Eco-Schools Action Plan St. Anne’s Primary School

Eco-Schools Topic: Outdoor Learning and Biodiversity Date Range of this Plan: August 2013 – June 2014

After the result of the Big Bird Watch over the past couple of years we are noticing that we do not have a wide variety of birds/insects/animals in our school grounds. We would like to attract more wildlife and provide shelter/homes for some animals/insects during the year. We aim to increase the biodiversity in our school grounds.
Action / Who's in charge? / When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?) / How can we monitor it? / How will we know when we're successful? / How much will it cost? / Did it work?
Any ideas for the future?
Create a bug hotel to encourage insects to live there. /

Outdoor Learning/

Biodiversity Council


December 2013


Observations during council time and Golden Time Gardening Group


We will see a variety of insects using the bug hotel.


Free of charge as crates to make hotel will be donated.

Top up and clean up our bird feeders and make sure there are safe bird houses for the birds to use. /

Outdoor Learning/

Biodiversity Council




Fortnightly check during council time.


We will attract and see more birds using the bird boxes and feeders.


Free of charge as school staff have donated bird seed and nuts.

Arrange visits to local parks and outdoor areas. /

Outdoor Learning/

Biodiversity Council

Park Rangers /



Contact through email to Tollcross Park Rangers.


A variety of classes will be visiting local parks.


Free as children will walk to Glasgow Green.

Make a graph to record the different types of birds that visit our school and how often they come. /

Outdoor Learning/

Biodiversity Council


February 2013


During the Big Bird Watch.


We will see and record a bigger variety of birds compared to the previous year.



Find an area in the school that can be turned into a wild meadow. /

Outdoor Learning/

Biodiversity Council




Regular observations during council time.


We will see a range of wild plants, flowers and butterflies in the wild meadow.




Eco-Schools Action Plan St. Anne’s Primary School

Eco-Schools Topic: Outdoor Learning and Biodiversity Date Range of this Plan: August 2013 – June 2014

After the result of the Big Bird Watch over the past couple of years we are noticing that we do not have a wide variety of birds/insects/animals in our school grounds. We would like to attract more wildlife and provide shelter/homes for some animals/insects during the year. We aim to increase the biodiversity in our school grounds.
Action / Who's in charge? / When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?) / How can we monitor it? / How will we know when we're successful? / How much will it cost? / Did it work?
Any ideas for the future?
Because our garden is now out of use we need to provide bird homes in the playground. /

School Grounds council/Eco Council



/ /

Birds will be using bird boxes as their homes.


Speak to builder to arrange cost.

As part of carbon neutral choir we are going to design and plant an orchard. /

School Grounds council/Eco Council




Regular communication with tree planting company


Trees will grow and bear fruit.


Price/cost to be arranged.
