
{ Eph 2 : 6 } Saved by grace & Seated in Heavenly places.

{ Col 3 : 1 – 2 } Set you minds on things above not on things of earth.

{ Heb 11 : 15 – 16 } Citizens of Heaven

{ Phil 3 : 20 – 21 } Citizenship is in Heaven. In the world but not of it.

Saw Heaven Opened:

{ Acts 6 : 15 }Stephens face looked like and Angel.

{ Acts 7 : 5 – 56 } Stephen saw heaven opened up.

{ 2 Cor 12 : 1 – 4 } Paul was caught up into the 3rd Heaven.

Jacobs Ladder { Gen 28 : 12 }

What is heaven like?

{ Rev 1 : 10, 13 – 18 } In the spirit saw Jesus glorified.

{ Rev 4 : 1 – 4 } Door open in Heaven , caught up into the throne room.

{ Rev 21: 1 – 4 } New Heaven, New earth.

{ Rev 22 : 1 – 5 } River of Life, Light brighter than the sun.

Sons of God:

{ Romans 8 : 18 – 21 } Sons of God. Adopted.

No longer slaves but friends { John 15 : 15 } inheritance, heirs to God’s inheritance for his children. Now.

Esther touched the sceptre of the King, Authority, born for such a time as this.

Commissioning, Mantles, Scrolls, Oil, Fragrance, Glory, Healing, Love, Intaminacy, Fire.

Sons of Light, Kingdom of God on Earth, His Kingdom Come, Ministers of Fire. Not just for when we die. Resurrection Life today. Eternal Life Now.

Spiritual Warfare:

{ Zech 3 : 1 – 7 } Joshua before the throne of God. We have free access to the throne.

{ Zech 4 : 12 } Golden Vessels with Oil form the Lord.

Authority : David grew in it, harp { worship }, slingshot, 1000’s, 10,000’s, Cities, Nations, Goliath’s Sword.

Changed by His Glory:

{ 2 Cor 3 : 17 – 18 } changed from glory to glory by the Spirit of God.

Radiance, Purity, Holiness, Beauty.

{ Psalm 104: 2 } cloak of Light

{ Isaiah 60 : 1 – 7 } Arise Shine glory of the lord has risen upon you.


See in the Spirit – Spirit of death , cancer.

Words of knowledge

Power of the Spirit { Luke 5 : 17 }

Faith – touched Jesus power went forth from him.

Compassion { Matt 20 : 34 } Healed a blind man.

Wept { John 11 : 35 } raised the dead.

Prayer & fasting { Matt 17 : 14 – 21 } epilepsy

Oil { Mark 6 : 12 – 13 } Healed

Deliverance – Unclean Spirit, Mute Spirit, Dumb Spirit. { Luke 9 : 42 }{ Luke 11: 14 } { Luke 13 : 11 – 13 }


Call of God { Matt 22 : 14 } Many are called few are chosen.

Count the Cost { Mark 8 : 34 – 36 } Deny yourself.

Refiners Fire – Ministers of Fire.

Altar of Sacrifice { Rom 12 : 1 – 2 } consumed by His Love, Passion, Fire.

Heart or the lost & dying world. His compassion, love, desire, His Spirit.

No longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me.


Basis of Love is Trust

Not self, self reliance, reputation, ambition, competition.

True self or True Identity is found in Dying to Self. Cross. Seed must fall to the ground and lie before it bears eternal fruit { John 12 : 24 – 25 }

Obedient enter the rest of the Lord { Heb 4 : 1 – 6 } cease from your own works and do his. Faith is obeying not just believing.

Whole Hearted:

When you become wholehearted in your following the Lord you begin to see through His eyes, from His Heavenly perspective.

Married to the Lord, One with Him.

Warrior Bride, Intimacy. Who have I beside you Lord in all the World.

Eyes that see in a new light, people, life, the world. Our eyes are the windows of our souls and they reflect our heart.

Mind of Christ - transformed to think like him.

Visions, dreams, visitations, revelations, caught up into heavenly places.

River of Life coming out of you. Come to the Source.

Throne of God { Rev 22 : 1 – 5 }

Power of the Spirit, servant heart, humility.

Resurrection Power:

Call that which is dead back to life. Valley of Dry Bones { Ezek 37 }

Grace of God:

Mercy Seat { Ex 25 : 20 – 22 } met with God.

Prophetic : Receive a prophet get a prophet’s reward { Matt 10 : 41 }

Apostolic: Golden, glory of God, return of Christ.

Work while it is still light { John 12 : 35 – 36 }