(covering the following staff categories – Secretary, Associate Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Director and Librarian, Sub-Librarian, Admin Officer, Chief Technician)

This form provides a framework to review your experience last year and to establish targets for the forthcoming period.

Before review meeting: the reviewee completes Parts Aand B and forwards to the reviewer.


reviewee details:

Name/Reviewee / / Staff Number /
Reviewee Job Title /
Unit /

review meeting details:

Date of Review meeting /
Date for next review meeting /

PART B: Organisational responsibilities
Reviewee: Please complete each section (1 – 6) using the indicativequestions as guidelines to assist your response to the general statement and submit to reviewer before your scheduled review meeting

  1. Vision, mission and strategy:
Are you satisfied that you have been provided with a clear understanding of the vision, mission and strategy of the University and your role in contributing tothe implementation and delivery of same? In this context, discuss below the development of your units’ operational plan with specific reference to the following: alignment yourunit’s operational plan to the University’s overall strategic plan, the progress and challenges in the implementation of the plan in the Unit.
Please Discuss (200 – 500 words max)
  1. Achievement of Results:
Please outline the progress that you have made in the achievement of your objectives and priorities
(this section’s indicative questions will be job specific)

Please discuss (provide relevant examples)
Are you satisfied that you have developed and led the team[1] in your area?
  1. Have you agreed personal development plans for members of your team?
  2. How well does the team function?
  3. Do the members ofthe team understand the vision, missionand strategy of the University?
  4. How have you ensured that the members of theteam are focused on ensuring synergy between their respective offices?
  5. How do you ensure the team are aware and implement decisions within the area

Please comment briefly giving examples as indicated in points a – e (200 – 500 words max)
How do you ensure that you have appropriate knowledge of the University’s priorities and ensure that these priorities are reflected in the services within your span of influence?
  1. Do you review sub strategies to reflect organisational priorities?
  2. Do you discuss the University priorities with the members of your team?
  3. Have you been able to respond to unanticipated or particularly difficult situations to deliver on the mission of the University?

Please comment briefly giving examples as indicated in points a – c (200 – 500 words max)
Are you satisfied with your knowledge of the financial situation in the University and within your sphere of influence?
  1. Do you discuss and agree budgets with senior members of your team?
  2. Have you established a system that allows for accurate and informed financial decision taking?
  3. Do you have contingency plans for dealing with a reducing resource base?

Please comment briefly giving examples as indicated in points a – c (200 – 500 words max)
Are you satisfied that you maintain effective relationships with seniorcolleagues?
  1. Have you put in place a system for communicating with colleagues?
  2. How do you establish a collegial and professional working environment?
  3. How do you manage effective relationships with public officials, external stakeholders and other relevant organisations?

Please comment briefly giving examples as indicated in points a – c (200 – 500 words max)

After review meeting: the reviewer completes Parts C, D and Eas agreed at review meeting and forwards to the reviewee for signature and final agreement.

PART C: Overall Assessment

Significantly Misses Expectations / Does not Meet Expectations / Meets Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Significantly Exceeds Expectations
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

PART D: Agreed targets/objectives for next 12 months

Part E: Agreed Personal Development Plan

Reviewee (Print name): ______

RevieweeSignature: ______

Reviewer (Print Name): ______

Reviewer Signature: ______

Performance Rating Definitions
1 – Significantly Misses Expectations – persistently not achieving satisfactory performance or where work quality and/or quantity is significantly below expectations
2 - Does Not Meet Expectations – does not meet agreed work objectives or standards. Support interventions needed to improve performance
3 – Meets Expectations – meets agreed objectives and work standards in both quantity and quality
4 - Exceeds Expectations – exceeds expected level of contribution in quality and quantity, delivers high quality work
5 - Significantly Exceeds Expectations – consistently delivers an exceptional standard of work, significantly contributes to the delivery of the operational plan, significantly exceeds objectives in quantity and quality


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[1] senior management team of unit or sub teams within unit