Volunteer Opportunities*as of 5/15/12

The committees listed below are PTA‐sponsored and are staffed by Sandburg parents to benefit all of

our children. To navigate your way around the PTA, we’ve put together descriptions of each committee

so you can get to know us and become familiar with the PTA’s activities. We encourage new volunteers

and ideas and hope to see you soon!Please note: the time commitment in BOLD pertains to committee chair.

We could not offer the following programs without the help of our many volunteers.

American Education Week: American Education week is celebrated during the last full week before

Thanksgiving. Sandburg student artwork (based on current year’s theme) is taken to local participating

businesses to be displayed for the week. The art work is picked up at the end of the week. (One time

commitment, approx. 5 hours)

Art To Remember: This fundraiser requires working with the Sandburg art teachers to create student

art, and the outside company that transfers it to fun items like magnets, tote bags, mugs, etc. Orders are

taken in the Fall and delivered before the Holiday break. Works with Vice President, Ways & Means

(One time commitment, approx. 5 hours)

Beautification: This committee coordinates the “Adopt a Garden” program and any additional projects

proposed to improve the school’s appearance. (Two‐time commitment, in the fall and spring. Approx. 6


Birthday Books: Books are distributed throughout the year to Sandburg students on their birthdays.

You purchase and distribute books. (On‐ going commitment throughout the year)

Book Club: Book Club is held for eight weeks during the months of January and February for Grades 1 –

5, during lunchtime. Students meet once a week to eat lunch and discuss the book with a parent

volunteer. You select book titles for each grade, organize student registration, order and distribute

books, recruit and coordinate volunteers, in the fall, to lead the weekly discussions. (Work spread over

several months, approx. 4 hours)

Book Fairs: There are two book fairs held during the year, one in the fall and the other in spring. The

chairperson negotiates with the bookseller, recruits and schedules volunteers for this multi‐day

fundraising sale. Committee helps with set‐up, staffing, sales and take‐down. (Work spread out over

several months: October and April, approx. 5 hours)

Consumer Products (Box Tops/Labels for Education): Box Tops for Education provides Sandburg the

opportunity to purchase school equipment. As chair you publicize the fundraiser, collect the box tops

throughout the year, count the box tops, submit to the company (twice a year) and update the PTA.

Works with Vice President of Ways and Means. (Work spread over several months, approx. 1


Council Delegate: The Council Delegate attends PTA Council meetings held the second Wednesday

morning of each month and report back to the Sandburg PTA. (Work spread out over several months,

approx. 2 hours/monthly)

Cultural Arts: The chairperson attends September “Showcase”, communicates with other elementary

schools and teachers to determine which assemblies and appearances would be appropriate and

curriculum enriching for Sandburg School. You would schedule and negotiate contracts and make

necessary arrangements. PTA funds provide these special programs, which include music, art, science,

history, math and more. (Work spread over several months, approx. 4 hours)

ELL Liaison: ELL students make up roughly 1/3 of Sandburg’s total student population. This committee

would be responsible for keeping this group of families informed of PTA activities, translating important

PTA information, and being another point of contact for ELL families. Spanish fluency strongly

recommended. (Work is as needed throughout the year)

Exploremore Day: Daylong fun event held at end of school year with parents, teachers and community

members as “instructors”. Coordinator schedules classes, recruits volunteers and purchases supplies for

this all‐student activity. From bingo to football to making wacky gak, students choose six mini‐sessions

from a list of creative choices. Many volunteers are needed. (Work every month beginning in the fall

and concluding in June. Time consuming in the final preparation months, approx. 20‐25 hours)

Exploremore Day Hospitality: This committee provides lunch to all of the Exploremore Day volunteers.

You would plan and coordinate the lunch seeking food and beverage donations, arrange for volunteers

to serve lunch and purchase supplies (One time commitment, approx. 5 hours)

Fall Fundraiser: Sandburg’s largest fundraiser. We are contracted with Market Day for

catalog sales of gift wrap and assorted items. You are responsible for coordinating with the distributor,

sending out order forms, taking in order forms and funds and advertising the fundraiser. You arrange for

volunteers who are needed on the day of pick up to help unload, organize and distribute the items for

pick up at school. Works closely with Vice President of Ways and Means. (One time commitment, in the

fall, approx. 5 hours)

Family Event with Santa: The PTA hosts a family event with Santa in December. This committee helps

with planning, decorations, food, set‐up, serving and clean up. (One time commitment, approx. 5


Family “Fun”draisers: Local businesses provide Sandburg PTA with a percentage of their sales during

these evening fundraisers. You choose and arrange for the monthly event and distribute/publicize the

details to Sandburg families. Works with Vice President, Ways and Means. (Work every month, approx.

