Master of Physical Activity and Health Self-documentation, Oktober 2010
Current version: 06.05.2016
/ Institut fürSportwissenschaft und Sport
Degree course title: Physical Activity and Health/ Master of Arts
Start of studies: Winter term 08/09, annualy in October
Study duration: 4 Semester
Number of ECTS-Credits: 120
Modules: 14
Language Englisch
Expected number of students appr. 15-25
Institution: Department Psychologie und Sport
Institut für Sportwissenschaft und Sport (ISS)
Gebbertstrasse 123b
91058 Erlangen
Degree course management: Prof. Dr. K. Pfeifer/ Prof. Dr. A. Rütten
Responsible for lectures: Prof. Dr. K. Pfeifer/ Prof. Dr. A. Rütten
Responsible for organisation: Dr. K. Abu-Omar / Dr. A. Tallner
Specialty: Sport Science
Target group: graduates from degree courses (BA) with a focus on physical activity, sports/exercise and or health promotion
Type of degree: full time, research oriented
Tuition fee: - none -
Preamble: The workload of study time is weighted differently in individual courses. Therefore, workload is calculated differently between modules.
1.1. Modulkatalog
1 / Modul 1 / Introduction into Physical Activity and Public Health / 7,5 ECTS2 / Courses / Lecture 1: Introduction to public health
Lecture 2: Introduction into physical activity and public health
Seminar 1: Introduction into physical activity and public health / 2,5
3 / Module Coordinator / Dr. Peter Gelius
4 / Teaching personnel / Prof. Rütten, Dr. Abu-Omar, Dr. Gelius, Dr. Frahsa
5 / Content/Syllabus Outline / - The concepts of Public Health/ New Public Health
- Models of Public Health (salutogenic and pathogenic orientation)
- Structures for applying Public Health principles (e.g. RKI, local health authorities)
- Scientific approaches to Public Health (epidemiology, behavioural medicine, medical sociology)
- Examples of good Practice in Public Health (case studies)
- Current topics in Public Health (e.g. obesity and physical activity)
- Concepts of Physical activity: Exercise, Physical activity, HEPA, Movement
- Epidemiology of PA: PA and Health
- Intervention approaches to promote PA: individual- and population based interventions
- Case studies: Good practice in PA promotion
6 / Educational Objectives and Acquired Competencies / Students learn the basic principles of Public Health. They are capable of describing and explaining models and structures of Public Health. Further, they gain a basic understanding on how Public Health and its concepts are applied in prevention and health promotion activities. Students also learn to distinguish theoretical concepts of physical activity and evaluate the health effects of these concepts. Further, students learn about basic principles of physical activity promotion and existing evidence/recommendations for strategies of physical activity promotion. Students acquire a basic understanding of good practice in physical activity promotion.
7 / Module applicability / MA Physical Activity and Health
8 / Intended stage in course of studies / 1st Semester
9 / Prerequisites (recommended) / None
10 / Frequency at which the class is offered / Annually
11 / Duration of the module / 1 semester
12 / Assessments and Evaluations / Lecture 1: Final written exam (graded, 90 min.)
13 / Calculation of the module grade / Lecture 1: Final written exam 100%
14 / Work load / Class time: 5 SWS = 75h
Study time: 150h
15 / Language / Englisch
16 / Required reading / - k.A.
Master of Physical Activity and Health Self-documentation, Oktober 2010
Current version: 06.05.2016
1 / Modul 2 / Health Enhancing Exercise I / 7,5 ECTS-Punkte2 / Courses / Seminar: Basics in Exercise for Health and Physical Therapy
Seminar/Practice : Technical Skills in Exercise for Health and Physical Therapy 1
Seminar & Practice: Basics in Kinesiology / 3
3 / Module Coordinator / Dr. Alexander Tallner
4 / Teaching personnel / Dr. Tallner, J. Semrau
5 / Content/Syllabus Outline / - Self-awareness of exercise in respect to rehabilitation regarding effects on physical, psychological and social dimensions
- Examples of best practice to enhance physical, psychological and social dimensions through exercise and physical activity
- Basics to structure exercise interventions for the improvement of self efficacy, improvement of emotional qualities (well-being), relaxation, and physical dimensions
- Techniques for patient education and behaviour modification and their combination with exercise interventions and practical skill (endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination, games)
- Basics in motor control, motor learning and training methods
6 / Educational Objectives and Acquired Competencies / Students learn how to apply principles of evidence-based medicine in the field of physical activity and rehabilitation research. They learn how to search, analyse and compile evidence. Students demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge of the linkage between physical activity and health. At the end of this module students demonstrate knowledge about the structure, methods and contents of multimodal exercise interventions. Students learn to design, implement and critically adapt methods for the goal-directed strengthening of psychosocial and physical health resources in exercise intervention and demonstrate to handle their complexity. This comprises the reflection of physical, cognitive-behavioural and emotional intervention techniques as well as their practical experience.
