Health and Wellbeing Strategy Consultation
Health and Wellbeing Boards are a key element of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and enable local authorities to deliver new duties and improve joined up working from April 2013.
Blackpool’s Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board, established in 2011, brings health, social care, and children’s services together to improve services for the whole community, so people can enjoy healthier lives, have a better experience of health and social care, and have equality of access to services.
Underpinning the work of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board will be the Blackpool Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012 – 2013. This strategy will outline our top priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of all people in Blackpool. It is important that we consult widely on these priorities to help us in developing our Joint Strategy.
Blackpool’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Executive Summary identifies our proposedtop priorities for Blackpool Health and Wellbeing Board over the next year.
We would like you to examine the vision and priorities identified in the Executive Summary and to give us your feedback:
· Is this the right vision?
· are they the right priorities?
· is there anything missing?
· is this right for Blackpool?
You can give us your feedback in a number of ways:
1. Online Survey - Answer the short online survey (should take no more than five minutes to complete)
2. Comment on the Executive Summary – add your comments, edits and general feedbackat key places throughout the document. The document is also available in easy read format.
3. Contact Blackpool Advocacy or Blackpool LINk to give your feedback.
Blackpool AdvocacyMyriad House
6A Skyways
Amy Johnson Way
T: 01253 405959
/ Blackpool LINk
Groundwork Lancashire West & Wigan
Community Resource Centre
29-35 Ripon Road
T: 01253 622 222
Consultation close: 14th September 2012
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