1 hour/month)

Fifth‐Grade Coordinator: This committee assist teachers in planning annual spring fifth‐grade picnic.

Chairperson coordinates the food for lunch and desserts, designs and purchases T‐shirts for fifth

graders. (One time commitment, approx. 4 hours)

Grocery Fundraisers: Local grocery stores offer various programs. You would coordinate and promote

the programs that give a percentage of their total Sandburg sales back to the school. maintains Dominick’s

program on line (profits are calculated automatically) and the Target on line.Seek new opportunities with

local grocery stores. This committee works with Vice President, Ways andMeans. (Work every month,

1 hour/month)

Health & Safety: The vision and hearing screenings are held in the fall. This committee recruits

volunteers to aid the screenings, investigates any health or safety issues brought up by the

administration or PTA and looks into possible parent education programs. (Work as needed throughout

the year, approx. 7 hours)

Health & Safety Fair: The Health & Safety Fair is held every other year for the purpose of educating our

students with regard to health issues. Topics may include: cleanliness, bacteria spread, illness, and body

systems and how they work. Recruit parent and community volunteers to host a variety of

informational booths and activities. This event is held every other year with next fair scheduled for Fall

2013. Works in conjunction with the school nurse. (Work over several months with the final

preparation months as the most time consuming, approx. 20 hours)

Hospitality: This committee provides food and beverages at the School Board meeting held at Sandburg.

This committee also provides food and beverage at Kindergarten Round up and Visitation Day as well as

other events determined by the principal and PTA. Arrange for bakers and purchase/donations of

beverages. (Work over two months, approx. 3 hours)

Ice Cream Social: The Ice Cream Social is part of Sandburg’s Fine Arts Night. Usually held in April, this is

one of the last opportunities to visit school and connect with other families. You arrange a date with the

school, the Fine Arts Chair and the ice cream vendor. (One time commitment, approx. 6 hours)

Legislation: You would monitor current legislative and regulatory developments that affect children and

education, keeping the PTA and parents apprised of those developments. Information supplied by

Illinois State and National PTA’s. (Work as needed)

Library Volunteer Coordinator: You would recruit and schedule volunteers to work in the library (for a

morning or afternoon) on a weekly, bi‐weekly or monthly basis. (Work as needed)

Make a Difference Day: Make A Difference Day is a national day of helping others held on the fourth

Saturday in October. You select a project, publicize it, co-ordinate volunteer efforts among our Sandburg

families and our community. (One time commitment, approx. 6 hours)

Market Day: A major fundraiser held once a month. You distribute and collect order forms, recruit

volunteers to help unload food items and check customer’s orders at school between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

on the delivery day. Works with Vice President of Ways and Means. (Works monthly, approx. 3


Membership: All parents are encouraged to join the PTA. Membership runs from October 1st –

September 30th. You coordinate the annual membership drive at the beginning of school during the

Activity Fair, collect membership funds, keep a record of members and promote membership

throughout the year. You are responsible for providing a list of members to the PTA Executive

Committee. (Work over several months)

Middle School Liaison: You promote activities between Sandburg Elementary and Monroe Middle

School, attend Sandburg and Monroe PTA meetings and report on activities to the Executive Committee

at PTA meetings. (Work monthly, approx. 2 hours)

Family Night/Movie Night: Family night is designed to encourage all Sandburg families to come out and

enjoy an event at Sandburg (most recently Movie night) usually in February. You select the movies for

the students to vote on, organizeconcessions and the bake sale held during Movie Night, arrange for

volunteersto sell concessions during the event, arrange for equipment needed to show the movie and

secure thenecessary forms for holding the event. Works with Vice President, Ways and Means. (Work over

several months October ‐ February, approx. 15 hours)

