpet Industries to the forefront.THE IICT:It has been set up by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India as a National Level Institution to provide much needed support to Textile, Carpet and allied Industries. The institute is already running 4 years B.Tech. course in Carpet & Textile Technology since 2001. The institute is located in world famous carpet producing belt of Bhadohi, which is about 45 Kms away from Holy city Varanasi and 75 Kms from PrayagCity, Allahabad. The campus of IICT is nearly 4 Kms from Bhadohi Railway Station and situated on Bhadohi-Varanasi State Highway. The campus is spread over 10 acres of land, which comprises of state of the art administrative building consisting of classrooms, laboratories, conference hall, library, design studio, museum and workshops. The campus is equipped with facilities like student hostel, residential accommodation for employees, open-air theatre for performing cultural activities, open space for games, generator and water supply system. Signing of MOU with world reputed organization, Wool Research Organization of New Zealand (WRONZ), presently known as “Canesis” concerning collaboration has started new dimensions/initiatives in India focusing on the wool/carpet/textile industry.
THE Ag Research: Ag Research, evolved from Wool Research Organization of New Zealand (WRONZ) and Wools of New Zealand Ltd., which have built an International Reputation, over the past 40 years, as a world-class provider of research, development and technology services, is an internationally focused technology service organization and supplies innovative research and development services, a broad range of technical services and is involved in the creation of new technology-based products. Canesis focuses mainly on four fields: Textiles, Carpets, Platform Sciences and incubating New Technology business ventures.
Ag Research
The IDLP Programme:The course is aimed at those who aspire for a career in wool, carpet and textile industry. The curriculum will comprise a totally comprehensive package covering all aspects of textiles and carpets. The IDLP programme consists of:
(a) Diploma Course: Each diploma comprises of six topics having three/four compulsory topics & three/two optionals.
(b)Certificate Course: Certificate course is on any one topic from the given list.
Duration:Minimum duration for completing the diploma course is three years. Minimum duration for completing the certificate course is six months. If in any case after the expiry of period of three years/ six months (as applicable); the candidate is not being able complete the Diploma/Certificate course he/she has to register again for which a nominal fee will be charged.
Commencement: These programmes are continuous programmes so one can register any time through out the year for any of these courses.
Eligibility Criterion: These courses are open to candidates who have passed 10th standard from any recognized Board with Mathematics as a compulsory subject but it is essential that the candidate must be conversant in English Language & Computer Friendly to cope up with the course material. Exposure of the relevant field is preferable.
Admission Procedure: Candidates willing to get registered for IDLP diploma/certificate course will be required to apply on the prescribed form, which can be obtained from personally/by post. The application form can also be down loaded from the institute website The registration fee for these courses is Rs. 250.00, which is to be deposited along with the filled in prescribed form. Candidates applying on the application form obtainable by hand from the institute will be required to deposit the Rs. 250.00 at the time of purchase of the form, which includes registration fee also. Candidates willing to get the application form by post will be required to send a demand draft of Rs. 300.00(which includes registration fee & postage charges) in favour of Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, payable at Bhadohi drawn on any centralized bank.
Registration: On the receipt of completedapplication form along with the registration fee the candidate will be registered with the institute for the diploma/certificate course and will be allotted a registration number. The candidates will be required to quote this registration number for future correspondences.
Course Fee:
(a) Diploma Course: The fee for Diploma course, which comprises of six topics, is Rs.36, 000.00. Candidates for diploma course can deposit their course fee in installments as per details given below:
1st Installment: Rs. 18,000.00
2nd Installment: Rs. 12,000.00
3rd Installment: Rs. 6,000.00
(b) Certificate Course: The course fee for the certificate course is Rs. 6,000.00, which is to be deposited only in one installment.
Study Material: All the candidates registered for the IDLP courses will be provided Study Material in the form of Right Protected CD-ROM for the course. These study materials are designed by the experts from Canesis and IICT exclusive packages by IICT & they contain all relevant information in detail. The course materials will be provided in installment for those candidates, who will deposit their course fee in installments. Each module of the course materials will contain theoretical description of that module and an assignment. The Right Protected CD- ROM to be supplied for the course is not to be copied, re-produced in any form for any other use other than studies. If at any stage of the course it is found that the any candidate found doing so he/she is liable to face severe disciplinary action, which may include legal action as per the law of land.
Faculty: TrainedIICT staff will be the faculty for these courses. Experts from Ag Research will also be the faculty for these courses from time to time as evaluator.
ContactProgrammes: The IICT approved centres will run contact programme for various topics on specified dates. However attendance in personal contact programme in not mandatory.
Assignments: Candidates will be required to submit written assignments given at the end of each module.
