Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) receivedTotal number of pupils on roll / June 2015 168 + 30 nursery = 198
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG :-
Pupils currently eligible for Free School meals ( FSM) plus ‘Ever 6’ pupils = those pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any time in last 6 years.
Plus 2 looked after children-funding to be collected from Cheshire East.
Plus 1 looked after child Cheshire West- amount to be decided by Cheshire West and Chester virtual head
Plus 3 Ever 3 Service Children / Jan 14 107 = 56%
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £1323
Up to £1900 for looked after children
£300(per Ever 3 Service Child)
Total amount of PPG
+ £? per term x 2 Looked after children
NB: Cheshire East are 2 terms behind with these payments. / As at June 2015 £ 136,269
+ 2 x £1900 when received from Cheshire East.
+£450 from Cheshire West
Pupil Premium Grant has been used in the following ways in 2014/15
Extra Teaching and Teaching Assistant hours targeting those children eligible for PPG who need extra support to achieve expected progress.
Teaching hours
Reading Recovery trained teacher 3 days per week:
- 1:1 Catch up programme-targeting KS1 children who are not achieving expected levels in reading
- small guided reading/writing/spelling group from lower KS2; Summer term 2014 after school lower KS2 Superstars literacy club
- Spring term 2015 after school Yr.6 booster literacy club.
- Reading/Writing/Phonics 1:1 and group work KS2
- 1:1 Literacy support for KS2 CLA.
- In class support yr.4 Summer Term 2014.
- From Autumn 2014 onwards- KS2 classes to be split into 5 Maths and Literacy sets.
- KS2 /KS1 Buddy reading groups 4x pw. Total approx. £80,000
TA delivering Speech and Language programmes FS1/2 and KS1/2 also supporting other TAs delivering programmes with KS2 pupils.
Teaching Assistants in every class including 4 experienced level 6 teaching assistants (2 full time + 1 part time in KS2 and 1 full time in KS1) :
- targeted1:1 / small group support in Literacy and Mathsfor all ability groups
- Extra level 6 TA in KS2 to support for more able children in Maths and literacy sets.
- Level 6 Teaching Assistants to be used to release teacher with particular expertise eg. gifted and talented maths provision
- from Spring term to support upper KS 2 Maths and Literacy
- to support reading in KS2
- Superstars Literacy club.
- To support 1 KS1 CLA pupil –Maths and Literacy.
- to support 1 KS2CLA pupil -1:1 + monitoring play/interaction with other children at lunchtime Total approx. £60,000
Challenging texts purchased for KS2 more able pupils.
Subsidised places on class residential /day trips throughout the year.
Swimming lessons extended across 3 year groups to ensure children can swim 25m at yr.6
TA cover for Lunchtime clubs –Chess, Lego + 1:1 support Yr. 6 child Total approx.£1500
Resources purchased/ to be purchased to support learning
Emotional Literacy/Nurture Group/ Anger Management resources.
Lego Therapy resources. Total approx. £150
purchweeks; 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Extra provision
Free breakfast club spaces when needed.
Increased hours for Family Support Worker to offer a range of support to children and their families and to aid transition between schools. This will include 1:1 and groups emotional support eg. Nurture; self esteem groups. Total approx.£1500
Staff Training to support above initiatives
Emotional Literacy training- FSW and 1 Teaching Assistant to enhance delivery of emotional literacy support. Total £1000
OtherResources purchased/ to be purchased
PE Kits
Cycle helmets Total approx.£200
Grand Total: approx. £144,250
The impact of this extra support and interventions put into place to support these children is monitored each term and forms part of the discussion between the Leadership team and the Class Teacher during pupil progress meetings. Analysis of this data is used to plan appropriate next steps.
Pupil voice is also taken into account in this analysis.
Report to be edited Oct. 15 with impact of spending after end of year class assessments analysis and 2015 RoL.