Automated Data Systems Table of Contents

Table of Contents

System Operation - Using ADS 1

System Overview 1

Technical Support 2

Main Screen 3

Menu, Tool and Status Bars 4

Menu Bar 4

File Menu 4

Printer Setup 4

Print Cover Page 4

Exit 5

Window Menu 5

Help Menu 6

Toolbar 6

Load Data 7

Datasets 7

.DAT Files 8

.PDF File 8

Setup 8

Chart Printing 9

Data Entry 9

Data Checker 9

Launch ALC 9

Help 9

Status Bar 10

Data Loading and Extracting 11

Load Data 11

Composite Diskette 11

Entire Iteration 12

Single .DAT File 13

Datasets 14

Select Dataset 14

Remove Dataset 15

Copy To New Iteration 15

Create New Iteration 16

.DAT Files 18

Create .DATs 18

View Last .DAT Info 18

.PDF File 19

.PDF File 19

Data Entry 21

Data Entry 21

Chart-Based Entry 21

File-Based Entry 24

File-Based Entry Toolbar 26

File-Based Entry Options 31

Deleting Records from Vienna-Structure Data Files 37

Deleting Records in CFE and Adapted CFE 37

Deleting Records in CSBM 38

Deleting Records in GEMI 39

Editing Records in Vienna-Structure Data Files 40

CFE and Adapted CFE Key Field Editing 40

CSBM Key Field Editing 42

GEMI Key Field Editing 43

Data Consistency Checking 44

Data Checker 44

View File 47

Check Current Data 47

Print 48

Setup 48

Select Dataset 49

Toggles 50

Run Checks 51

Close 51

Setup 52

Chart Toggles 52

CFE and Adapted CFE 52



Chart Information 54

Text On All Charts 54

State Names 55

CFE/CFA POE Types 56

Personnel Subcategory Names 57

Equipment Category/Subcategory Names 58

Notation Text 59

Equipment Category/Subcategory Order for CFE Chart IIA 60

Equipment Category/Subcategory Order for CFE Chart IIB 61

Language 62

Fonts 63

Chart Printing 65

Chart 66

Chart Status Information 67

Titles/Headers 67

Process All Charts 68

Output To 69

Reset 69

Show this window on startup 69

Status Bar 69

Chart Window 71

Charts Toolbar 71

View Footnotes 73

Version 6.7 7 March 2010

Automated Data Systems Table of Figures

Table of Figures

Figure 1. Main Screen 3

Figure 2. About ADS 6

Figure 3. Load .DAT Files 12

Figure 4. Select Data Iteration 14

Figure 5. Select Data Iteration To Remove 15

Figure 6. Copy To New Iteration 16

Figure 7. Create New Iteration 17

Figure 8. Data Entry 21

Figure 9. Build Chart 23

Figure 10. File-Based Entry 24

Figure 11. File-Based Entry grid 25

Figure 12. Data Consistency Checker 44

Figure 13. View File 47

Figure 14. Check .DAT Files 49

Figure 15. Data Consistency Checker Toggles 50

Figure 16. Chart Toggles 54

Figure 17. Text on All Charts 55

Figure 18. State Names 56

Figure 19. POE Types 57

Figure 20. Personnel Subcategory Names 58

Figure 21. Equipment Category/Subcategory Names 59

Figure 22. Notation Text 60

Figure 23. Equipment Order for Chart IIA 61

Figure 24. Equipment Order for Chart IIB 62

Figure 25. Language Setup 63

Figure 26. Modify Fonts 64

Figure 27. Chart Printing 65

Figure 28. Title/Header Information 68

Figure 29. Chart 71

Figure 30. Chart Footnotes 73

Version 6.7 7 March 2010

Automated Data Systems System Operation

System Operation - Using ADS

System Overview

The purpose of the OSCE Automated Data Systems (ADS) software is to provide the capability to produce standard CFE, Adapted CFE, CSBM, and GEMI charts which are in compliance with the Protocol on Notifications and Exchange of Information (PONIE). These charts are derived from the source data exchanged in Vienna File Structures. This system allows users to load data from ASCII files into the data storage formats defined in the FILE STRUCTURE/DATA DICTIONARY: AUTOMATION OF THE ANNUAL EXCHANGE OF CFE [ADAPTED CFE; CSBM; GEMI] INFORMATION, ANNEX 1A [ANNEX 1A; ANNEX 1B; ANNEX 1C], GUIDELINES FOR THE ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF DATA.

