Socially Speaking

Ideas for Getting the Word Out through Social Media

Precious and Dearly Loved


  • If you’re planning a women’s retreat, create a Facebook event. (As a background for your post, you can use a theme art jpeg fromPrecious and Dearly Loved; find it in the Resource & Idea Center.)
  • During the weeks leading up to your retreat, post weekly bits of news to pique interest and encourage more people to attend. Perhaps you’ll have a local musician providing music and you can advertise that. Or maybe you’ll be preparing care packages for a group, and you can tell a little about the group. While you don’t want to give away all of your plans, sneak peeks can encourage attendance!
  • Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May. A day or two before, post a prayer like this:

Heavenly Father, you are so good to me! Today, I am especially thankful for the influential women you have placed in my life, women like . . .

Thank you especially for the ways these women have influence my faith, helping to strengthen my relationship with you in my Savior, Jesus.

Use me, Lord, as a person of influence in the lives of others. Help those around me see that by faith in Jesus they are precious and dearly loved in heaven.I pray especially for . . .

In your strong name I pray, dear Jesus. Amen.


  • The God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11 ESV
  • The God of love and peace shall be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11 KJV
  • El Dios de paz y de amor estará con vosotros. 2 Corintios 13:11 RVR60
  • You are precious to your heavenly Father! So precious that he sacrificed his very own Son so you could belong to his forever family!
  • Oh, Father, how can I thank you for making me part of your very own family? I’m humbled and so grateful for your love! Help me . . .
  • Because of Jesus, I can be sure—positively certain—that I am precious and dearly loved by my heavenly Father, today and always!
  • God’s lavish love for us in Jesus cascades into our lives like a midsummer downpour. We are deluged, soaked, immersed in divine love.
  • From all eternity, your lavishly loving Lord has been storing up goodness—for you. Check it out in Psalm 31:19.