7 / Module applicability / MA Physical Activity and Health
8 / Intended stage in course of studies / 1st Semester
9 / Prerequisites (recommended) / None
10 / Frequency at which the class is offered / Annually
11 / Duration of the module / 1 Semester
12 / Assessments and Evaluations / Seminar: term paper (10-20 pages, graded)
13 / Calculation of the module grade / term paper 100%
14 / Work load / Class time: 5 SWS = 75h
Study time: 150 h
15 / Language / Englisch
16 / Required reading / - k.A.
1 / Modul 3 / Rehabilitation Science / 7,5 ECTS-Punkte
2 / Courses / Lecture 1: Introduction to Rehabilitation Sciences
Lecture 2: Medical Rehabilitation
Seminar 1: Interdisciplinary Aspects in Rehabilitation /
3 / Module Coordinator / Prof. Dr. Klaus. Pfeifer
4 / Teaching personnel / Prof. Dr. Pfeifer, Dr. Schupp, Dr.
Gerling, Prof. Dr. Bernd Kladny
5 / Content/Syllabus Outline / - International Classification of Function (ICF), pathogenetic vs. salutogenetic health models
- Rehabilitation concepts, structures, institutions (e.g. BAR, DVfR, EFRR, IR etc.), legal aspects etc.
- Interdisciplinary methods and contents in rehabilitation: medical, social, vocational, psychological and exercise rehabilitation, patient education and empowerment etc.
- Basics in medical rehabilitation (aetiology, pathogeneses, symptoms and syndromes of relevant diseases)
- Differences of indications and target groups (“classical” disabilities vs. chronic diseases, children vs. older adults, gender aspects etc.)
- Models and concepts to influence health related behaviour and life style
6 / Educational Objectives and Acquired Competencies / Students learn the differentiation between historical, current, and emerging theories and models in rehabilitation and their practical application/implementation. At the end of the course they will be able to demonstrate a systematic approach to representative methodological issues and research areas in rehabilitation with special focus on the life span, gender specific as well as working specific aspects. Students acquire basic knowledge of theoretical models and intervention concepts in rehabilitation, about target groups and indication specific aspects in rehabilitation as well as of organisation and process management in rehabilitation. They learn to describe and analyze the system of and interventions in rehabilitation and can understand and evaluate goals and concepts of rehabilitation science
7 / Module applicability / MA Physical Activity and Health
8 / Intended stage in course of studies / 1st Semester
9 / Prerequisites (recommended) / None
10 / Frequency at which the class is offered / Annually
11 / Duration of the module / 1 Semester
12 / Assessments and Evaluations / Lecture 1 u. 2: Final written exam (90 min., graded)
13 / Calculation of the module grade / Lecture 1 u. 2: Final written exam 100%
14 / Work load / Class time: 6 SWS = 90h
Study time: 135h
15 / Language / Englisch
16 / Required reading / - k.A.
1 / Modul 4 / Basics in Methodology / 7,5 ECTS Punkte
2 / Courses / Lecture 1: Methodology in Health Sciences
Seminar 1: Quantitative Research (fieldwork)
Seminar 2: Qualitative Research (fieldwork) / 2,5
3 / Module Coordinator / Dr. Karim Abu-Omar
4 / Teaching personnel / Dr. Abu-Omar
5 / Content/Syllabus Outline / - What are qualitative and quantitative methods?
- Study designs and the production of knowledge
- Principles of research in Epidemiology, Public Health, Prevention and Rehabilitation
- From evidence based medicine to participatory action research
- Collecting and analyzing quantitative survey data (descriptive and multivariate data analysis)
- Performing a participant observation and analyzing its outcomes
6 / Educational Objectives and Acquired Competencies / Students learn the basic principles of conducting research, collecting data, and analyzing data. Further, they learn to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research methods, and to select and apply the appropriate research methods according to a posed problem.
In the accompanying seminars students gain first hand experience in collecting, handling, and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.
