Part One: Annual Report for Calendar Year 2003
C. Faculty Scholarly/Creative Activity
1. Bibliography of faculty publications
Dr. Phyllis Agness
Agness, P. J. and Bell, K.M. (in press). Applying special education evaluation and identification to students who are homeless. Illinois Schools Journal.
Agness, P. J. (2003). The impact of homelessness on students’ learning and how educators can help. Social Studies Review, 43(1), 47-50.
Dr. Jim Burg
Burg, J. (in-press). The emotions thermometer: An intervention for the scaling and
psychoeducation of intense emotions. Journal of Family Psychotherapy.
Burg, J. and Mayhall, J. (2002). Techniques and interventions of solution-focused
advising. NACADA Journal, 22 (2). (published in 2003)
Mayhall, J. and Burg, J. (2002). Solution-focused advising with the undecided
student. NACADA Journal, 22(1), 76-82. (published in 2003)
Burg, J. (2003) Community Marriage Initiatives: An Eco-systemic Enrichment
Model. Family Focus, in Report of the National Council on Family
Relations, 48(3), F5-F7.
Dr. Sheena Choi
Choi, S. (in press) “International Schools in Korea: Globalization or Marketization? Vacillating Between the Two” In Shunichi Nishimura (ed.) Sekai no Gaikokujin-gakkou (International/Foreign schools in the world).
Choi, S. (in press) “Citizenship, Education, and Identity Formation: Comparative Study of Ethnic Chinese in ROK and Koreans in PRC.” International Journal of Educational Reform, Summer, 2004.
Choi, S. (2003). Book review of Adverse Effects of Private Supplementary Tutoring by Mark Bray. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning; UNESCO (2003). International Journal of Educational Development.
Choi, S. (in press). Book review of Contentious Kwangju: The May 18 Uprising in Korea’s Past and Present. Edited by Gi-Wook Shin and Kyung Moon Hwang. Lanham, Boulder, New York, and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2003).The Journal of Asian Studies.
Choi, S. (in press). Book review of Education in the Market Place: Hong Kong’s International Schools and their Mode of Operation by Yoko Yamato. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Center (2003). Comparative Education 39(4).
Choi, S & Murphey, K.A. (May 2003). Book review of Education Fever: Society, Politics, and the Pursuit of Schooling in South Korea by Michael J. Seth. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press (2002). The Journal of Asian Studies 62(2):645-647.
Choi, S. & Moss, G. (2003). Book review of Globalization and National Identities: Crisis or Opportunity? Edited by Paul Kennedy and Catherine J. Danks. London: Palgrave (2001) for The Social Science Journal, 40:161-163.
Technical Report and Newsletter
Choi, S. (2003). The Education of Ethnic Koreans in China. Beijing: Ford Foundation
Choi, S. (September 2003). The Education of Ethnic Koreans in China. China Education Forum 4(1):24-5. u.hk/chinaed/ Hong Kong: Wah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China.
Dr. Jerry Garrett
Garrett, Jerry E. (2003). Bridging the gap between principals and counselors. National Social Science Perspectives Journal, 23(3), 109-116.
Garrett, Jerry E. and Morgan, David E. (2002). Celebrating Diversity By Educating All Students: Elementary Teacher and Principal Collaboration. Education. 123(2), 268-275. [Note: Was still in-press in 2003, but was a 2002 publication.]
Garrett, Jerry E. (2002). Enhancing the Attitudes of Children Toward Reading: Implications for Teachers and Principals. Reading Improvement, 39 (1), 21-24. [Note: Was still in-press in 2003, but was a 2002 publication.]
Garrett, Jerry E. (2002). Applying Technology to Multicultural Concerns. The National Social Science Perspectives Journal, 19 (1), 55-60.
Garrett, Jerry E. (2002). Educating Immigrant Students: Administrator and Teacher Tips for Responding to the Crisis. The National Social Science Journal, 19 (1), 36-42. [Note: Was still in-press in 2003, but was a 2002 publication.]
Garrett, Jerry E. and Garrett, Rebecca A. (2002). The School Safety Issue: A Course of Action for Teachers and Principals. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal. 6 (3), 61-68.
Garrett, Jerry E. (In-press). “Addressing the Need for Bridging the Gap Between Principals and Counselors.” National Social Science Journal.
Garrett, Jerry E. & Foust, Stacey L. (In-Press). Educating Immigrant Students. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal.
Garrett, Jerry E. (In-Press). The Principal and Counselor connection: Bridging the gap. Journal of Instructional Psychology.
Garrett, Jerry E. (In-press). Narcissistic leaders: Who they are and what to do about them. El Cajon, CA: National Social Science Press.
Dr. Pamela Gray
Gray, P.L. (in press). Vocational Education Act of 1917. Iin Major Acts of Congress, Brian K. Landsberg, Editor. N.Y.: Macmillan Reference (Sage Imprint).