Newsletter – “Beep Beep”: The Beep Beep is a monthly publication that is distributed via E mail. You

update the distribution list annually, type, lay‐out and distribute the newsletter monthly. Hard copies

are sent home to those who request it and additional committee members may be needed to help copy

and distribute the newsletter monthly. (Work over several months, approx. 2 hours/month)

Reflections: A National PTA‐sponsored contest that is divided into four categories: visual arts,

photography, literature and music. The program is given to the chair at the end of the previous year to

publicize for summer and at the start of the new school year. Student entries are judged at Sandburg

then with other District 200 entries. District winners go onto State and National competition. You will

publicize contest rules, collect and submit student entries, follow any winning projects through the

various levels of competition. (Work spread over several months, approx. 5 hours)

Room Parent Coordinator: You seek head room parents for every classroom and provide information to

the head room parents prior to the first class party in October. You also remain in contact with the

“Head Room Parents” for each party to distribute information regarding all‐school service projects. The

Head Room parent distributes party collection fliers, parent sign‐up forms, collect party money and

coordinate 3 parties throughout the year for their individual classroom with “Room Parents” who have

signed up. (Three times a year, approx. 3 hours)

Scholarship: In the spring, the delegate participates on a district‐wide committee to grant scholarships

to graduating seniors at the two local high schools. Meet twice a year, once at each high school, to

review and select PTA Council scholarship recipients. The meetings are fast‐paced selection meetings

followed with luncheon held by the PTA Council. You may attend the lunch, usually held in April. The

chair and Executive Committee may attend along with the Sandburg Principal and a few others. (One

time commitment)

School Board Observer: Attends the school board meetings the second Wednesday of each month and

reports information back to the Sandburg PTA. (Work every month, approx. 1 hour)

School Pictures: Individual and class pictures are taken each year. You coordinate with the

photographer and arrange for volunteers to assist on school picture day in the fall. Seek the president’s

signature for all contracts. (One time commitment)

School Sign: Communicate with Sandburg community through marquee sign in front of school.

(Workas needed)

School Supply Kits: This committee provides one‐stop shopping for parents. All of the supplies needed

for the school year are pre‐purchased and delivered at the end of the current school year. You obtain a

list of supplies needed from teachers, coordinate ordering of supplies with local supplier, collect orders

and money and deliver kits at the end of school year. (One time commitment)

Special Education Liaison: You provide information and serve as a liaison with families in the special

education program and school district. (Work as needed)

Spirit Sales: This program takes place in the fall and/or spring. Athletic wear is sold with the Sandburg

logo on them. Kids like to wear these items to school on spirit days. You work with suppliers to develop

logos and coordinate sales of hats, t‐shirts, sweatshirts and pants. (One time commitment, approx. 15


Teacher and Staff Appreciation: You plan four activities throughout the year, including Dinner for Teachers during Conferences to show appreciation ofSandburg teachers and staff. Select four events, coordinate dates with office staff, seek volunteers toprovide supplies. Previous events include: Staff breakfast, lunch, gift wrapping, activities involving the

students (wear your teacher’s favorite color, write notes to teachers/staff). (Work over several months,

approx. 7 hours)

Trivia Night: The Trivia Night fundraiser is a major fundraiser in the spring. A fun, adult‐only night with

a trivia competition, silent auction, food and prizes. You coordinate the date with the office staff, select

the venue, solicit businesses/corporations for auction items and publicize the event. Works with the

Vice President, Ways and Means. (One time commitment, approx. 9 hours)

Yearbook: The yearbook is published at the end of each school year for those who wish to purchase

one. You are responsible for coordinating with the printer and those who are providing photos from

each class. You will also organize yearbook sales, send out order forms, collect funds and arrange for

distribution by the end of the year. (Work spread out over several months, approx. 9 hours)

**Committee chairs make up the PTA BOARD and are asked to provide committee reports and attend PTA meetings**

The committees and current chair person(s) are also listed on Sandburg’s web site at:


2012‐2013 PTA Board:

Carolyn Scheck, President ?Diane Bowlds, Vice President, Committees

Kimberly McNamara, Vice President,Ways & Means ?Christine Zydek, Treasurer ?Azure Hills-Wilson, Secretary

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