I. Geisler Library
Librarians are members of the faculty and are committed to assisting students and faculty in locating information for class assignments and research projects and in becoming information literate persons. Instruction in library literacy and media use is available through classroom lectures, seminars for both faculty and students, printed materials, bibliographies, webliographies and one-credit courses. Librarians also play an integral part in the Intersections class, part of the First Year Experience. Contact a Reference Librarian ( for more information or to schedule a session for your class.
The library staff ( offers many services for faculty at the circulation desk. They maintain the reserve collection, handle the checkout of library materials, and provide a security checkpoint. They also order inter-library loans and maintain the periodical collections. The staff creates displays for special campus events, or at the request of a faculty member.
The library staff also acquires and catalogs materials requested by the faculty. In the fall, each department receives an acquisitions budget for the year from the Library Director. Faculty, with approval from their department head, may order new materials in any format via special order cards, e-mail, or other correspondence with the Acquisitions Librarian. Faculty are notified when the books are ready to check out. If a department exhausts its budget, additional orders may be delayed until the next fiscal year.
The Library maintains an online catalog ( which allows access to all materials owned by the library, except some Archival materials. Subscriptions to numerous print and online databases and indexes provide access to additional resources such as periodical articles. See the library home page ( for more information about library resources and services.
Nonprint materials and services are handled by the Media Center staff ( including checkout of video and audio materials, camcorders and digital camera equipment; assistance with and facilities for multimedia production; maintenance and repair of equipment; tape duplication; projection, recording, and delivery services; and cable television services. Faculty who wish to create or use nonprint media should call on the Media Coordinator or Media Assistant. Overhead projectors, TVs and VCRs, and DVD players for faculty use are located in satellite centers at Central Hall, Maytag Student Center, Cox-Snow Music Building, Geisler Library, Lubbers Center, Weller Center, Jordan Hall, and Kuyper Gymnasium. Other equipment can be obtained by contacting the Media Center, ext.5218.
The Lammers Archives ( houses documents
relating the early settlement of the Pella area by the Dutch, records pertaining to the history of the College, and other local history. The Archivist assists researchers in these areas as well as teaching the course in Public History.
The library also sponsors the Writers Reading series featuring local, national and international writers reading and discussing their works.
II. Center for Academic Excellence (CAE)
The Center for Academic Excellence ( is designed to enhance the academic performance of all students, retain and graduate students, and develop student leadership skills in academic support, while fostering a campus-wide climate that encourages lifelong learning. At the heart of the CAE operation is its free, peer-tutoring service for students; in addition, supplemental instruction, group tutoring, study groups, assessment of writing/reading skills, extended-time testing for students with learning disabilities, and an extensive library of free handouts are offered. The CAE also provides quiet study rooms and a computer lab for Central students.
The professional staff of the CAE presents a variety of in-class lessons for faculty requesting them – paper writing, grammar at a glance, editing tips, proper documentation, reading comprehension on the college level, speed reading, vocabulary building, time management, and preparing for tests are some of the subjects covered. Moreover, faculty members are encouraged to refer students in need of assistance to the CAE so that the students’ problems can be eliminated. Often, faculty members ask the CAE staff to diagnose the writing and reading of students so that an individual plan can be designed to remedy any inadequacies.
The CAE offers students and faculty learning-enhancement opportunities. When someone has already mastered a subject and wants to learn more, the CAE can often find a Central community member who agrees to mentor the already-proficient learner.
III. Computing Services
A wide variety of technology resources are available to Central College faculty. The campus-wide computer network connects all classrooms, labs, offices and student residence hall rooms to shared file servers and to the Internet. That same network provides access to extensive electronic resources both on and off campus: library databases, administrative systems, the course management system, electronic mail, and World Wide Web resources, to name a few. A firewall protects the campus network from outside intrusion. The same fiber optic backbone on which the computer data network is built also carries cable TV and telephone services between campus buildings.
Personal Computing
The college equips each full-time faculty member’s office with a networked personal computer and access to a printer. Each individual is provided with a unique username and password to access network resources. The college also provides dial-up Internet service for faculty use from home.
Central College purchases campus-wide licenses for several standard software packages, such as an office productivity suite and anti-virus software, in addition to licensing many specialized applications. Requests for new or updated software and hardware should be channeled through Computing Services.
User support is provided by the Computer Help Center, which is staffed by a professional employee, Sandra VerHoef, along with several student technology assistants. Workshops on special topics and standard applications such as e-mail, word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software are offered periodically.
