Math Department Meeting
April 24, 2012
Elizabeth (Libby) Roeger, Dean of Developmental Education & College Transitions:
Elizabeth (Libby) Roeger, the new Dean of Developmental Education & College Transitions, addressed the department. She mentioned that she came to ECC from Truman College. Before that, she was a faculty member in the English department at Shawnee Community College for approximately 15 years.
Now, as the new Dean of Developmental Education & College Transitions at ECC, she is focused on the learning process and student success. In particular, she serves as an administrative liaison whom faculty can approach to discuss issues related to developmental education.
Ms. Roeger mentioned that, in the future, she will likely ask some math faculty members for the opportunity to observe their developmental classes. She stressed that this will not be for the purpose of evaluating instruction, but will be so that she can get to know the strengths and weaknesses of developmental students at ECC in order to help her do her job better.
Ms. Roeger also mentioned that in the Spring 2012 Semester there will, again, be review sessions offered for MTH 090, MTH 096 and MTH 098.
MTH 096/098 Curriculum:
Nicole mentioned that the course outcomes in the course outlines will probably need to be revised not only for MTH 096 and MTH 098, but also for MTH 099. However, it is anticipated that articulation will not be required because none of these is a transfer level course. A meeting of the 096/098 working group will likely be required to address the course outcomes. A consensus was reached that this issue can be tabled until the Fall 2012 Semester.
Textbook committees:
The two active textbook committees, for MTH 101 and MTH 114, have decided on books. Lauren mentioned that, regarding MTH 101, Pearson has agreed to bundle a student solutions manual with the textbook for an additional $2.50. A consensus was reached that this is a good deal and promotes student success. Since the MTH 114 textbook is also published by Pearson, Lauren agreed to check with Pearson regarding whether a similar deal for bundling a student solutions manual is available for MTH 114.
MTH 135 credit hours:
Lauren mentioned that MTH 135, Introduction to Linear Algebra, will no longer be run as a three-credit hour course but, from now on, will be run as a four-credit hour course.
CETL Topics:
Lauren mentioned that Dean McGee met with Terri Stein, manager of the Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), regarding possible CETL topics. Terri has put together a list of possible topics.
ALEKS training:
The ALEKS representative is available to do ALEKS training during the week of July 27. Faculty expressed an interest in this, and Lauren agreed to follow up with the representative.
MyMathLab Training:
Regarding MyMathLab training, which is already scheduled for August 1, a concern was raised that, in the past, there has been a difficulty getting passwords so that all participants can log in at the beginning of the training session. Lauren agreed to follow up with Pearson in advance of the training sessions for the purpose of hopefully alleviating this.
Graphing Calculator View Screen Packs:
Naima mentioned that there will be no need for graphing calculator view screens in the new classrooms, all of which will have ELMO projection devices. Moreover, some view screens are unused and still in the original packaging. A consensus was reached that an attempt should be made to return or exchange the unused view screens to Texas Instruments, perhaps for credit on other equipment, and that, failing this, view screens, whether unused or used, might potentially be donated to high schools.
Naima noted, however, that not all view screens can be eliminated. In particular, some will need to be retained because, during certain hours, some classes will need to be scheduled in ATC classrooms, which do not have ELMO projection devices.
Math Lab Director:
Dean McGee mentioned that the director of the Math Lab will be Terri Martin.
Keys/keypads for newly renovated upper MSC:
A consensus was reached in favor of a keypad device for: (a) the adjunct office; (b) the common area with the kitchen; and (c) the computer lab.
New office assignments and furniture:
Full-time faculty chose new offices in order of seniority.
Lauren mentioned that full-time faculty will need to choose between two alternative file cabinet styles in the new offices and requested that faculty respond to her with a choice as soon as possible.
Boxes for move:
Lauren mentioned that anyone needing additional boxes for the move should contact Cheryl Peterson.
Syllabus template:
Lauren circulated a template for a syllabus that Dean McGee has provided and which contains required information that must be included in every syllabus. A consensus was reached that the syllabus template should be included on the EMath website and in the adjunct handbook.
Math department goals:
A consensus was reached in favor of the following goals for the math department for the 2012-2013 academic year:
1. Continue to work on assessment
2. Continue to support and participate in the Alliance for College Readiness
3. Support Achieving the Dream
4. Continue communication between full-time and adjunct faculty
5. Review math placement
6. Create a math website
7. Meet with counseling
8. Revise 096/098/099 course outlines
9. Get the Math Lab up and running