Gray, P.L. (in press). Elias Boudinot. In Native American Treaties, Donald Fixico, editor. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
Gray, P.L. (in press). Fort Sumner, New Mexico. In Native American Treaties. Donald Fixico, editor. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
Gray, P.L. (in press). Major Ridge. In Native American Treaties, Donald Fixico, editor.
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
Gray, P.L. (in press). New Echota, Georgia. In Native American Treaties, Donald Fixico, editor. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
Gray, P.L. (in press) “Red Cloud” in Native American Treaties, Donald Fixico, editor. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Press.
Gray, P.L. (2003). Images of America: Newport Beach, California. Charleston: Arcadia Publishing (Tempus Publishing Imprint, U.K.).
Dr. M. Gail Hickey
Co-authored K - 6 Textbook Series (National team of social studies education experts)
Here We Go (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. Here We Go Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
All Together (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. All Together Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
People and Places (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. People and Places Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
Communities (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. Communities Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
Regions (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. Regions Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
Indiana (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. Indiana Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
Texas (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. Texas Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
Virginia (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. Virginia Teacher’s Edition (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
The United States (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman. The United States Teacher’s Edition I (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
The United States Teacher’s Edition II (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
The World (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
The World Teacher’s Edition I (2003). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
Hickey, M. G. (in press). Social studies in early childhood education. In Elkind, David (Ed.), Perspectives in early childhood education (2nd. ed.). Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Hickey, M. G. (in press). Exploring Asian Indian immigrants' cultural models of schooling. In Park, Clara (Ed.), Educational issues of Asian and Pacific-American students K-16 (Vol. 3). Information Age Pub.
Hickey, M. G., & Banks, D. N. (in press). Teaching against the grain: Combating prejudice among elementary and secondary preservice teachers. In Gabe Keri (Ed.), Ideas for teaching efficacy: Shared perspectives. National Social Science Association.
Hickey, M. G. (accepted for publication/2004 or 2005 copyright). Teaching with oral history in the elementary grades. In B. A. Lanman & Wendling, L. (Eds.) Preparing the next generation of oral historians: An anthology of oral history education. Alta Mira Press.
Hickey, M. G. (2003, Fall). Social studies textbook use and teachers' decision making: A middle grades perspective. Journal of the Illinois Council for the Social Studies 63, 1-13.
Morris, R. V., & Hickey, M. G. (2003, Spr/Sum). Writing plays for the middle school social studies classroom: A seventh grade case study. International Journal of Social Education 18 (1), 51-59.
Hickey, M. G. (in press). 'Can I pick more than one project?' — Case studies of five teachers who used MI-based instructional planning. Teachers College Record.
Margolin, A. & Hickey, M. G. (accepted/under revision). Asian Indians in Indiana. Indiana Magazine of History.
Hickey, M. G. (2003). Review of Gorkin, M., Pineda, M., and Leal, G. (2000). From grandmother to granddaughter: Salvadoran women’s stories. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. In Oral History Review 30 (1), 117-120.
Dr. Alice Merz
Merz, A. H. (2003). Investigation: Weighing the options. Teaching Children Mathematics, 9(7), pp. 390-395.
Merz, A. H. , & Belzer, S. (2003). Investigation: Hurry up and weight. Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(1), pp. 8-14.
Merz, A. H., & Thomason, C. (2003). Investigation: Sizing up the river. Eingana: The Journal of the Victorian Association for Environmental Education. Reprinted with permission from Teaching Children Mathematics, copyright 2002, by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Dr. Glenda Moss
Moss, G. (in press). Scholar-practitioner leadership preparation: Narrative analysis of doctoral student experiences. In P. M. Jenlink & R. A. Horn (Ed.), Scholar practitioner leadership preparation.
Moss, G. (in press). Provisions of trustworthiness in critical narrative research: Bridging intersubjectivity and fidelity. Qualitative Report.
Moss, G. (in press). Critical self-reflective narrative of portfolio assessment in teacher preparation. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly.
Moss, G. (in press). Book review. The 'difference' difference makes: Women and leadership. Deborah Rhode (Ed). CA: Stanford University Press, 2003, 232 pages. The Journal of Women in Educational Leadership.
Moss, G. (in press). A narrative analysis of scholar-practitioner teacher leadership preparation. Journal of School Leadership.
Moss, G. (in press). Dialogue in teaching as critical instruction. Middle School Journal.
Moss, G., & Rhodes, C. (2003). Students in the middle: Using portfolios with students in grades 6, 7, 8. In J. H. Cohen, & R. B. Wiener (Eds.), Literacy portfolios: Improving assessment, teaching and learning, (2nd ed., pp. 28-33). Upper Sadler River, New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Moss, G. (2003). Finding the Student in a high-stakes world: A challenge for teachers and test makers. NWP Quarterly, 25(3), 23-25.
