APS Medical Physiology Course Directors Web Site

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APS - Medical Physiology Course Director Website

Solicitation for Data


MedicalSchool Name______

University Name (if different)______

Name of course/section director ______


Telephone ______

MedicalSchool Information: (please attach course schedule if willing)

Curriculum: _____Discipline Based (please indicate below)

______Physiology only

______Neurophysiology only

______Combined Physiology & neurophysiology

______Other (please describe)______

_____Integrated basic science (PBL)

_____Hybrid Curriculum

Course Administration (please comment on the software used if willing)

Name of Course Management Software

_____None currently used



_____Other (please identify)______

Course handout policy

_____ Lecture handouts provided to the students

______at no cost ______at cost

_____ Course pack provided to the student

______atno cost ______at cost

_____ Students responsible for obtaining their own handouts (downloaded, etc.)

Year of next LCME accreditation site visit: ______

Policy for summer remediation of failing grade

_____ in-house independent study

_____ formal summer course (either in-house or at external site)

(please provide info on course if willing)

Forms for evaluation of teaching faculty(please provide copies of evaluation forms if willing)

_____ by students

_____ by peers

_____ by course director

Teaching Methods and Materials

Lecture visual aids (Check all that are used more than 5% of total class time)

____ Computer and Projector

____ Chalkboard/whiteboard

____ Transparencies

____ 35mm slides and projector

Computer-assisted instruction(please provide info on which used if willing)

_____ Videos, problem sets

_____ Audience response systems

_____ Computer simulations

_____ Use of simulators


_____ Students as subjects

_____ Computer-driven laboratories (please indicate below)


_____ Powerpack

_____ Other (please list)______

_____ Animals as subjects

_____ Physical models

_____ Computer simulations(please provide info on which used if willing)


______Required textbook (Name of authors) ______

______Recommend textbook (Name of authors) ______

______Review textbook recommended (author)______


_____ % of course taught in lecture

_____ % of course taught in small group conference

_____ % of course taught in laboratory setting

_____ % of course taught in other setting (please list)______

Assessment of students

Examinations will be shared on a peer-to-peer basis. The web site will not have a question bank. If you are willing to share exams with your colleagues, check here _____

Course Grading policy

_____ Pass/fail

_____ A/B/C/Fail

_____ Honors A/B/C/Fail
Other (please specify )

_____ Students provide peer performance evaluation

_____ Administration provides USMLE step 1 data

_____ Faculty can participate in NBME sanctioned review

_____ NBME/others have presented examination item writing workshops

_____ NBME subject exam has been used as course final exam

_____ NBME subject exam has been used as remediation exam

Evaluation of the course(please provide copies of evaluation forms if willing)

By students

______immediately following the course (before final grade known)

______following the course (after final grade known)

By student performance on external exam

______NBME Subject exam

______USMLE Step 1 exam

Please attach any or all of the following:

Course syllabus

Course schedule

Lecture outlines

Evaluation forms (any type: student, course director, peer)

Case history samples

Please return completed form and attachments to:

Jessica Taylor, APS Senior Program Manager, Higher Education ()