7 / Module applicability / MA Physical Activity and Health
8 / Intended stage in course of studies / 1st and 2nd semester
9 / Prerequisites (recommended) / None
10 / Frequency at which the class is offered / Annually
11 / Duration of the module / 2 Semester
12 / Assessments and Evaluations / Seminar 1: Field work and written report (10-20 pages, graded)
13 / Calculation of the module grade / Seminar 1: Field work and written report 100%
14 / Work load / Class time: 6 SWS = 90h
Study time: 135h
15 / Language / Englisch
16 / Required reading / - k.A.
1 / Modul 5 / Communication and Cooperative Planning / 7,5 ECTS
2 / Courses / Lecture 1: Introduction into Communication and Interaction
Seminar 1: Cooperative Planning
Seminar 2: Cross-cultural differences in communication / 2,5
3 / Module Coordinator / Dr. Peter Gelius, Dr. Annika Frahsa
4 / Teaching personnel / Dr. Frahsa, Dr. Gelius
5 / Content/Syllabus Outline / The concepts and models of communication and interaction will be the first step to be able to describe and analyze communication and interaction. One major topic is human communication in developing relationships, factors affecting human communication behaviour in relationships, more effectiveness in communication in relationships. Another topic is interaction patterns for coming together, interaction patterns and the maintenance of relationships, and interaction patterns for coming apart.
Scenarios are a useful base of communication for planning discussions. This meets the concept of an open, interactive process of planning – cooperative planning. Students learn about basic principles of cooperative planning and existing best practice models. Furthermore they learn how to manage a cooperative planning process. Especially the interactive cycle between the scientific/political protagonists and those in the “field of application”.
As recommended by Allison: „As we move into cultures distinct from our own, we may come to realize that our ways of seeing the world, thinking about the world, and behaving in such a world are quite different in form and content. Such cross-cultural insights would move us toward breaking down boundaries and barriers which limit not only the understanding of others, but ourselves as well” (1995, 56). Furthermore developing and implementing interactive cycles and development and implementation of evaluation concepts are part of the course work.
6 / Educational Objectives and Acquired Competencies / Students learn the basic principles of communication and interaction. They learn to describe models and structures of communication and interaction and critically appraise and apply them. Students develop concepts of communication and interaction and thus acquire necessary skills to be effective communicators.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of structure and contents of cooperative planning and project management. They learn tol apply their understanding and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments!
Based on the perspective of Allison (1995) students are able to analyse cross-cultural differences in human communication. Furthermore students learn to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously.
7 / Module applicability / MA Physical Activity and Health
8 / Intended stage in course of studies / 1st and 2nd Semester
9 / Prerequisites (recommended) / None
10 / Frequency at which the class is offered / Annually
11 / Duration of the module / 2 Semester
12 / Assessments and Evaluations / Lecture 1: Final written exam: 45 minutes
Seminars 1 + 2: term paper, 5-15 pages
13 / Calculation of the module grade / Lecture 1: Final written exam 50%
Seminars 1 + 2: term paper,each graded 25% (50% in total)
14 / Work load / Class time: 4 SWS = 60h
Study time: 165 h
15 / Language / Englisch
16 / Required reading / - k.A.
1 / Modul 6 / International Physical Activity and Health / 5 ECTS-Punkte
2 / Courses / Lecture 1: International Public Health
Seminar/Excursion: International Rehabilitation / 2,5
3 / Module Coordinator / Prof. Dr. Klaus Pfeifer
4 / Teaching personnel / Prof. Dr. Pfeifer, Prof. Dr. Rütten , A.Frahsa
5 / Content/Syllabus Outline / Goals, structures, programmes and projects of international agencies in the field of physical activity:
I. National Institutions: e.g. CDC, Karolinska Institut, TNO
II. Supranational organisations: WHO, EU, IUHPE
III. International NGO‘s: e.g. EUPHA, Platform on Diet and Physical Activity
IV: International Networks: HEPA-Europe
V: Funding agencies
· Active participation (preparation, visit and post-processing) at an international scientific conference in the field of rehabilitation science, exercise therapy or health enhancing physical activity (e.g. the annual conferences of: European Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, European College of Sports Science, World Confederation for Physical Therapy)
· Reflexion of current issues in rehabilitation science in an international comparison
· Reflexion of actual topics in physical activity and exercise therapy in rehabilitation science and practice in an international comparison
6 / Educational Objectives and Acquired Competencies / Students are exposed to the international landscape of physical activity and rehabilitation and learn to distinguish national and international Public Health agencies, and can describe their function/role in current Public Health. Furthermore, they gain a basic understanding of how Public Health blends in national and international policies, and reflect on the potentials/limitations of Public Health to promote healthy living.