Chair: John Nagy / X / Pres: Charlie Philpot / X / VP: Gene Fabryka / X
Trea: Suzi Jones / X / Sec: Mark Kavanagh / X / Museum Dir: Greg Bonn / X

Trustees Present

Bill Binns (2015) / X / David Harold (2015) / Gene Fabryka (2015) / X
Mark Kavanagh (2016) / X / Mark Moore (2014) / X / John Nagy (2014) / X
Adam Samish (2016) / Bob Terkelsen (2014) / X / Carolyn Vernon (2016) / X

Members & Guests

Bob Franklin, David Rowe, Rod Cox

The meeting was called to order in the Antique Powerland Conference Room at 1:00pm by Chairman John Nagy


·  September 2014 Minutes: Change Bill Weber to Will Weber.

Motion to approve minutes with correction (Fabryka/Binns) Passed

·  October 2014 Meeting Minutes: Not available, tabled for next meeting


·  Treasurer

·  Current Checking balance: $59,561.39

·  Reviewed current balance sheet

MOTION: Approve Treasurers Report (Kavanagh/Terkelsen) Passed

·  WST

·  Year-to-Date Income: $6752, October passengers: 224 over 32 trips. Sept: 918 over 31 trips.

·  Consortium approved Long Trestle improvement project for $450K with scheduled completion of 5/1/15.

·  Siding Project, currently progressing.

o  Secretary directed to send thank you letter to Stacey & Whitbeck to thank them for the work the company has done on the project, send to Sellwood Bridge project office.

o  Gerald Fox is drafting a justification letter for the siding as the WST is cut-off from the current maintenance siding at Nebraska Street due to Sellwood Bridge project.

·  Old Vintage Trolley Barn lights are available.

·  Speeder Transmission needs repair.

·  Trolley Dave is investigating Electrical Power Pack feasibility for VT513. Suggested he talk to Eric Sitiko. Funding would need to come from grants.

·  Investigating possible ADA lift.

·  Christmas runs are scheduled and marketing has begun.

·  Museum Report

·  Interpretive Center

o  Gas lien is fixed. Hot/Cold water is now available.

o  Library and office have heat.

o  Currently tying up loose ends to enable Banquet to occur in the building in November.

o  Working on selling the grader to pay for the fire system.

·  The Trolleys have been winterized.

·  APMA Report

·  APMA is going thru transition with an Executive Director on board.

o  Accountability and fiscal systems are in place.

o  Projects need to be funded BEFORE they are given a green light to start.

o  There have been challenges with volunteers.

·  There will be an 8 hour workshop at the Saw Mill this winter to develop a plan for the Saw Mill looking at safety and the Mill’s purpose.

·  Gateway project

o  Reviewed a consultant’s hardscape/landscape plan proposal for the entry into APMA for both daily and show use.

o  A Larry Leek Development Committee has been formed. Goal is fundraising to complete the Gateway building ($900K), and hardscape plan ($1.7M).

·  WAPI shares: 35 shares may becoming available, OERHS is interested in pursuing.

·  Site Committee

o  Short $300 in hardware to finish the benches – OERHS to store 5.

o  Ag show is scheduled for January.

o  Al Hall will step down from marketing. Ray Nelson will take the reins.

o  Williams Controls has given the Curtis Collection 60 a day notice to move, currently looking for a new temporary storage location.


·  Banquet: Currently on track for November 22nd at 2pm in the Interpretive Center.

·  Milan Car: Logistics planning is going slow. Possible move in Dec/Jan timeframe.

·  Car Barn Extension: Webb Steel promised quotes by Monday 11/10.

·  Keys: Several board members require keys to the Museum.


·  Railroad Swap meet in Rickreall Dec. 6th.

·  WST Plaque need names added. Rod Cox should be the gate keeper. Just order new names plates matching the current font for new volunteers.

·  Quilt Show inside Interpretive Center: The Quilt group during the 2014 Steamup had problems with the passport program. They would like to use our space for a nominal fee in 2015. John Nagy to get a proposal.

·  Radio Collection Sale inside Interpretive Center. Proposed for Feb/March timeframe.

·  Interpretive Center Name: Greg made proposal to name the building “Hopmere”. Hopmere was/is the station on Brooklake Road for the Oregon Electric. The location was originally called Chemeketa, but local residents wanted a different name. Since the area was/is a Hops growing region, Hopmere was chosen. The Siding is still call Hopmere with a simple sign still in place.

Motion: Name the Interpretive Center Hopmere Station (Kavanagh/Vernon) Passed.

·  Hardscape/landscape layout drawing for Hopmere Station. John to look around for local designers to quote.

·  A Cable Car turntable from San Francisco is available in Oregon – OERHS is not interested.

·  Sabol’s Brussel Streetcar collection: Karl Johnson of SF MUNI sent word that this collection is available for sale. Need more details before pursuing any further.


·  None


·  Motion to adjourn by Binns, Seconded by Vernon: approved.

·  Meeting adjourned at 3:50PM

Respectfully submitted Mark Kavanagh, Secretary

OERHS meeting Minutes November 8, 2014 Page 1 of 2