Patient Participation Group

Minutes of Meeting 3rd March 2015

Attendees: CY, MH, AB, SB, AF, RV, EP, SD, PG.

Apologies: None.

Next Meeting Date: 28th April 2015 @ 7pm

Points of Discussion / Actions
Review of actions from previous meeting
- SD provided update on conversation with Look Local Magazine:
o  They are happy to publish a PPG article (400 words)
o  Free of charge initially
o  Deadline for next magazine 3rd April (note this deadline has been missed as we need to agree contact details for the PPG before publishing)
- SD provided update on area PPG meeting:
o  Chairs from each local PPG attended
o  Another meeting date has been set; SD to attend
o  Oxshott allow book on day appointments to be made online (thus reducing telephone calls @ 8.30)
o  Receptionists at other practices attend PPG meetings / All: Action remains to agree Terms of Reference.
SD: Draft an article for Look Magazine.
CY: Ask receptionists if they would like to attend subsequent PPG meetings.
Survey Results: Discuss & agree next steps
- Agreed key areas to focus on were appointment and telephone availability based on survey results
- Ideas discussed:
o  Telephone triaging of patients (already being trialled)
o  Creation of a PPG Patient Newsletter
o  Celebrity opening of new doors (if grant application successful)
o  PPG advertising on Practice TV screen
o  Launch of Electronic Prescription Service will reduce queries (launch date currently June)
o  Raising funds via Waitrose green coin scheme
o  Patient education events (diabetes etc)
o  Update telephone message on automated Practice system to advise re online booking/ prescriptions/missed appointments
o  Radio appearance
o  Small waiting room improvements
- Once improvements implemented; population to be re-surveyed to see if improvement noticed. Need to focus on validating improvements during specific time period. / LP: Draft a PPG Patient Newsletter to be distributed in the surgery & locally (new Cedar Centre, libraries etc).
CY: Provide % missed appointments for Newsletter.
LP: Include details of EPS in Patient Newsletter
LP: What are the enrolment criteria for Waitrose green coin scheme?
CY: Update telephone system.
PG: Introduce SD to Eagle Radio CEO.
CY: Is it acceptable to have plants in the waiting room from a hygiene perspective?
Elmbridge Borough Council Community Infrastructure Levy
- Grant application for automatic doors and handrails complete and submitted at time of writing minutes. / SB: Look into voting process so we can canvass patient votes for our application via PPG Patient Newsletter/survey responders.
SB: How do we arrange for a PPG spokesperson to be at the Council meeting when they discuss our application?
PG/RV: Make known local Councillors aware of our grant application.
Friends & Family Test: Review of Feedback
-  Discussed results received so far. Mainly positive.
-  Difficult to respond to individual issues as no patient information is gathered as part of questionnaire.