Sample Podcast Script
Voice Track / Narrative
/Music / Sound Effects
Introduction:Where do you shop for clothes? For most people, the answer is a store or the mall. But for many including adolescent girls, the process begins with a spectrum of media. Books, magazines, websites, television shows, and movies… these influences spark the individual styles of today’s girls. Confessions of a Shopaholic, Twilight and Gossip Girl have been translated from the page to the screen, and their respective styles have preceded them in the stores. / FADE IN
“Suddenly I See”
by KT Tunstall
Voice Track / Narrative
/Music / Sound Effects
Intro to Segment 1:"People look to pop culture for ideas and inspiration for their own image, whether it's consciously or unconsciously," says Amy Lu, a Vancouver fashion stylist. The newest fashion phenomenon film, Confessions of a Shopaholic is a main source from which adolescent girls observe and replicate the latest trends. The film serves as springboard, sparking a desire among teenagers to buy bright, bold clothes, structured and sophisticated designs and of course, designer labels. The film focuses on Rebecca Bloomwood’s glamorous wardrobe and her fashion-oriented approach to life. Rebecca views high fashion clothing and accessories as "magical," constructing the idea that positive images are equated with designers. / Crowd sounds,
sounds of a mall
Did you like the bright clothes and trendy accessories in Confessions of a Shopaholic? Are you inspired by any of these looks?
Where do you typically shop for the latest styles? What are you on the lookout for? / FADE IN
by Lady Gaga
Conclusion to Segment 1:
Ultimately, films like Confessions of a Shopaholic reflect fantasy. Yet viewers try to make certain aspects of the film, particularly clothing, reality for them. It’s all about idolization. Isla Fisher who plays Rebecca Bloomwood in Shopaholic is successful, driven and charming, so the most logical way to mimic her is to dress like her. Top costume designer Patricia Field describes her process of styling as creating "fashion as art." She exclaims, "I do that by means of collage. I mix old pieces, new pieces, dressy pieces with jeans, all kinds of mixtures." This blend of styles, prices, designers and types of clothing is representative of the way adolescents can formulate their own look similar to that of their fashion role models in films. / FADE IN
“Flashing Lights”
byKanye West
shopping sounds: cash register, clothes on racks, fitting room doors