Unit 2-Romeo & Juliet
By William Shakespeare
Day 2/4 Homework Calendar REVISED
KEY:W= warm up
LL=Language Log
Blue text is in class focus and work
Pink/Red=upcoming test/test
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
4 / 5
Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?”
W=prologue as rhythm performance
Irony vs. paradox
LL=Name collage
*Read Aloud II.1 & II.2 & II.3 (reader’s theatre scripts provided)
HW=prompt book entry for II.2 / 6 / 7
“Gray-eyed Morn”
W=personification WS
LL= Write a poem on a topic of your choice. The poem should have 5 examples of personification in it
*Language Tricks WS for II.3
w/ Comparative video clips of II.3-6
HW=prompt book entry for II.3 OR II.4; prompt book entry for II.5 OR II.6 / 8
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
W=watch balcony scene of Act II.2
LL=nothing for todayJ
In class group work on selected passages for analysis
HW=finish prompt books for Act II. I will check all three on Wednesday / 12 / 13
W=Peer review of prompt books; self-reflections of prompt book
LL=nothing for todayJ unless you want to catch up or revise
Continue in class group work on selected passages for analysis.
Finish watching scenes for Act II
HW=review Act II and read all of Act III; prepare for Socratic Circles / 14 / 15
“If You Should Deal Double”
W=Written Conversations
LL=nothing for today unless you want to work ahead.
In class, wrap up Acts I-III passages using Socratic Circles as a discussion format
HW=catch up on language Log. Due March 8th & begin studying for Acts I-III test of Romeo & Juliet. Test Feb 26th
HOLIDAY / 19 / 20
Passion Lends Them Power”
W=make a cluster map for the word “Night” Include all associations, images, synonyms etc.
LL=Lazy Sonnets as a summary outline
*Teach Fencing!
**View Act III (fencing clip & then West Side Story) and discuss how this furthers the conflict & plot
HW= re-read III.2 & III.3 Choose either one for a prompt book entry / 21 ½ Day / 22
“All the World to Nothing”
W=journal-“write about the power of anger”
*Read Aloud III.4 & III.5 (Reader’s theatre scripts provided)
***In groups, act out tableau snapshots-use the planning WS to check understanding
HW=Test Next Class!
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
25 / 26
Romeo & Juliet Test
Acts I-III
LL=Find 5 objects that are symbols of love in your culture; cut out 3 ads which market/promote love to sell an object
Handout- Tomb Memoir project. This is an optional project for extra credit.
Hand out on activity for our final test. We will be acting/involved in a round table discussion… / 27 / 28
Take Thou This Vial”
W=alliteration/Onmat WS
LL=Find a passage from your favorite song (lyrics) that contain alliteration
Watch Act IV
Complete WS as you watch
HW=reread Act IV. Make an emotional line graph map. One line is/are the events, the other line is the subtext / MARCH 1
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
“Cold Fear”
W=journal-“Write about Death. This can be personal beliefs, thoughts, symbolic, fiction…”
LL=Draw the strongest image that came to your mind as you read IV.3. Explain what words triggered this image in your mind
Subtext exercise
Mirrored tableaus for IV.3
HW=choose either IV.3, IV.4, or IV.5 for a prompt book entry. Prompt books will be turned in March 14th. / 5 / 6
W= fencing!
LL=find one passage from the entire play that you think best sums up the point/theme of the play. Explain why these lines are that thought provoking.
In class notes and work on Act IV; follow up on round table discussion
HW=Read all of Act V
Language Log DUE NEXT CLASS! / 7 / 8
“Fortune’s Fool”
W=Written Conversation
Final Words WS-group activity
Fate Debate over Act V as a Socratic Circle/or “debate”
HW=Prompt Books & Tomb Memoir (for extra credit) due next class and Round Table Discussion is March 18th.
Round Table
Discussion w/
Peer & Teacher
/ 12
NO SCHOOL-all day teacher in-service
“Juliet & Her Romeo”
W=display books and tombs for peer viewing
Watch video clips of final scene & concluding comments
HW=ROUND TABLE NEXT CLASS, Sunday March 18th / 15