Minutes of the Meeting of the 24th June 2015.
At Dolfor Community Centre.
Present: / Chair / Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry)
Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr.M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. D.I. Hughes. (Kerry)
Cllr. D. Jones (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn)
Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor).
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / Three
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry)Cllr. J. Liddard-Starr (Kerry)
Item. 2. Minutes.
The mins of the meeting of the 27th May 2015 were approved and signed.
Item.3.Matters Arising.
A. / Provision of Public Conveniences in Kerry
A cheque for £3,430.00 was received from PCC, being payment ofthe £3,000 grant and an additional £430 for an initial clean/caretaker’s wage. Alastair Knox was emailed requesting new locks and keys plus information on the utilities provider on the 5th June. On the 15th June that request was repeated and the clerk was informed by Nicky Davies that the work has been requested. The utilities still remain at PCC expense until meter readings are taken. Assurance was given that we will be notified when the utilities become the responsibility of KCC enabling us to negotiate the best deal with a new provider. We have now been supplied with details of electric/water suppliers and details of related meters. The clerk has not been informed that the locks have been repaired; the expiry date for completion was given as the 21st June.
It was requested that the clerk inform PCC that the work will now be carried out by KCC at PCC’s expense. The clerk was asked to instruct Mr J. Morgan to replace locks to the internal cupboard in the Ladies and to replace externals locks to the entrance of both the Ladies and Gents. A set of keys for the cupboard to be given to Mrs Davies to allow her to store cleaning materials.
Council ask for a letter of complaint be sent to the portfolio holder detailing the total lack of support and the grossly inefficient way PCC staff have dealt with this transfer; highlighting the seemly casual manner money was spent covering up their own inaptitude. This actionparticularly angered Council at a time we are all being asked to reduce spending.
Sarn Acorn Grouppresented to Council, detailing how they recently formed a voluntary group to raise funds for an outside play area. Council discussed how to best form a similar group to raise funds for the refurbishment of the Kerry toilet block and new facilities for the village as a whole.
Cllr D Hughes and Cllr. M Griffiths were elected to arrange the forming of a committee with local residents. Cllr Hughes agreed to provide and display posters around the village. It was felt that, as with the Sarn project, this is a possible golden opportunity not only to improve amenities in the village but a chance to bring the village closer together in a common aim.
Council was impressed by the commitment of the Sarn residents who presented an enthusiastic and professional insight to the project. It was requested the item be placed on the July agenda when it was hoped that costings were to hand for play equipment as KCC felt the project worthy
of financial support if at all possible.
B. / Montgomeryshire Villages Project.
Council did not wish to make additional comments on this project.
C. / Provision of Defibrillator at Kerry Village Hall.
Having sent his apologises, Cllr K Lander was not able to update.
D. / Speeding Traffic through Kerry.
The following email was received from PCC.
“ GoSafe ( ) have been carrying out regular speed enforcement patrols at the western end of the village on the A489 for a number of years; and now that the unauthorised obstructions within the highway (i.e. the buckets of stone with traffic cones within them) have been removed, I have asked the GoSafe camera van to recommence enforcement patrols again on the A489 at the eastern side of the village opposite the primary school garden area which I am sure will be carried out on a regular basis with the good will of the local landowners. I have personally witnessed the camera van operating at this location within the last fortnight.
You will note from the attached policy’s that vehicle activated signs will only be considered at locations where there is a proven/known speeding and/or vehicle collision problem associated with inappropriate speed that has not been satisfactorily remedied by standard signing, and where safety cameras and related signs are not a cost effective or otherwise appropriate solution.
As the A489 through the village already benefits from the higher level of speed management intervention (i.e. regular police/GoSafe speed enforcement), and advisory 20 mph speed limit when lights flash have also already been installed along the A489 to encourage drivers to pass the school with additional care, additional vehicle activated signs will not be considered.
I have copied this email to the GoSafe camera van operator and the Newtown Road Policing Unit, so that they are aware of your council’s concerns.
The police are looking to trial a “Community Speed Watch” scheme at a number of locations within Powys, therefore you may wish to contact the police directly to discuss the possibility of considering the A489 through the village as a location at a future date – for more info see “
Discussion followed and Council noted the comments made.
Items carried over from AGM.
As outgoing Chairman Cllr. D. Hughes read aloud his report to Council. (full copy available on request or visit our web-site, www. kerrycommunitycouncil.gov.uk ). Highlights of the report included an overview of issues covered by Council during the last year noting these issues as their main concerns in the wider community.
•“The level of encouragement for industry in rural Wales
•The lower standard of health care outside of major cities
•The lack of investment in the road and rail infrastructure that makes accessing health and education facilities more difficult.