The ADS software includes the following features: Data Entry, View/Edit Data File, Data Consistency Checking and Chart Printing modules. It has the capability to create a new set of automated structures, the capability to create the exchange-ready .DAT ASCII files, the capability to load data directly from composite diskettes, and the capability to copy a set of automated structures.

Data may be entered into ADS through the Data Entry, View/Edit Data Files module. Once the data is loaded/entered for a particular State Party/participating State and a particular year of iteration, the user may direct:

1.  Running of the Data Consistency Checker module.

2.  Production of any or all of the charts, including remarks, as follows:

a)  CFE charts I - VI, special file footnote chart, and two "unnumbered charts" resembling charts IIIA and IIIB;

b)  Adapted CFE charts I - VI, special file footnote chart, and two "unnumbered charts" resembling charts IIIA and IIIB;

c)  CSBM charts 1 - 4 and special file footnote chart;

d)  GEMI charts 1 - 8 and special file footnote chart.

3.  Printing of all charts, individual charts, or portions of charts.

These charts may be produced in any of the six official languages (English, French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish) or a user-specified national language. Language-specific elements -- such as titles, headings, and expanded names -- can be edited and saved by the user in order to customize charts for national preferences and formats. In addition, the system setup allows the user to include or exclude details from charts, or to specify how the data in a State Party/participating State's automated structures are to be compiled and stored. The objective is to replicate, as closely as possible, each nation's official charts, with priorities on:

1.  Ensuring complete CFE and Adapted CFE Treaty, CSBM and GEMI Agreement mandated exchange information;

2.  Accuracy in conformity with the PONIE and with a particular State Party's/ participating State’s interpretations;

3.  Format in conformity with the PONIE and with a particular State Party/participating State's preferences;

4.  Flexibility for tailoring options;

5.  Speed in the creation and generation of charts;

6.  Ease in system utilization.

Charts may be sized and centered on A4 paper or on 8-1/2" x 11" [Letter] paper. Printing can be done on any Windows-selectable printer (Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II and higher is recommended).

This system is intended to run as a standalone, single-user executable program. It has been developed to run against Vienna File Structures, which have successfully passed the integrity checks performed by the Data Consistency Checking module. It is imperative that the Data Consistency Checking module be run prior to creating charts. Failure to run the Data Consistency Checking module may result in erroneous charts or abnormal termination of this system.

Technical Support

Please send all correspondence via e-mail to . This e-mail account has been established for users to contact the U.S. Arms Control Software Systems Team. If you require immediate technical support or have any comments pertaining to the ADS software, please contact one of the following persons:

Point Of Contact / Mr. Evan Ross / Ms. Jan Pilant
Phone number in the United States / (703) 280-8800
ext. 1411 / (703) 280-8800
ext. 1412
Fax number in the United States / (703) 280-8804 / (703) 280-8804
E-mail / /

Version 6.7 7 March 2010

Automated Data Systems Main Screen

Main Screen

The Main Screen of the OSCE Automated Data Systems application is the point of entry for accessing system functions. All options become available once a dataset has been loaded into the system.

Figure 1. Main Screen

Version 6.7 7 March 2010

Automated Data Systems Menu, Tool and Status Bars

Menu, Tool and Status Bars

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar (see Figure 1) provides access to help files and printer setup, window navigation and allows the user to exit system. The options can be accessed by two methods. The mouse can be used to click on an option or the keyboard can be used by simultaneously holding down the ALT key and the underlined letter corresponding to the desired option (i.e., ALT + F to access the File menu).