Examination: Exams are conducted at IICT approved centres every six months. Apart from the examination every student is required to undergo an internship and has to submit a project report on the assigned topic.
Levels of Attainment: The final result for a Diploma/Certificate topic is the average of the percentage marks recorded for the individual module assignments & the examination.
For the award of an IICT – Ag ResearchCertificate of Achievement for the topic, the final result must be at least 80%. This pass level is to ensure the mastery of the topic. Assignments may be resubmitted in order to achieve the pass level.
An IICT – Ag Research Diploma comprises a set of Certificate Topics. Diplomas are awarded at three levels of attainment, depending on the average of the topics results contributing to the Diploma:
- Pass > 70% result average
- Merit > 80% result average
- Distinction> 90% result average
Proposal for permitting lateral entry to B.Tech 2nd year for the IDLP diploma holders is under consideration with UPTU.
Sl. No. /Name of The Diploma
1. / Diploma in Apparel Yarn Manufacture2. / Diploma in Basic Textile Technology
3. / Diploma in Carpet & Textile Designing
4. / Diploma in Carpet Technology
5. / Diploma in Carpet Yarn Manufacture
6. / Diploma in Textile Dyeing & Finishing
7. / Diploma in Wool Scouring Technology
Sl. No. /Name of The Topic
/ Sl. No. /Name of The Topic
1. /Introduction to Wool and Wool Industry
/ 16. / Natural Textile Fibres2. / Manufactured Textile Fibres / 17. / Spun Yarns
3. / Wool and Wool Scouring Process / 18. / Wool Scouring Technology
4. / Wool Characteristics and Measurement / 19. / Wool Market Systems
5. / Textile Fibre Blending / 20. / Woolen Yarn Manufacturing
6. / Worsted and Semi-worsted Yarn Manufacturing / 21. / Yarn Specification and Measurement
7. / Wet Processing of Wool Carpet Yarns Carpets / 22. / Dyeing of Wool Carpet yarns
8. / Textile Dyeing and Finishing / 23. / Textile Dye Selection and Use
9. / Textile and Dyestuff Chemistry / 24. / Textile Colour
10. / Dyeing Machinery and Mechanisms / 25. / Dye house Operation
11. /
Textile Printing
/ 26. / Introduction to Wool Carpets12. / Carpet Manufacture / 27. / Carpet Maintenance
13. / Carpet Finishing / 28. / Advanced Carpet Manufacture
14. / Woven Fabrics / 29. / Carpet Performance
15. / Natural Dyeing (IICT exclusive package) / 30. / Carpet and Textile Designing (IICT exclusive package)
Detail content of these certificate topics is available in the contents of the diploma course
1. Diploma in Apparel Yarn Manufacture (Six Certificate topics)Compulsory:
- Introduction to wool and the wool industry
- Worsted and Semi worsted yarn manufacture
- Yarn Specification and measurement
- Natural Textile Fibres
- Textile fibre blending
- Wool characteristics and measurement
- Woven fabrics
Introduction to Wool and the Wool Industry /
Part A –Introduction to the Wool Fibre
Module 1 Wool fibre structure and growthModule 2 Commercially important properties of wool
Module 3 Wool characteristics of textile significance
Part B –The Wool Industry *
Module 4 A brief history of sheep and wool
Module 5 Wool productionModule 6 Structure of the wool industry
Module7 Wool yarn manufacture
Module 8 Wool textile manufacturing and productsWorsted and Semi worsted Yarn Manufacturing / Module 1 Preparation for worsted and semi worsted Processing Module 2 Worsted and semi worsted carding
Module 3 Gilling
Module 4 Combing
Module 5 Drawing, roving and spinning
Module 6Testing in top making and spinning
Yarn Specification and Measurement
/ Module 1 Introduction to yarn specification and measurementModule 2 The measurement of yarn linear density
Module 3 The measurement of yarn twist
Module 4The measurement of yarn moisture content
Module 5 The measurement of yarn strength
Module 6 The measurement of the oil and fatty matter content of yarns
Module 7The measurement of yarn evenness
Module 8 Other yarn tests
Natural Textile Fibres / Module 1Introduction to textile fibres
Module 2Vegetable Fibres
Module 3Animal fibres