Instructional and Administrative Technologies
Faculty members who wish to web-enhance their courses use Blackboard, Central College’s course management system, which is available at Student advising, grading, and other administrative duties are simplified through WebAdvisor, located at
Many of the classrooms on campus are equipped with instructor computers, permanently installed projectors, and other equipment which facilitate a wide variety of instructional techniques.
Most students bring their own computers to campus, but there are also many computer labs and computerized classrooms distributed around campus in which students can use standard software applications or special, discipline-specific software and peripheral equipment.
Deb Bruxvoort, (x7671), the Associate Director for Academic Computing, serves as the liaison between faculty members and the Computing Services Department for information about and assistance with the resources described in this section.
IV.Student Support Services
Student Support Services is designed to enhance academic skills, retain and graduate students, and foster an institutional climate supportive of the success of first-generation, low-income, and disabled students. Our mission is to help SSS students envision high goals and develop a plan to achieve those goals and graduate from Central College. Upon acceptance into the SSS program students are encouraged to participant in the two-credit College Success course. Services provided for SSS students include laptop checkout; use of WYNN software; personality, career, study skills, and learning styles inventories; cultural opportunities; weekly newsletters; academic planning; peer-mentoring; individualized tutoring; and accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Contact SSS at x5247.
V. Central College Bookstore – online at
Ordering Textbooks
All texts and classroom materials to be purchased by students are chosen by the faculty member and ordered through the college bookstore. The staff of the bookstore can provide faculty members with book order forms, and then will process the orders speedily. Textbook orders must be placed accurately and should be turned in to the Bookstore a minimum of two months in advance of need. Serious disruption occurs when orders are placed late and the texts do not arrive. Financial loss may occur when an incorrect text is ordered, or when a teacher wishes to make a change after the shipment arrives. (Book companies do not easily take back a shipment). Finally, students are upset when textbook costs seem excessive, and angered when an expensive text is rarely used. Consequently, the professional teacher will communicate often, and early, with the bookstore staff, become familiar with the world of textbook companies, and place orders accurately and in time.
Ordering Desk Copies
Most textbook companies give desk copies to teachers who order that text. The bookstore staff will provide the forms and explain the procedure for ordering desk copies directly from the company. The teacher cannot expect the bookstore staff to give or lend a textbook as a desk copy.
The bookstore provides basic office and teaching supplies. These may be charged to the departmental budget, with approval of the department chair.
Academic Regalia
The bookstore will order, for purchase or rental, academic regalia for formal occasions. Rental orders must be placed a month ahead of the date needed.
Other Books and Materials
The bookstore staff invites faculty members to suggest books and materials that should be stocked for student shoppers. Even more important, faculty can encourage their students to purchase, read, and use the materials faculty recommend.
VI. Campus Services
TheCampus Services office is located on the lower level of Central Hall, room 5.
The Crier, a daily communication of official campus announcements, is composed in the Campus Services office. Announcements may be sent to .
Two large copiers that collate and staple are available in Campus Services for projects requiring a minimal number of copies. Larger orders to be printed at Copy Connection (a local printing and copying business) are routed through the Campus Services office. Turn-around time for work submitted to Copy Connection is typically 24 hours. Call Campus Services for more information.
Departments may obtain Central College letterhead and envelopes in this office.
Purchase order requisitions are processed in this office. Each Department Chair should have a supply of requisitions for the department, and orders must go through the Department Chair.
Rental of several college-owned homes is also arranged through this office. Faculty may inquire about the availability of campus-owned housing at x7699.
The Campus Services office also includes the campus Post Office that is located in the Maytag Student Center. Faculty and students have campus mailboxes in Maytag. All in-coming and out-going metered mail is processed in this area. Campus mail is also distributed here.
Conference Services is also part of the Campus Services office. Their office is located in Graham Conference Center, room 4. Faculty may check availability of meeting rooms by calling ext. 5189. Room reservation forms are available in the conference services office or on-line by accessing the Central College homepage, and then choosing “Reserve a Room.” Faculty members should check the campus calendar through the Campus Services office when planning activities, not only to reserve the building or room being used, but also to see if there is a conflict for the same type of audience/participant.
Conference Services is also responsible for coordination of all summer camps held on the Central College campus. If faculty are responsible for hosting a conference or meeting, Conference services can assist in making the arrangements.
Revised 4/22/03
Chapter 12 – Academic Resources