File Menu

Printer Setup

Allows the user to access the standard Windows printer setup window.

Print Cover Page

Provides capability to print the cover page for the currently active dataset either in portrait or landscape.


Allows the user to exit the system.

Window Menu

Window Menu options: The Windows menu displays a list of currently open windows, with the active window indicated by a check to the left. To change the active window, click on the corresponding name.

Help Menu

Help Menu options:

·  Contents

·  About ADS – Provides information about the current system and technical support contact information.

Figure 2. About ADS


The Toolbar options (see Figure 1) allow access to the system functions.

Load Data

Load Data options: To create charts the exchanged ASCII files (.DAT) must be loaded into an Access database (.mdb) file. These functions allow the user to import pre-populated .DAT files.

·  Composite Diskette – Allows the user to select a Composite Diskette file (the data distributed after the Annual Exchange of Information in Vienna) and load datasets from that file into the system.

·  Entire Iteration – Allows the user to load data from an individual set of .DAT files.

·  Single .DAT File – Allows the user to load a single .DAT file.


Datasets options: The user has the option of creating, selecting and removing datasets.

·  Select Dataset – Displays a list of datasets that have been loaded into the system and allows the user to activate a dataset for viewing, editing and generating charts.

·  Remove Dataset – Deletes a dataset from the system. This option does not affect the .DAT files. If .DAT files exist for the dataset, the dataset can be reloaded with the Load Data -> Entire Iteration option. If no .DAT files exist for the dataset, the information will be destroyed. USE THIS OPTION WITH CAUTION.

·  Create New Iteration – Creates a new empty dataset to assist in the production of files required for the electronic exchange of information.

·  Copy To New Iteration – Creates a new dataset and copies the data from the currently active dataset into it. This option is useful for copying a dataset, then editing the contents to produce a dataset that is not substantially different from the existing information.

·  Copy To CFA Iteration – Creates a CFA dataset from a CFE dataset. This option is only available when a CFE dataset is currently active.

.DAT Files

The .DATs Files option allows the user to generate .DAT files and view information related to the most recently created .DAT files for the currently active dataset.

  • Create .DATs – Generates .DAT files, in the official format for the electronic exchange of the Vienna-Structure data files, from the currently active dataset.
  • View Last .DAT Info – Displays the directory path of the most recently generated .DAT files for the currently active dataset, as well as the date and time the files were created.

.PDF File

The .PDF File option allows the user to generate a consolidated .PDF File of the charts for the currently active dataset.


Setup options:

·  Chart Toggles – Displays a list of options used in the generation of charts for the currently active dataset.

·  Chart Information – Allows the user to modify language-specific items displayed on a chart.

·  Language – Allows the user to select the active language for chart printing, data entry selection boxes and the status bar.

·  Fonts – Allows the user to select the font used in chart printing, data entry and the status bar.

Chart Printing

The Chart Printing option opens a new window which displays the status of the chart printing functions and allows the user to view or print a chart, as well as edit the chart Titles and Headers.

Data Entry

The Data Entry option opens a new window that allows the user to enter data into the system by either a File-Based Entry screen or a Chart-Based Entry screen. The Chart-Based Entry allows data entry on a chart-by-chart basis, while the File-Based Entry allows the user to view and modify the data in the individual data files.

Data Checker

The Data Checker option opens a new window that allows the user to select, view and run data consistency checks on a set of .DAT files. This option provides the user with a tool to ensure the integrity of the dataset being inspected, and to ensure that the contents of the dataset conform to the requirements of the specified file structure and associated data dictionary.

Launch ALC

The Launch ALC option starts the Automated Language Conversion application in a separate window. This option is only available if the ALC application was loaded during the ADS installation process.


The Help option opens the online Help files.

Status Bar

The Status Bar (see Figure 1) displays information about the currently active dataset. If no dataset is currently active, in place of the dataset information the message "No data currently selected" is displayed.