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Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt TCAP Review

Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The code states that the punishment for allowing one’s dam to flood everyone’s fields is
a. / to be sold into slavery.
b. / to pay a fine to replace ruined crops.
c. / to rebuild the dam.
d. / to receive 60 lashes in the public square.
2. According to the passage, whom do the Kushites favor?
a. / Amon-Re
b. / Aspalta
c. / Osiris
d. / the Kushites
3.How did China’s geography affect its development?
a. / Plentiful rivers and sea routes to nearby nations encouraged trade with other countries.
b. / Due to natural boundaries, Chinese culture developed independently from most cultures.
c. / Due to many geographic boundaries within China, separate city states were at war with each other throughout the country.
d. / Fertile farmland led to the spread of people throughout the country.
4. According to the map, the Gupta Empire at its widest point is about how many miles across?
a. / 100
b. / 500
c. / 1,000
d. / 1,500
5.One of the reasons the Kushites moved their capital to Meroë was to be close to
a. / iron ore deposits.
b. / Kerma.
c. / Napata.
d. / the Egyptians.
6.Egyptians traded with the present-day country of Lebanon for
a. / incense.
b. / iron weapons and tools.
c. / ivory and gold.
d. / wood.
7.Before the monarchy, the early rulers of Sumerian city-states were
a. / gods.
b. / kings.
c. / priests.
d. / scribes.
8.This ruler avoided military conquests and expanded Egypt´s economy.
a. / Hatshepsut
b. / Nefertiti
c. / Ramses II
d. / Thutmose II
9.To support Babylon’s building projects and military, Nebuchadnezzar
a. / stole from neighboring city-states.
b. / started wars throughout the region.
c. / collected very high taxes from his people.
d. / required traveling merchants to pay tribute to Babylon.
10.An embalmed body wrapped in cloth strips is a
a. / cadaver.
b. / corpse.
c. / morgue.
d. / mummy.
11.A line of rulers that passes power from father to son is a
a. / delta.
b. / dynasty.
c. / reign.
d. / scimitar.
12.The few Sumerians who learned how to write often held high positions in society as what?
a. / artisans
b. / scribes
c. / heads of households
d. / merchants
13. According to the passage, this law covers flooding that happens due to
a. / an unavoidable accident.
b. / laziness or failure to maintain one’s property.
c. / a natural disaster.
d. / poor irrigation.
14. Based on context clues from the passage, usurped probably means
a. / “built.”
b. / “destroyed.”
c. / “gave away.”
d. / “took over.”
15.Under which leader’s rule did Egypt lose most of its lands in western Asia to outside invaders?
a. / Ahmose
b. / Akhenaton
c. / Kashta
d. / Tutankhamen
16.Which of the following was a major city of the Indus Valley people?
a. / Mesopotamia
b. / Mohenjo-Daro
c. / Pakistan
d. / Pataliputra
17.A Sumerian temple to honor their chief god was called a
a. / scribe.
b. / cradle.
c. / Gilgamesh.
d. / ziggurat.
18. According to the passage, how long is Sirius absent from the Egyptian night sky?
a. / decades
b. / decans
c. / seven days
d. / seventy days
19. According to the passage, how did the Egyptians use decans?
a. / to measure distances
b. / to measure time at night
c. / to measure time during the day
d. / to name the stars
20.The Chaldean Empire is also sometimes called the
a. / Akkadian Empire.
b. / Assyrian Empire.
c. / Mesopotamian Empire.
d. / New Babylonian Empire.
21. According to the passage, whom do the Kushites favor?
a. / Amon-Re
b. / Aspalta
c. / Osiris
d. / the Kushites
22. According to the chart, which invention did Egypt make?
a. / a 365-day calendar
b. / a number system based on 12
c. / cuneiform writing
d. / the sailboat
23.Which group rebelled against the Assyrians?
a. / Babylonians
b. / Chaldeans
c. / Sumerians
d. / Hittites
24.This ruler united Upper and Lower Egypt.
a. / Ramses II
b. / Piye
c. / Narmer
d. / Tutankhamen
25. According to the passage, what was the ancient Egyptian name for Orion?
a. / Decan or decans
b. / Sah or Sahu
c. / Sirius
d. / the harbinger
26.According to the Mandate of Heaven, the Dao is
a. / a belief that says one must respect and obey one’s parents.
b. / a group of warlords appointed by the emperor to govern local territories.
c. / the person who founded China’s first dynasty.
d. / the proper way a king must rule
27.A diagram of Egypt’s social classes has the shape of a
a. / cone
b. / cube
c. / pyramid
d. / sphere
28.In 139 B.C. the emperor sent Zhang Qian to explore areas west of China in search of allies, but instead he returned with stories of
a. / dragons.
b. / horses.
c. / silk.
d. / spices.
29.Acupuncture is an example of Chinese
a. / art.
b. / cooking.
c. / medicine.
d. / theater.
30.Although most Sumerians were farmers, many made metal, cloth, and pottery because they were skilled
a. / artisans.
b. / merchants.
c. / slaves.
d. / priests.
31.The Epic of Gilgamesh was a long poem written in
a. / cuneiform.
b. / English.
c. / Indo-European.
d. / hieroglyphics.
32.The calendar developed by the Sumerians was based on
a. / the number 60.
b. / the cycles of the moon.
c. / the Roman calendar.
d. / the geometry of the wheel.
33.Followers of Mahayana Buddhism believe that
a. / all enlightened people enter heaven.
b. / people will only get to heaven by first reaching nirvana.
c. / the Eightfold Path is too difficult for most people to follow.
d. / the Buddha was a great teacher.
34. In the quote, what is the first thing that Buddha asks to be done?
a. / build 77 full-size pagodas
b. / make 77 tiny pagodas of clay
c. / bless a pagoda
d. / repair a fallen pagoda
35.What was the effect of increased farming and trade?
a. / A complex writing system was created.
b. / An organized government developed.
c. / Geometry was developed.
d. / The deserts became populated.
36.How did the Egyptians take advantage of the Nile’s yearly spring flooding?
a. / They became successful farmers.
b. / They created hieroglyphics.
c. / They grew papyrus.
d. / They irrigated during the dry season.
37. According to the passage, how did the Egyptians use decans?
a. / to measure distances
b. / to measure time at night
c. / to measure time during the day
d. / to name the stars
38.A diagram of Egypt’s social classes has the shape of a
a. / cone
b. / cube
c. / pyramid
d. / sphere
39.The place where Egyptian families spent time together was their
a. / plazas.
b. / pyramids.
c. / rooftops.
d. / temples.
40. Why does Enkidu, despite his fear, go with Gilgamesh into the forest of Humbaba?
41.Explain the role of women in Sumerian society.
42. Looking at the map, how did the cataracts contribute to the development of ancient Egypt’s civilization?
43. According to this selection, how does Gilgamesh comfort Enkidu?
44.What kinds of crafts did artisans of the Middle Kingdom create?

Answer Key

40.Correct answers should include:Enkidu and Gilgamesh were friends and they had promised to stay together forever. Students could add that Enkidu was not as strong as Gilgamesh in argument.
41.Correct answers should include: Sumerian women were in charge of running the home and caring for children. They were also expected to teach their daughters those same skills. Some women, however, did own businesses.
42.Correct answers should include: They formed natural boundaries that kept Egypt protected from invasion.
43.Gilgamesh comforts Enkidu by telling him that because they are together, there is nothing they should fear.
44.Correct answers should include: They produced linen cloth, jewelry, pottery, and metal goods.