We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose competencies and values enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.
As learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where;
· Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.
· Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
· Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and
supportive environment for effective learning to happen.
· Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibly for developing life-long learners.
1. Reach
To make secondary education accessible to all regardless of cultural diversity.
2. Responsiveness
To be responsive to the needs of learners and expectations of the community.
3. Ratings
To improve performance of students and teachers.
4. Returns
To ensure that resources will be utilized appropriately to improve learning
5. Revenues
To improve learning environment through the revenues received from stakeholders.
6. Recognition
To gain recognition as one of the performing schools in the division through
SBM/PASBE level of assessment
Virginia F. Griño Memorial National High School
Gansing Barangay High School was created in the year 1969 through the initiative of the late Supervisor Sinsuat A. Andang which was under the direct tutelage of his wife Mrs. Magdalena C. Andang, the school principal of Gansing Elementary School.
The school without its own school site and other facilities, shared the area and other facilities of Gansing Elementary School and it was managed and supervised by Mr. Wenceslao C. Barber, the school principal of Gansing Elementary School.
Later a philantrophic and benevolent family of the late Dr. Manuel Justiniani Griño donated almost 20,000 square meters or a 2-hectare area for the high school out of the areas occupied by the elementary school. The high school then operated independently.
In 1976, the school has its first principal Mr. Danilo Simoy Umadhay. In March 4, 1980, the Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports approved the request of the people of the community through the Division Office the change of name of the school from Gansing Barangay High School to Virginia F. Griño Memorial National High School (VFGMNHS) in memory of the late wife of Dr. Manuel J. Griño.
In January 8, 2009, Mrs. Isabelita Rufino Duadua became a principal of VFGMNHS due to the transfer of Mr. Danilo S. Umadhay to Tacurong National High School. In September 4, 2012, due to the retirement of Mr. Danilo S. Umadhay from Tacurong National High School, Mrs. Isabelita R. Duadua assumed his office which made a way to Mr. Freddie Taboc-Taboc Delantar to be the 3rd administrator.
ANTI – BULLYING ACT 2013 (R.A. NO. 10627)
Rationale: 1. Department of Education requires schools to have a written policy onbullying.
2. The Administration have a statutory obligation to ensure that a policy is in place
that reflects the principles and values of the educational philosophy of the school.
3. Involving and encouraging all members of the school community in developing,
formulating and reviewing this policy on bullying and promotes partnership,
ownership and implementation of a living policy.
Links to Mission Statement: “Virginia F. Griño Memorial National High School (VFGMNHS) is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in all areas of education. Its aim is to generate and maintain an inclusive climate of learning within which every student is enabled to passionately love their country and whose competencies and values enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully in building the nation. As a learner-centered and child-friendly public institution, the Department of Education is continuously improving itself to better serve its stakeholders.”
Links to Ethos: “VFGMNHS have inherited its commitment: to learn to think independently, to tolerate and value diversity, to respect each other, and to be responsible for ourselves and to society.”
Objective: “VFGMNHS aspires to fulfillits commitment by fostering an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and encouragement between all who teach, work and learn in the school, so that the development and contribution of every individual can be acknowledged, and all can work together to benefit personal growth and the common good.”
A. Definition
a. “Act” refers to Republic Act 10627, otherwise known as the “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013”
b. “Bullying” shall refer to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school for the other student, infringing on the rights of the other student at school, or materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of a school, such as, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim like punching, pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling, headlocks, inflicting school pranks, teasing, fighting and the use of available objects as weapons.
(b) Any act that causes damage to a victim’s psyche and/or emotional well-being;
(c) Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim undue emotional distress like directing foul language or profanity at the target, name-calling, tormenting and commenting negatively on victim’s looks, clothes and body; and
(d) Cyber-bullying is a conduct resulting to harassment, intimidation, or humiliation, through the use of other forms of technology, such as, but not limited to texting, e-mail, instant messaging, chatting, internet, socila media, online games or other platforms or formats as defined in DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012.
c. Bully - refers to any student who commits acts as of bullying as defined by the Act.
d. Bullied or victim – refers to any student who experiences the of bullyingof bullying or
retaliation or retaliation as defined by the Act.
e. Bystander – refers to any person who witnessess or has personal knowledge of any actual or
perceived act or incidents of bullying or retaliation .
The term “bullying” shall also include:
1. “Social bullying which refers to any deliberate, repetitive and aggressive social
behaviorintended not to hurt others or to belittle another individual or group.
2. “Gender-based bullying” which refers to any act that humilates or excludes a person
on the basis of perceived or actual sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).
“Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional written, verbal, graphic, or physical act that a student or group of students, exhibited toward another particular student, more than once and the behavior both:
1. Causes mental or physical harm to the other; and
2. Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an
intimidating,threatening or abusive educational environment for the other.
Such behavior includes overt intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate another student, school employee or volunteer. Examples of conduct that could constitute prohibited behaviors include:
1. Physical violence and/or attacks;
2. Threats, taunts and intimidation through words and/or gestures;
3. Extortion, damage or stealing of money and/or possessions;
4. Exclusion from the peer group or spreading rumors; and
5. Repetitive and hostile behavior with the intent to harm others through the use of
information and communication technologies and other Web-based/online sites (also
known as “cyberbullying”), such as the following:
1. Posting slurs on Web sites where students congregate or on Web logs
(personal online journals or diaries);
2. Sending abusive or threatening instant messages;
3. Using camera phones to take embarrassing photographs of students and
posting them online; and,
4. Using Web sites to circulate gossip and rumors to other students; Excluding
others from an online group by falsely reporting them for inappropriate
language to Internet service providers.
