8th Grade Physical Science

Mrs. Morris

Classroom B126

Laboratory B128

Phone Number: 251-368-9105


● Textbook:

Glencoe Science: Introduction to Physical Science

Chapters Covered:

The time set aside for each chapter will fluctuate based on the learning material in each chapter and the experiments in the lab that correspond to the lessons.

First Semester

▪ Chapter 1: The Nature of Science

▪ Chapter 2: Measurement

▪ Chapter 3: Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table

▪ Chapter 4: States of Matter

▪ Chapter 5: Matter-Properties and Changes

▪ Chapter 6: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonds

▪ Chapter 7: Chemical Reactions

▪ Chapter 8: Substances, Mixtures, and Solubility

▪ Chapter 9: Carbon Chemistry

Second Semester

▪ Chapter 10: Motions and Momentum

▪ Chapter 11: Force and Newton’s Law

▪ Chapter 12: Forces and Fluids

▪ Chapter 13: Energy and Energy Resources

▪ Chapter 14: Work and Simple Machines

▪ Chapter 15: Thermal Energy

▪ Chapter 16: Waves

▪ Chapter 17: Sound

▪ Chapter 18: Electromagnetic Waves

▪ Chapter 19: Light, Mirrors, and Lenses

▪ Chapter 20: Electricity

▪ Chapter 21: Magnetism

▪ Chapter 22: Electronics and Computers

● Grading:

The final grade for this class is based upon:

▪ Tests and Projects – 50 %

▪ Class work and Homework – 50 %

▪ There will be two make-up days per each 9 week grading period to make up any missed tests or quizzes:

First: Before progress reports are sent out

Second: Before the 9 week grading period is finalized.

You may also make other arrangements with me if these two times do not work into your schedule.

▪ There will be a chapter quiz given at the end of each chapter in order for the students to prepare for their tests. These quizzes will be given in class as class work.

● Supplies Needed:

▪ Student will be required to bring a 3-ring binder to class. BRING THESE TO CLASS EVERYDAY because these binders will be reviewed randomly throughout the year for neatness and organization. You will also need:

▪ Ruled Paper

▪ Number 2 Pencils

▪ $5.00 Lab Fee

● Classroom Rules:

▪ Be Prepared

▪ Be Respectful

▪ Be Responsible

▪ Keep hands, feet, and negative comments to yourself

▪ Bring all needed materials to class everyday

▪ Come into and leave the classroom in an orderly and quiet manner

▪ Raise your hand to receive permission to speak in class

▪ Clean around your desk area before leaving classroom

Classroom Expectations:

▪ Everyone has the right to and should expect to learn

▪ Each individual is worthy of respect

▪ Classroom orderliness is necessary for an effective classroom

▪ Hard work is necessary for learning

If you need me for anything, I am available during my fourth period planning period, and I will also be staying after school Tuesdays for any students that feel they need extra help in science. I encourage any students that feel they need help to come join me. I am looking forward to teaching your 8th grade Physical Science Class this year, and I hope everyone is just as excited about the new school year as I am.

Thank You

B. Morris

Parent Signature _________________________ Date__________________

Student Signature ________________________ Date__________________