BRAVO Volunteer
Registration Form
Why Volunteer?
Bromsgrove and Redditch has a wide and varied range of sports clubs, groups and organisations that are always looking for motivated individuals to help and assist. Every volunteer has different skills and something to offer and the BRAVO programme will find the right placement for you. Your skills and support no matter how little or trivial you may think are always valued! We need a huge bank of enthusiastic volunteers to help these clubs, groups, organisations and events run smoothly and make Bromsgrove and Redditch a hive of activity!
Our Bromsgrove and Redditch Active Volunteering Opportunities (BRAVO) programme provides exciting prospects to be a part of your local sports club, group, organisation or take part in an event.
Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in the BRAVO programme. Please complete the information below to register on to the programme. This will help us to match you with the most suitable volunteering opportunities.
Title / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Other(Please Specify)
First Name / Last Name
House No. / Street
Town/city / County
Postcode / District
Telephone (Day) / Mobile
Date of Birth / Age (if under 18)
Gender (Please tick) / Male / Female / Prefer not to say
Ethnicity (Please tick) / White British / Asian/Asian British
Black/Black British / Chinese / Dual ethnicity
Other (Please specify)
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? (Please tick) / Yes / No
If yes, what is the nature of your disability? Please tick) / Learning / Visual
Physical / Mental Health / Sensory / Multiple
Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of?
Do you have any special requirements/adjustments that would aid you to take part?
Name of Emergency Contact
Relationship to Volunteer
Telephone Number
Employment Status (Please tick) / Full Time / Part Time
Unemployed / In education / Retired
Other (Please state)
Do you have any specific skills or experience which would assist us in placing you with the correct placement? e.g. Coaching experience, sports skills, marketing, media/website development and maintenance.
Are there any specific areas you are looking to get involved in?
Voluntary Times
Please enter a time (Start-Finish) in the appropriate boxes when you would be available to volunteer
All / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayAM
Why do you want to volunteer?(Tick those that apply)
Newhobby / For fun / Meet new people / Improve my skills
Learn new skills / Build confidence / Increase chance of new job / Get out the house
Other / Please State:
Data Protection
As a Local Authority, Redditch Borough / Bromsgrove District Council collects, holds and processes information supplied by you in accordance with the Data Protection Act, to allow us to keep you informed of new volunteering opportunities and training relevant to your application.
We may transfer part of the information we hold on you to third parties where we are required to do so by operation of law. We may also transfer information to third parties where such transfer forms part of the administration of the customer relationship. We may transfer your information to companies and organisations that carry out processing operations on our behalf, such as Redditch Borough Council or Bromsgrove District Council.
We will ensure that the information stored on the database is reviewed for accuracy every 12 months. Your details can be removed from our database at your request by emailing
Please read the statements below and then complete or tick any relevant boxes if you consent.
Please tick the box below to consent.I consent to the information I have provided being held as per the above statement
Photography - I am aware that photographs and video footage may be taken during events for promotional purposes. I give consent to be involved in such photos
I confirm that the use of flashlight photography will not cause any health problems for me
Signed / (if over 18 years of age)
If you are under 18 years of age we need consent from either a parent or guardian
Please print your name
Signed / (parent/guardian)
Please either return a paper version of this form to: / Or email the electronic version to:
Sports Development
Redditch Borough Council
Town Hall
Walter Stranz Square
B98 8AH /
Office use only
Database stored
Handbook Sent
CRB Completed