Defence Determination 2008/53

I, BRIAN GARY PAULE, Director General Personnel Policy and Employment Conditions, make this Determination under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903.
Dated 23 October 2008
Director General
Personnel Policy and Employment Conditions
This Determination is Defence Determination 2008/53, Deployment allowance —amendment.
This Determination commences on the date of signature.
Defence Determination 2005/15, Conditions of Service, as amended,1 is amended as set out in this Determination.
Annex 17.9.A (Deployment allowance – eligible areas and operations), table item 12
insert at the end
13. / ADF contribution to the hybrid United Nations and African Union Mission in the Darfur region of Sudan / Sudan
Deployment allowance – transitional
1. / A member who was deployed to Sudan as a part of Operation HEDGEROW between 28 July 2008 and the commencement of this Determination may be paid deployment allowance provided under subclause 3.
2. / Deployment allowance is payable for the following periods.
a. / For each day or part day the member spent in Sudan.
Note: Part days are paid at the full daily rate.
b. / For leave taken after the deployment, as if the provisions of clause 17.9.11 of Defence Determination 2005/15, Conditions of Service had applied to the member.
See: Clause 17.9.11, Allowance during leave after deployment
3. / The allowance is payable at the following rates.
a. / For a member deployed to Darfur region the rate payable is AUD 105.34 a day.
b. / For a member deployed elsewhere in Sudan the rate payable is AUD 86.27 a day.
1. / Defence Determination 2005/15 commenced on 31 May 2005. For previous amendments see Note to Defence Determination 2008/1 and see also Defence Determinations 2008/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52.


Defence Determination 2008/53

This Determination amends Defence Determination 2005/15, Conditions of Service (the Principal Determination), made under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903 (the Act). Chapter 17 of the Principal Determination sets out provisions dealing with deployments for members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

This Determination adds Operation Hedgerow to the list of operations that attract payment of deployment allowance.

Clause 1 of this Determination sets out the manner in which this Determination may be cited.

Clause 2 provides that the Determination commences on the date of signature, as provided by subsection 58B(4) of the Act. However, the Determination also includes a transitional provision as members were assigned for duty with this deployment from 28 July 2008.

Clause 3 specifies that the amendment is made to the Principal Determination, as amended.

Clause 4 inserts a new item in the table in Annex 17.9.A of the Principal Determination. The new item adds Operation Hedgerow to the list of ADF operations that attract payment of deployment allowance. Operation Hedgerow is the ADF operation in Sudan.

Clause 5 creates a new transitional deployment allowance payment for members who were deployed to Sudan, as part of Operation Hedgerow. Eligible members are to be paid an amount deployment allowance for the region where the member was deployed in Sudan, to take into account the time since the duty was performed.

Authority: Section 58B of the
Defence Act 1903