Textile Fibre Blending / Module 1Fibre Blending
Module 2Opening, cleaning and conveying scoured wool
Module 3 Fibre Processing Aids And Their Application
Wool Characteristics and Measurement /
Module 1 Characteristics of the wool fibre
Module 2Introductory statistics for wool
Module 3Objective measurement of wool (a)
Module 4Objective measurement of wool (b)Woven Fabrics
/ Module 1Woven Fabric StructureModule 2Warp Preparation
Module 3Weaving process and Weft insertion
Module 4Basic Weaves
2. Diploma in Basic Textile Technology (Six Certificate topics)
- Introduction to wool and the wool industry
- Natural textile fibres
- Manufactured textile fibres
- Spun Yarns
- Textile dyeing and finishing
- Woven fabrics
- Introduction to Wool Carpet
Introduction to Wool and the Wool Industry /
Part A –Introduction to the Wool Fibre
Module 1 Wool fibre structure and growthModule 2 Commercially important properties of wool
Module 3 Wool characteristics of textile significance
Part B –The Wool Industry *
Module 4A brief history of sheep and wool
Module 5 Wool productionModule 6 Structure of the wool industry
Module7Wool yarn manufacture
Module 8 Wool textile manufacturing and productsNatural Textile Fibres / Module 1Introduction to textile fibres
Module 2Vegetable Fibres
Module 3Animal fibres
Manufactured Textile Fibres / Module 1Introduction to Textile Fibres *
Module 2Extrusion Processes for Manufactured Fibres
Module 3Regenerated Manufactured Fibres
Module 4Synthetic Manufactured Fibres (a)
Module 5Synthetic Manufactured Fibres (b)
Spun Yarns / SECTION 1
Module 1Principles of Yarn Making and Yarn Properties
Module 2Spun Yarn Production
Module 3Spun Yarn Manufacturing Systems – The Worsted System
Module 4Spun Yarn Manufacturing Systems – The Semi-worsted System
Module 5Spun Yarn Manufacturing Systems – The Woollen System
Module 6Other Yarn Processes
Textile Dyeing and Finishing / SECTION 1
Module 1Colour Theory
Module 2Dyes Pigments and Chemicals
Module 3The Dyeing Process
Module 4Dyeing methods and equipment
Module 5Dyed product performance
Module 6Fabric finishing
Woven Fabrics
/ Module 1Woven Fabric StructureModule 2Warp Preparation
Module 3Weaving process and Weft insertion
Module 4Basic Weaves
Introduction to wool carpet Manufacture
/ Module 1Wool and other carpet fibresModule 2 Carpet manufacturing
Module 3 Carpet constructions and textures
Module 4 Carpet performance
3. Diploma in Carpet & Textile Designing (Six Certificate topics)
- Introduction to wool and the wool industry
- Introduction to Wool Carpet Manufacture
- Designing of Carpets & Textiles
- Textile Colour
- Application of Natural Dyes
- Textile Printing
- Natural Textile Fibres
Introduction to Wool and the Wool Industry /
Part A –Introduction to the Wool Fibre
Module 1 Wool fibre structure and growthModule 2 Commercially important properties of wool
Module 3 Wool characteristics of textile significance
Part B –The Wool Industry
Module 4A brief history of sheep and wool
Module 5 Wool productionModule 6 Structure of the wool industry
Module7Wool yarn manufacture
Module 8 Wool textile manufacturing and productsIntroduction to wool carpet manufacture
/ Module 1Wool and other carpet fibresModule 2 Carpet manufacturing
Module 3 Carpet constructions and textures
Module 4 Carpet performance
Designing of Carpets & Textiles
/ Module 1 Theory behind design creations and color theoryModule 2 Motifs- Selection and application for Carpet & Textiles
Module 3 Concepts of Textile Designing
Module 4 Concepts of designing of floor coverings
Module 5 Popularization of designs through exhibition trend analysis etc.
Textile Colour / Module 1 Colour Perception
Module 2Colour production
Module 3Colour Identification and Expression
Application of Natural Dyes / Module 1 Introduction to wool and its process Carpet Industry
Module 2 Introduction to Natural dyes, specification and market information
Module 3 Dyeing process: Do’s & Don’t’s, Eco-parameters
Module 4 Fastness properties of Natural Dyes
Module 5 Shade: Development in wool/ silk. Reproducibility aspects.
