Appendix A
Children, Schools
and Families
Deputy Director (Chief Education Officer
POST: / Health & Safety Manager (Education)
REVIEW DATE: / November 2008
PUBLISHED BY Children, Schools and Families
1. Closure Decisions
1.1 The County Council’s corporate director (people and property) will issue instructions to all County Council departments about whether or not County Council staff are required to attend work if safe to do so or, if already at work, should go home early. The corporate director (people and property) will also supply information about how staff should check (via the County Council’s call centre and/or local radio stations) on the situation the following day.
1.2 If the general situation indicates that establishments, including schools, should be closed or not open, the departmental liaison officer (DLO) will consult the director of CSF.
1.3 Where possible, advanced warning, especially of prolonged severe weather, will be given. Where this has been issued, establishments should consider how this might impact on their establishment, for example:
§ Staffing issues
§ Fuel supplies
§ Catering supplies
§ Transport issues, e.g. Passenger Transport Unit, taxis etc.
1.4 Where it is likely that there will be prolonged severe weather a departmental team will be set up to co-ordinate and support services.
1.5 Critical services that need to remain operating should follow their individual business continuity plans and inform the department of any issues that might require additional CSF support.
1.6 If a decision is taken to recommend closure to non-essential establishments the departmental team will cascade this decision via CSF Communications; by briefing the County Council’s call centre; using a collective email and/or local radio announcement.
(NB: all communications with schools will state that the final decision whether or not to close rests with the school)
1.7 Decisions to close any CSF establishment (including schools) must be based on the County Council’s severe weather plan, CSF procedures and an assessment of risk.
1.8 If any CSF establishment decides to close because of snow or severe weather issues, e.g. no heating, the Education Health and Safety Team should be informed on 01992 556478
1.9 Schools should follow the SNOWLINE guidance and also inform the Education Health and Safety Team should be informed on 01992 556478.
2. Severe Weather Helpline
2.1 Information and updates about any interruptions to normal business can be obtained by telephoning the HCC staff Helpline:
The number 01992 556616 has thirty lines and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
2.2 If there are severe weather problems you can call the number and be guided through a menu to give you information about your own department. You could ring in the evening to find out what is happening the next day.
2.3 The helpline will also be used to give people information during any other emergencies which may require us to close our buildings.
3. Staffing
3.1 Unless specifically told otherwise, (as above), staff will be expected to use their best endeavours to attend work without putting themselves or others at risk.
3.2 Heads of establishment should ensure there is an up to date list of home contact/mobile phone details of all staff.
3.3 Where it is deemed too unsafe or difficult for staff to attend their workplace, other options should be considered, such as working from home or attending another service location. Where appropriate, these decisions should be taken as early as possible.
3.4 Where consideration is being given to early closures, staff may be offered the option of working from home or taking flexi-time. Consideration should be given first to those staff with care responsibilities or longer travelling distances. Where possible staff should leave at regular intervals to avoid disruption to the transport network.
3.5 Service critical areas, such as residential establishments, should have plans in place to ensure staff coverage, for example by utilising local staff and adjusting shifts accordingly. Where difficulties are expected the Departmental team should be informed.
4. Additional Considerations
4.1 In severe weather make sure that the heating is left on during ‘out of hours’ periods for frost protection purposes. Where appropriate, ensure there is adequate fuel for prolonged closures.
4.2 Brief staff in advance to ensure they know what is expected of them.
4.3 Brief parents, children etc. in advance to ensure they understand how they can get up to date information, e.g. local radio, Hertsdirect.
4.4 Ensure regular suppliers/contractors are informed of procedures and confirm arrangements are in place for essential services/deliveries.
4.5 Where establishments are operating, risk assessments should be undertaken to ensure the health and safety of staff and site users, for example that paths etc. are kept as clear as possible and checked regularly.
4.6 Where gales or high wind warnings have been issued, the site should be checked for dead or damaged branches/trees and other potential hazards to people or property.
4.7 Where it is not possible for some staff and/or children to return home, establishments should ensure there are plans in place to provide warmth and hot refreshments.
4.8 In extreme conditions HCC may request that schools or other non-school establishments be used as rest centres for members of the public.
4.9 Once it is has been established that the severe weather is passing the establishment should advise staff when they can return to work. If an executive decision was taken to recommend non-essential establishments should close, the departmental team will recommend to establishments that staff should return to work, via the County Council’s call centre and/or local radio stations.
5. Reopening of establishments that closed
5.1 When the severe weather has past, establishments should check their premises before announcing that it will reopen. The manager or key-holder should inspect the premises for signs of damage, e.g. heating failure, flooding, burst pipes or damaged trees.
5.2 Non-school premises that have experienced damage should contact their Property helpline for assistance ...
5.3 School premises that have experienced damage serious enough to warrant declaring a Critical Incident, should follow the guidance in the Critical Incident Recovery Plan and use the contact numbers below:
Monday – Friday 08.30 – 17.30 01438 737261
Saturday 09.00 – 16.00 01438 737261
At all other times 0800 547547 (State you are declaring a Critical Incident)
Asbestos Helpline 0845 603 0369
5.4 Please note if you do not have a Schools Direct arrangement with Mouchel Parkman, you should have set in place alternative property emergency arrangements.
If however your alternative arrangements fail and you have a pressing need, you may still use the Hertfordshire Property Hotline as detailed above. You will then be required to pay an annual fee ( or half annual fee if more than 6 months through the financial year) and enter an arrangement with Mouchel Parkman for the remainder of the financial year. Because MP and their supply chain have agreed to act in good faith to deliver this service, CSF have agreed to insist upon schools honouring this agreement.
