Video Contest 2017


By entering this contest, entrants agree to abide by the following rules:

Production rules

•  Create an original video with SmartEdge as its focus. See below for ideas on a subject.

•  You must maintain personal health and safety for your cast, crew, and others working on the video. Do not endanger anyone in the making of your video.

•  Participants must be employees of SmartEdge and/or SmartEdge customers.

•  All footage, including music, must be your own creation and must not infringe on any third-party rights. You must obtain proper, legal permission to use someone else’s copyrighted material.

•  If your video identifies or includes a specific customer, you must obtain and submit their written permission with your entry form.

•  The video, including any intro or outro, must be 90 seconds or less.

•  Entrants grant SmartEdge the right to use and/or edit their video submission for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes.

Submission rules

•  Your video must be a high-quality version in an acceptable file format of .mp4, .mpg, or .wmv. For iPhone users that want to convert their phone videos to a usable format – open your video(s) in iTunes. Go to File>Export for Web. For Android users, there are many free conversion apps available.

•  Entrants have the option to submit their video either electronically via SmartEdge cloud or on a USB thumb drive or disk. See the applicable set of rules pertaining to your method of submission below.

•  All videos must be accompanied by an entry form and can be emailed to

•  All participants, including those not shown in the video, must be listed on the entry form.

•  Entries will not be accepted if they are late, damaged, or cannot be viewed because of technical error. Please try to get entries in early and request verification that the videos can be played.

•  All entries become the property of SmartEdge and may be used in future promotional/marketing material.

•  All entries must be submitted by 4:00 pm on Monday, August 14, 2017.

Electronic submission

•  Provide your video submission via a SmartEdge cloud link to: . Be sure the file name of your submission is the title of your production along with the name of the person submitting. You will receive an email back with confirmation that your submission was received and was able to be viewed. Please be sure you receive this verification!

Hardcopy submission (USB thumb drive or disk)

•  All entries must be hand delivered no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, August 14, 2017 to Sabrina Carpenter.

•  Submit a copy of the original; make sure you keep the original version of your submission.

•  No entries will be returned.

Ideas for Video Entries

•  Process of a SE service. From start to finish, what are the steps we go through to accomplish a specific service?

•  Ensuring safe practices. How do you go out of your way to make sure you and/or your coworkers maintain a safe working environment?

•  Defining a SE service. Are their things being done in the field that the customers don’t really comprehend? Is there something that’s hard to explain but easy to understand when shown?

Tips for filming

•  Creative and fun videos are encouraged. Please keep it professional.

•  Make sure there is adequate lighting. There’s nothing worse than having a great video concept, but it ends up too dark to use. Having a cheap adjustable light handy can really help to create a backdrop of light.

•  Shoot all videos horizontally to avoid not filling the frame.

•  Keep it steady! Use a tripod or prop yourself up against a wall or table.

•  Ensure battery life by plugging directly in an outlet or using a portable charger.

•  Don’t let bad audio ruin your video. Using a lavalier or microphone will greatly increase the quality of your audio. Avoid background noise.

•  Use airplane mode when filming to avoid unwanted interruptions. Be sure to return it to normal when done!

•  Do not use the zoom function on your phone as it reduces the quality of the video. Move closer to your subject instead. Or you can accomplish a smooth zoom later with video editing software if needed.

Judging criteria

Eligible* videos will be scored by a panel of SmartEdge judges (TBD). Scoring will be based on the following criteria:

Content (60%): The message is original, clearly communicated, and appeals to the two following audiences:

1.  Facility owners/managers

2.  Decision makers

Video Production (40%): The acting, editing, and audio-visual elements are of high quality.

Eligible* videos must follow all production and submission rules.

Notification of winners

•  The winner(s) will be notified no later than September 4, 2017.

•  An email will be sent to all employees of SmartEdge naming the winner(s) and providing a link to view the winning submission.

•  The winning submission will be added to our website content.


One first prize: $500 in gift cards

One second prize: $250 in gift cards

One third prize: $100 in gift cards

For more information and minor technical assistance contact:

Sabrina Carpenter

Video Contest 2017

Entry Form

Submission date: Click or tap to enter a date.

Part 1: Video Information

Title of your video: Click or tap here to enter text.

Submission format: ☐ Electronic ☐ Hardcopy

Short description of video:

Part 2: Participant information

Name of person submitting video: Click or tap here to enter text.

All entrants grant SmartEdge the right to use and/or edit this video submission for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes.

List all participants involved including actors and production members:

Name: / Agree to Rules: / Signature Required:

Please include written permission from all customers that participated in your video and include with this form.

Thank you for participating in our 2017 Video Contest and Good Luck!