Textile Printing / Module 1Textile Printing Process and Systems (1)
Module 2Textile Printing Process and Systems (2)
Module 3Post-printing Processes
Module 4Carpet Printing
Natural Textile Fibres / Module 1Introduction to textile fibres
Module 2Vegetable Fibres
Module 3Animal fibres
4. Diploma in Carpet Technology (Six Certificate topics)
- Introduction to wool and the wool industry
- Introduction to Wool Carpet Manufacture
- Advanced carpet technologies
- Woollen Carpet Yarn manufacture
- Yarn specification and measurement
- Carpet maintenance
- Carpet Finishing
- Carpet performance
Introduction to Wool and the Wool Industry /
Part A –Introduction to the Wool Fibre
Module 1 Wool fibre structure and growthModule 2 Commercially important properties of wool
Module 3 Wool characteristics of textile significance
Part B –The Wool Industry
Module 4A brief history of sheep and wool
Module 5 Wool productionModule 6 Structure of the wool industry
Module7Wool yarn manufacture
Module 8 Wool textile manufacturing and productsIntroduction to wool carpet Manufacture
/ Module 1 Wool and other carpet fibresModule 2 Carpet manufacturing
Module 3 Carpet constructions and textures
Module 4 Carpet performance
Advanced carpet technologies
Woollen Carpet Yarn Manufacture
/ Module 1 Preparation for woollen processingModule 2 Functions of the woollen card
Module 3 Woollen carding performance
Module 4 Woollen spinning and subsequent processes
Module 5 Testing in woollen yarn manufacturing
Yarn Specification and Measurement
/ Module 1 Introduction to yarn specification and measurementModule 2 The measurement of yarn linear density
Module 3 The measurement of yarn twist
Module 4 The measurement of yarn moisture content
Module 5 The measurement of yarn strength
Module 6 The measurement of the oil and fatty matter content of yarns
Module 7 The measurement of yarn evenness
Module 8 Other yarn tests
Carpet Maintenance / Module 1 Carpet Soiling Processes
Module 2 Carpet Cleaning Performance
Module 3 Carpet Maintenance Planning
Carpet Finishing / Module 1 Back finishing of carpets
Module 2 Brushing, steaming and shearing
Module 3 Special finishing treatments
Module 4 Quality management
Carpet Performance / Module 1 Performance of carpets
Module 2 Consumer properties of carpets
Module 3 Carpets and the indoor environment
Module 4 Static electricity in wool carpets
Module 5 Friction and fibre shedding
Module 6 Shading
Module 7 Fire safety with wool carpets
Module 8 Carpet wear and testing
5. Diploma in Carpet Yarn Manufacture (Six Certificate topics)
- Introduction to wool and the wool industry
- Woolen Carpet yarn manufacture
- Introduction to Wool Carpet Manufacture
- Wool characteristics and measurement
- Yarn specification and measurement
- Textile fibre blending
- Worsted and semi worsted yarn manufacture
- Dyeing & Wet Processing of wool carpet yarns
Introduction to Wool and the Wool Industry /
Part A –Introduction to the Wool Fibre
Module 1 Wool fibre structure and growthModule 2 Commercially important properties of wool
Module 3 Wool characteristics of textile significance
Part B –The Wool Industry *
Module 4A brief history of sheep and wool
Module 5 Wool productionModule 6 Structure of the wool industry
Module7Wool yarn manufacture
Module 8 Wool textile manufacturing and productsWoolen Carpet yarn manufacture
/ Module 1Carpet typesModule 2Fibres used in carpets
Module 3Carpet manufacture
Module 4Carpet performance
Introduction to wool carpet manufacture
/ Module 1Wool and other carpet fibresModule 2 Carpet manufacturing
Module 3 Carpet constructions and textures
Module 4 Carpet performance
Wool Characteristics and Measurement /
Module 1 Characteristics of the wool fibre
Module 2Introductory statistics for wool
Module 3Objective measurement of wool (a)
Module 4Objective measurement of wool (b)Yarn Specification and Measurement
/ Module 1 Introduction to yarn specification and measurementModule 2The measurement of yarn linear density
Module 3The measurement of yarn twist
Module 4The measurement of yarn moisture content
Module 5The measurement of yarn strength
Module 6The measurement of the oil and fatty matter content of yarns
Module 7The measurement of yarn evenness
Module 8Other yarn tests
Textile fibre blending / Module 1Fibre Blending
Module 2Opening, cleaning and conveying scoured wool
Module 3 Fibre Processing Aids And Their Application
Worsted and Semi worsted Yarn Manufacturing / Module 1Preparation for worsted and semiworsted processing
Module 2Worsted and semiworsted carding
Module 3Gilling
Module 4Combing
Module 5Drawing, roving and spinning
Module 6Testing in top making and spinning
Dyeing & Wet Processing of wool carpet yarns /
Module 1Yarn scouring
Module 2Principles of chemical setting
Module 3Twist setting technologies
Module 4Yarn and carpet properties
6.Diploma in Textile Dyeing and Finishing (Six Certificate topics)Compulsory:
- Introduction to wool and the wool industry
- Application of Natural dyes
- Textile Dyeing and finishing
- Textile dye selection and use
- Textile and dyestuff chemistry
- Textile colour
- Dyeing machinery and mechanisms
- Textile Printing
- Dye house Operation
- Dyeing & Wet Processing of wool carpet yarns
Introduction to Wool and the Wool Industry /
Part A –Introduction to the Wool Fibre
Module 1 Wool fibre structure and growthModule 2 Commercially important properties of wool
Module 3 Wool characteristics of textile significance
Part B –The Wool Industry *