Moss, G. (2003). Revolutionary multiculturalism in US schools: Educational leadership reconsidered. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory & Practice, 6(2), 193-200.
Choi, S., & Moss, G. (2003). Book review. Globalization and national identities. Paul Kennedy and Catherine J. Banks (Eds.). New York: Palgrave, 2001, 256 pages. The Social Science Journal, 282(1-3).
Dr. Kathleen Murphey
Murphey, K. A. (in press). Amish education. Encyclopedia of the Midwest, a project of the Institute for Collaborative Research and Public Humanities. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press.
Murphey, K. A. (in press). Teacher unions. Encyclopedia of the Midwest, a project of the Institute for Collaborative Research and Public Humanities. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Press.
Murphey, K. A. (Fall, 2003), Book review of Gender, Race, and the National Education Association: Professionalism and Its Limitations by Wayne J. Urban (NY: RoutledgeFalmer, 2000). History of Education Quarterly, 43 (3), 451-455.
Choi, S and Murphey, K. A. (May, 2003). Book review of Education Fever: Society, Politics, and the Pursuit of Schooling in South Korea by Michael J. Seth (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002). The Journal of Asian Studies, 62 (2), 645-647.
Dr. Mark Myers
Myers, Mark D., White, Janet and Nichols, J. (in press). Teacher and Student Incremental and Entity Views of Intelligence. International Journal of Educational Research.
Myers, M. (in press). Functional Leadership: A Model to Enhance Self-Regulation in Schools. Educational Leadership Review.
Book Reviews
Snowden, P.E., and Gorton, R.A. (2002). School Leadership and Administration: Important Concepts, Case Studies, and Simulations. (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Sowell, E. (2002). Curriculum: An Integrative Introduction. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill Prentice-Hall.
Dr. Joe Nichols
Nichols, J.D. (in press). Block scheduled high schools: The impact on student achievement in English/language arts courses. The Journal of Educational Research.
Nichols, J.D. (in press). An exploration of suspension and discipline data. Journal of Negro Education.
Nichols, J.D. (2003). Prediction indicators for students failing the state of Indiana high school graduation exam. Preventing School Failure, 47(3), 112- 120.
Myers, M., Nichols, J.D. & White, J. (2003). Teacher and student incremental and entity views of intelligence: The effect on self-regulation and persistence activities. International Journal of Educational Reform, 12(2), 97-116.
Dr. Jeff Nowak
Quigley, M., Rhodes, C., and Nowak, J. (2003). Literacy Portfolios in the
Electronic Age, in J. Cohen and R. Wiener (Eds.), Literacy Portfolios, pp. 86-88, Prentice-Hall.
Nowak, J.A. (submitted 2003). Walking the Talk: Using the more emphasis approach while training preK-8 teachers. Book chapter submitted to the National Science Teachers Association National Science Teachers Monograph Project.
Dr. Beverly Parke
Parke, B.N. (2003). Discovering programs for talent development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Soodak, L., & Parke, B. (2003). Literacy portfolios for diverse learners (2nd Ed.). In Cohen, J.H., & Wiener, R.B. (Eds.), Literacy portfolios: Better assessment, teaching, and learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.
Agness, P.J., & Parke, B.N. (2003). Hand in Hand: A program to minimize failure for at-risk preschoolers. Columbus, OH: Mid-Western Educational Research Association.
Dr. Terri Swim
Swim, T.J., & Freeman, R. (in press). A time to reflect: The use of food in early childhood classrooms, Young Children.
Freeman, R., & Swim, T.J. (2003). A critical reflection on using food as learning material, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 24, 83-88..
Swim, T.J. (2003). Respecting Infants and Toddlers: Strategies for best practice, Early Childhood NEWS, 15 (5), 16-23.
Swim, T.J., & Freeman, R. (2003). Parents and teachers working together: Should food be used for learning materials? Early Childhood NEWS, 15 (3), 41-46.
Vakil, S., Freeman, R., & Swim, T.J., (2003). The Reggio Emilia Approach and Inclusive Early Childhood Programs. Early Childhood Education Journal, 30, 187 – 192.
Herr, J., & Swim, T. J. (2003). Rattle time, face to face, and many other activities for infants: 0 to 6 months (Creative Resources for Infant and Toddler Series). Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers.
Herr, J., & Swim, T. J. (2003). Making sounds, making music, and many other activities for infants: 7 to 12 months (Creative Resources for Infant and Toddler Series). Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers.
Herr, J., & Swim, T. J. (2003). Sorting shapes, show me, and many other activities for toddlers: 13 to 24 months (Creative Resources for Infant and Toddler Series). Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers.
Herr, J., & Swim, T. J. (2003). Rhyming books, marble painting, and other activities for toddlers: 25 to 36 months (Creative Resources for Infant and Toddler Series). Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers.