11. 10/0162/FUL - Single-storey flat roof extension to existing cattery to provide kitchen and WC facility at AINSWORTH FARM, BUCKS HILL, SARRATT, WD4 9AP for Mrand MrsDLofty


Parish: Sarratt Parish Council / Ward: Sarratt
Expiry Statutory Period: 31 March 2010 / Officer: Richard Holmes

This application has been called to Committee as the applicant is a relative of a Three Rivers District Council Officer.

1. Relevant Planning History

1.1 8/651/75 - Use of premises for cat boarding - Permitted - 04.12.1975.

1.2 08/0907/FUL - Demolition of existing garage and erection of new timber garage - Permitted - 20.06.2008.

1.3 08/1135/FUL - Single storey extension to cattery to form kitchen area - Permitted - 18.07.2008. This permitted a small extension to the front of the outbuilding (this current application proposes it to the rear).

2. Detailed Description of Proposed Development

2.1 Ainsworth Farm is located on the south-west side of Bucks Hill approximately 400m south-east of the cluster of dwellings of Bucks Hill. The site includes a modest detached dwelling in an isolated location in the Metropolitan Green Belt.

2.2 There are several outbuildings within the curtilage, including a single storey brick building with a flat roof used as a cattery, situated close to the north-west flank boundary and approximately 32m from the highway. There are several large mature trees at this flank boundary. To the front, adjacent to the highway, are several mature trees, a large barn with a pitched roof and a garage.

2.3 The neighbouring dwelling to the north-west is 160m away, and the property to the south-east is over 40m away from the existing cattery. The site is surrounded by fields/open countryside. The land slopes down slightly from the north-east (the road) to the south-west.

2.4 It is proposed to add a single storey extension to the existing cattery. This would be located to the south-west elevation and have a width of 2.6m and a depth of 4.93m (depth of the main part of the outbuilding). It would have a flat roof with a height of 2.6m, which would be the same height as the existing roof. There would be one window to the front and side elevations serving the kitchen and one window to the rear elevation serving a WC. The west corner would see a covered porch area with two doors – one to the kitchen and one to the WC.

3. Consultation

3.1 Sarratt Parish Council – not received yet. They verbally stated this would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting on 16.03.2010.

3.2 Site/Press Notice

3.2.1 Not applicable.

3.3 Neighbourhood

3.3.1 Number consulted: 1

Number of responses: 0

4. Summary of Representations

4.1 No comments received.

5. Reason for Delay

5.1 Not applicable.

6. Relevant District Plan Provision

6.1 Policies GEN1, GB1 and GB7, and Appendix 2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan are relevant to this application.

7. Analysis

7.1 The Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 states that developments should not be excessively prominent in the street scene. The cattery is located over 30m from the highway. The proposed extension is only single storey and is relatively small and would be screened by the existing outbuilding from the road. Furthermore, the barn, garage and the mature trees to the front of the curtilage would provide additional screening. The Design and Access Statement states that the external elevations would be smoothed render and masonry painted as the bricks used in the original construction are no longer available. The extension is relatively small, to the rear of the outbuilding (as viewed from the road) and therefore it is not considered the different external appearance would impact on the design and character of the existing outbuilding. Furthermore, the proposed extension would not result in any significant adverse impact on the street scene.

7.2 The Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 states that buildings ancillary to a dwelling in the Green Belt should be of a scale and design clearly subordinate to the dwelling and of a height and bulk such that the building would not be excessively prominent within the landscape. The extension would have the same height and depth and would be relatively small, and therefore would be seen as subordinate to the cattery it would attach to.

7.3 There are three windows proposed. There are no immediate neighbours, and the proposed extension would be screened from the nearest neighbours to the south-east by the main dwelling of Ainsworth Farm. There are high mature trees at the north-west boundary. Therefore there would be no significant impact to the neighbours.

7.4 The Design and Access Statement has been submitted to accompany the planning application. It describes the necessity to upgrade the cattery to form more spacious and hygienic cat pens, provide storage for necessary commodities and to form a kitchen to prepare food and to hygienically wash and sterilise the feeding equipment. It also discusses the materials it would be constructed in. In terms of its scope, the Design and Access Statement has provided an adequate explanation of the proposed development. No objection is therefore made to this Design and Access Statement.

7.5 In 2008 planning application 08/1135/FUL was approved for a similar extension. This has not been implemented and was to be situated at the opposite side of the building. The Design and Access Statement states that this current application is to relocate the kitchen to the other side of the building (from that approved in the previous planning application). However, it is noted that if this proposal was approved, then it would still be possible for the previously approved scheme (08/1135/FUL) to be constructed (on the opposite side of the outbuilding). Given that this approved extension was 8.5 square metres in area (a width of 2.5m and a depth of 3.4m), and would be relatively small, it is not considered that implementing both developments would result in any harm to the Green Belt, streetscene or neighbouring properties. Therefore, it is not considered appropriate to enter into a unilateral agreement, nor to attach a condition to prevent the previously approved proposal being implemented as well.

7.6 It is viewed that the proposed extension would not have a significant impact on the openness of the Metropolitan Green Belt, would not be excessively prominent in the landscape and would not result in any significant adverse impact on the street scene. As a result, the development is viewed as acceptable.

8. Recommendation

8.1  That PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions:-

C1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON:In pursuance of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

C2 The building(s) shall not be erected other than in the materials as shown on Drawing Number 4606/C/02 REV A and stated in the planning application form and no external materials shall be used other than those approved.

REASON:To ensure that the external appearance of the building is satisfactory in accordance with Policy GEN1 and Appendix2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.


I1 Subject to conditions attached to this permission, the proposed extension would not be disproportionate in size compared with the ‘original’ building. It would not adversely affect the openness of the Green Belt, nor have a significant adverse impact on neighbouring properties, or otherwise result in demonstrable harm. The proposed garage would comply with Policies GEN1, GB1 and GB7, and Appendix2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 (Adopted 2001).

I2 The applicant is encouraged to incorporate energy saving and water harvesting measures when implementing this permission. Information is available from the Council’s Building Control Section, who may be contacted on 01923 727138, and on the website www.threeriversbuildingcontrol.co.uk. Any external changes to the building which may be subsequently required should be discussed with the Council’s Development Control Section prior to the commencement of work.

I3 The applicant is advised that the Government has introduced new fees for the written discharge of conditions. Requests can be made by letter or by application form. Forms are available on our website together with further details for the new charges. The fees are payable per request and not per condition. Requests made without the appropriate fee will be returned unanswered. The fees are £85 per request (or £25 where the related permission was for extending or altering a dwellinghouse or other development in the curtilage of a dwellinghouse).

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