Paola Zanacca

Via Sangro 10

20132 Milan


Mobile Phone +39 339 1014447


VAT Number: IT 03366020968


Highly motivated and efficient freelance translator with native fluency in Italian and with eight years’ experience in many sectors.




English / German


Fluent in English and German (translation, proofreading, editing, subtitling)

Good IT Skills


Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Power Point, HTML editors, Trados SDL


Marketing, IT, general business, financial, chemical and pharmaceutical MSDS, press releases, essays, technical manuals.


Marketing, IT, business, pharmaceuticals, medicine, psychology, banking, finance, tourism & travel, telecommunication.


2001 - PresentFreelance translator (English-Italian, Italian-English, German-

Italian) for the publishing house DDE Design Diffusion Edizioni

in Milan (interior design, architecture and fashion magazines).

Translations for various publishing houses (essays, press

releases, exhibition catalogues) and companies (technical texts,

catalogues, contracts, marketing texts).

2007 - Present Translations for the leading telecommunications providers in Switzerland (Swisscom, Cablecom, Sunrise).

2008 - PresentTranslations (German/Italian) for the translation agency “Vision Translations AG” – Küsnacht (CH)

April 2008Translation (English/Italian) of famous reporters’news stories about the USA intervention in IRAK.

2006–presentProofreading for Transware PLC – Dublin – Ireland

2006Translations (English-Italian and German-Italian) of some texts for a

volume published by the Faculty of Design at the Libera Università di


2006Translation and updating of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and safety information for chemicals and pharmaceuticals


2006Translation (from English into Italian) of a series of books on psychology published by Sheldon Press – London.

July 2005-presentFreelance translator (English-Italian, German-Italian) for the publishing house Domus in Milan (translation of texts, interviews, conference-calls and transcription of interviews and videos)

2004Translation (English-Italian) of the monographic book “Elisabetta Sirani. Una virtuosa del Seicento bolognese” by Adelina Modesti published by Editrice Compositori srl in Bologna

2002 Collaboration with the web-site portal Edigeo for the publishing of technical dictionaries (German-Italian) such as the Automobilwörterbuch and the Wörterbuch der Computer- und Informationstechnologie published by Hoepli.

2001 - Present Freelance translator for various Italian and international translation agencies.


2009Bachelor’s Degree in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica (Linguistic and Cultural Mediation) at the Department of Languages of the Fondazione Scuole Civiche di Milano.

Final degree: 110/110 cum lauda

2000-2001Master in translation (Diplôme d’Université de Traducteur) at the Institut de Traducteurs et d’Interprètes, MarcBlochUniversity in Strasbourg. (Translation sectors: mechanics, literature, medicine, pharmaceutical, finance, translation for media, subtitling, localization).

Along with providing me a high level of technical proficiency in translating business documentation and high-tech user manuals, my course of study also involved in-depth research abilities, creative problem solving, literary translations and other advanced language skills (writing, editing, proofreading)

1997 – 2000Translation Degree at the School for Interpreters and Translators (ISIT) in Milan.

Final degree: 107/110

1997Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Goethe Institut Milan

1992- 1997Foreign Languages Diploma at the Istituto „A. Greppi” – Casatenovo (Lecco)

Foreign languages: English, German, Russian

Final degree: 58/60


References as well as translation samples can be provided on request.

According to Law 196/03 I authorize the use of my personal data.