Types of behaviour deemed to be inappropriate:
• Humiliation; including name-calling, reference to academic ability etc.
• Intimidation; including aggressive use of body language.
• Verbal abuse, anonymous or otherwise.
• Physical abuse or threatened abuse.
• Aggressive or obscene language.
• Offensive joke; whether spoken or by email, text messaging etc.
• Victimisation; including very personal remarks.
• Exclusion and isolation.
• Intrusion through interfering with personal possessions.
• Repeated unreasonable assignment to duties that are obviously unfavourable.
• Repeated unreasonable deadlines or tasks.
• Threats, including demands for money.
• An attack by rumour, gossip, innuendo or ridicule on any individual’s reputation.
Statement on Bullying:
• Every person in the School is entitled to respect and to be free of any type of bullying.
• The School will work proactively, as far as it can, to ensure that bullying does not take
• Reporting incidents of bullying is responsible behaviour.
• A record will be kept of all reported incidents of bullying.
• The matter will be dealt with seriously.
• The School has a programme of support for both the bully and the bullied.
• Appropriate action will be taken to ensure that it does not continue.
In order to ensure the smoothness of the implementation, it is a role and responsibility of the school management to coordinate with the Disciplinary Board Committee for ensuring that the policy is implemented.
The success criteria of the implementation is the well-being and happiness of the whole school community in the light of incidents of bullying behaviour encountered.
In monitoring the implementation, parents/guardians and all members of staff; include on agenda for teaching staff meetings at least once a year
In the aspect of review and evaluation, there will be a full review every three years, and an annual evaluation through random surveys drawn up by any of the three education partners to ascertain the level and type of bullying behaviour in the school.
Before its full implementation, a consultation will be conducted with all the faculty and staff ofVF Griño Memorial National High School, Representatives from the Stakeholders and Barangay Council, PTA President, School Governing Council President, Student Council President, and Grade Level Representativesfrom Grades 7 to 12 .
Anti-Bullying Policy on Students:
Consultation with education partners through:
• Discussion and agreement with students through Faculty/Student Forum
• Contribution from parents through the Disciplinary Board Committee
• Input from faculty as agreed at Staff Meetings.
It is the School’s policy to provide education on bullying in the following manner:
• All Grade groups are facilitated through their respective Curriculum Heads
programme which incorporates bullying information and learning.
• Everyone is encouraged to participate in every school activities.
• Positive reinforcement of behavior for the better good of the community is encouraged
through the Good Report and Letter of Commendation system.
B. Scope and Limitation
Consistent with Rule IV of DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2013, the anti-bullying policy shall prohibit bullying on the following:
1. Bullying on school grounds
2. Property immediately adjacent to school grounds
3. At school-sponsored or school-related activities, functions or
programs whether on or off school grounds
4. At school bus stops
5. On school buses or other vehicles owned, leased or used by a school
6. Through the use of technology or an electronic device owned, leased or used
by the school
7. Bullying at a location, activity, functionor program that is not school related
and through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned,
leased or used by a school if theact or acts in question create a hostile
environment at school for the victim, infringe on therights of the victim at
school or materially and substantially disrupt the education process or the
orderly operation of a school
C. Policies
1. Reporting of acts of bullying and retaliation
Ø The victim/s and or with a witness/es must report in writing to the adviser the act of bullying.
2. Responding
2.1. On the victim
a. The adviser will investigate on the reported act of bullying
b. The adviser should take necessary steps to settle the matter, solve the
problem in his/her level.
c. The parents should be notified through writing regarding the
commission of the act.
d. Make a written report to be forwarded to the Committee on Discipline
whether the act is solved or not.
e. The Committee on Discipline will make a necessary investigation on
the actdepending on the report and recommendation from the
f. The Committee on Discipline after a fair and thorough invesigation
will make recommendations and or sanction for thebully
g. The Committee will endorse to the Guidance Counselor’s Office for
counseling both for the victim and the bully
2.2. On the witness
Ø The witness will be protected against the bully by signing an agreement.
First Offense – Conference with the adviser/subject teacher after classes and
signing of an agreement of non- recomission of the case.
Second Offense – Placing erring student on an in-campus five daysuspension
under the supervision of the adviser or to any school authorities assigned to him/her. The in-campus suspension will be implemented after a conference with the parents concerned.
Third Offense – Advise to transfer for the current school year and/ or non
readmission for the nextschool year.
Virginia F. Griño Memorial National HighSchool (VFGMNHS) teaches belief in the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of the human person. We believe that all students, school employees and volunteers havea right to a safe and healthy school environment. All members of theschool community, in turn, have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, andacceptance.
The principal will provide staff development training in bullying prevention and cultivate acceptance and understanding in all students and staff to build each school’s capacity to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment. Teachers should discuss this policy with their students in age-appropriate ways and should assure them that they need not endure any form of bullying.