For further information on this service, please contact Dean Butti, Mouchel Parkman project manager on 01992 513500.
5.4 Headteachers/managers should use their contact systems for advising staff of the situation.
6. Recommendations for CSF non-school establishments
6.1 The general message during severe weather is to ‘Stay In – Tune In’, but you should use all other means possible to inform staff, clients, parents and others that your establishment will be closed:
- leave a message on the answer machine
- have emergency contact numbers for staff to hand, and any others you deem essential, and use a cascade system where possible
- leave a message on the main entrance or gate
- let clients, parents and others know that you will use the above methods in times of severe weather (ensure this is also included in the general information given out about your procedures)
6.2 Non-school establishments should keep a copy of these procedures with the establishments business continuity plan (BCP)
SNOWLINE Procedures
Contact Numbers for CSF schools
Local radio stations have agreed to pass on information to their listeners if you have to close your establishment at very short notice.
It is expected that this will usually be as a result of severe weather conditions (hence SNOWLINE) but it could be used to inform parents and the public of other major incidents that make a closure necessary.
When ringing the radio stations please use the pre-arranged password so they know that the call is not a hoax. Contact details of the radio stations supporting SNOWLINE; and some recommendations for contacting radio stations are below.
Chiltern Radio (97.6 FM 828 AM)
Tel: 01582 676240
Fax: 01582 676249 (better to email)
The main phone number above is for the newsroom (open between 05.00 - 19.00 hrs). If the line is engaged keep trying.
The station covers South, West and North Herts including Borehamwood, Watford, Hatfield, Welwyn Garden City, Stevenage, Baldock and Hemel Hempstead.
(Please note: Classic Gold (828 and 792 AM) is part of the Chiltern Radio network and uses the same contact numbers)
Mercury FM (96.6FM)
This station has a very close working relationship with Chiltern..
Tel: 01923 205496 (travel studio)
01923 205497 (main studio)
01923 205498 (newsline)
01923 205499 (presenting studio)
Fax: 01923 205479
(programme controller)
This station covers Watford, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Rickmansworth, Berkhampstead, redbourn, Borehamwood
BBC Three Counties Radio (103.8 FM / 95.5 FM or 630 MW / 1161 MW)
Tel: 01582 637444 (newsdesk) 01908 234274 (out of hours on call person)
Fax: 01582 401 467
The main phone number above is the newsroom (open between 04.00 - 20.00 hrs). If the line is engaged keep trying.
This station covers the whole of Hertfordshire.
BBC Radio Cambridgeshire (96FM)
Tel: 01223 589898 (news desk- manned 05.00 – 19.00)
01223 259696 (main switchboard)
Fax: not available
This station Royston,
Hertbeat FM (106.7 106.9FM)
Tel: 01438 810912 (newsdesk- manned06.00-14.00) 01438 810900 (main switchboard)
Fax: 01438 815100
This station covers North Herts including Stevenage, Letchworth, WGC, Hatfield,Hitchin, Ware and Hertford.
Ten 17FM (101.7FM)
Tel: 01279 236667 (newsdesk) 01279 236680 (reporter)
Fax: 01279 236659
This station covers areas in East Herts including Hertford, Ware, Cheshunt, Broxbourne, Bishop’s Stortford and Hoddesdon.
Mix 96 (96.2 FM)
Tel: 01296 393396 (newsdesk manned 06.00-19.00 weekdays. Outside of these hours it is better to email)
Fax: 01296 398988
This station covers Tring and Berkhampsted.
NB this station uses rosebud as theira different password but will accept rainbow the HCC common password as well.
Q103 (103FM and dab digital)
Tel: 01223 623831 (newsdesk open from 05.00)
Fax: 01223 623809
This station covers Royston,Bishops Stortford
Recommendations for Contacting Radio Stations
· Make sure you have access to the contact numbers and password if you are off site. (For example, if the forecast is bad and you think you may have to make a decision in the evening or early morning or at weekends)
· Always use the password. Some radio stations will also ask you for your school number or contact details to double-check.
· If at all possible, inform the radio station of your school's closure by mid afternoon of the day before (i.e. during their office hours).
· If you cannot make a decision until the morning, try to ring the radio stations as early as possible so that they can include the item in the
8.00 a.m. news bulletin, for example to reach parents and children before they set off for school.
· If the number you are ringing is engaged or you cannot get through keep trying - depending on the time of day there may be only one or two members of staff at the radio station answering many incoming calls.
· If the number you are phoning diverts to an answer machine always leave a message. If there is an alternative number or method of communication (i.e. email or fax) try that as well.
· If you do contact a radio station by sending an email please try to contact them via the telephone as well.
· The radio stations have strongly recommended that if possible try not to phone just before the hour or the half-hour when they are preparing their news bulletins.
· The radio station will read out a list of all the school closures at the same time.
· Although the general message is to ‘Stay In – Tune In’, remember that in very extreme cases the radio stations may be overloaded and you should use all other means possible to inform parents and others that the establishment will be closed.
- publish information on your own website
- leave a message on the answer machine
- have contact numbers for staff and parents and others to hand and use a cascade system where possible
- leave a message on the main entrance or gate and, in the case of schools, ensure someone is there to meet any children/parents etc who may turn up
- let parents and others know that you will use the above methods as well as the snowline (ensure this is also included in the general information given out about your procedures)
· Schools should keep a copy of these procedures with your copy of the 'Critical Incident Recovery Plan for Schools'.
CSF Severe Weather Plan page 9 of 9 November 2007
CSF4514 Issue No. 03