•The closure of village schools and other educational facilities that is marginalising our rural communities. Investment per head of population is considerably lower throughout Powys and the county is being asked to make proportionally greater cuts, having been awarded the lowest annual settlement from the Welsh Government for several successive years.
•The council has been a strong opponent of the imposition of large windfarms on our area for several reasons, not least the effect of construction traffic on our local roads. This year we have objected strongly to worksto “improve” the minor road from the Vastre to Dolfor in order to facilitate wind farm traffic. We have also presented evidence to two public enquiries - about the Garreg Llwyd Hill windfarm and the long-running Conjoined Mid Wales Public Enquiry.”
On a note closer to home Cllr Hughes noted the following;
“The decline in funding is currently being felt as the council, finally, takes over the running of the public toilets in Kerry village. Given the cuts agenda of the county council it seems unlikely that this will be the only services that the council will need to consider supporting. Without support from the community council and the council tax payers we are in danger of losing many services that we currently take for granted.”
Cllr Hughes closed his report by stating ;
“It only remains for me to thank you for putting your trust in me for these three years and wish good fortune to my successor.”
It was proposed through the Chair to officially thank Cllr Hughes for all his hard work and the professional way he had handled the task of Chairman over the past three years.
Council heartily endorsed the comment.
Other outstanding items.
The Freedom of Information Act. To bring Council in line with this act it is proposed to supply additional notice boards for the villages of Sarn and Dolfor for the sole purpose of displaying KCC business. Respective councilors to seek suitable locations and permission to site the boards and to report back to the July meeting.
Data Protection Control suggests that passwords/user ID for archived information that is stored on Goggle Drive should be recorded manually and sealed in an envelope to be held with the chairman to allow access to all information in the event of the clerk not being available or original records destroyed. . This to include all passwords/user ID for all security controlled electronically recorded information i.e. payroll, web-site editing etc. Clerk provided relevant information and gave to the Chairman for safe keeping.
Item 4. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Cllr P.Pryce declared and interest in application P/2015/0473. Keepers Cottage.
Application / Outcome.
20/05/2015 / Keepers Cottage Borfa Wen
Kerry SY16 4PG
Full: Upgrading of agricultural access to serve residential rural workers dwelling 'Keepers Cottage' and form new passing bay / “Council wish to support this application”
19/05/2015 / 17Willans Drive
Kerry SY16 4DB
Householder: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey extension / “Council has no objection to this application”
03/06/2015 / Pt Os 0786 Land adj the Meadows
Sarn SY16 4EH
Full: Construction of a detached dwelling and garage with improvements to existing vehicular access, / “Council wish to support this application”
4..PCC Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
P/2015/0261 12/03/2015
Pt OS 0786 Land Adjacent to The Meadows Sarn SY16 4EH
Full: Construction of a detached dwelling and improvements to existing vehicular access / “Council wish to support this application.” / Conditional Consent
Lower Brynllywarch Kerry
SY16 4PD
Reserve matters application for the erection of an affordable dwelling and installation of a septic tank drainage system following outline permission P/2014/0310 / “Council wish to support this application.” / Conditional Consent
10 Dolforgan View Kerry
SY16 4DZ
Householder: Erection of single storey extension. / “Council wish to support this application.” / Conditional Consent
P/2014/0552 29/05/2014 Land at TwllHodley Kerry
SY16 4LUErection of a dwelling, formation of vehicular access, ancillary works including passing bay / turning area / “Council has no objections to this application”. / Planning Permission Granted subject to S106
Item 6. Finance.
Accounts paid May 2015.
Accounts to be paid June 2015 / PCC Grant for Public Toilet.
Leach & Sons.
Burial of John Raymond Jones
OVW Training
A Feltham Clerks wages
A Feltham clerk’s exp.
Aon Insurance.
A Davies Caretaker. (May)
A Davies cleaning materials (paid 16/5/15)
Data Protection registration
Office Express ( Toner & Drum plus paper)
A Feltham Clerk’s wage (June)
A Feltham Clerk’s expenses.
A Davies Toilet Caretaker.(June)
P&W Grass cutting contract including cemetery.
Mr J Morgan( Repainting fence at Doforgan View)
Sarn Village Hall (Vat refund)
Montgomery Cluster Group / £3,430.00
A Mandate for Local Authority form requesting specimen signature was signed by Cllr. M Morgan
Account balance as of 5th June: Community Acc £22,280.19. Money Manager acc. £11,048.41 giving a total of £33,328.59. Council request account balance is detailed each month in line with the Freedom of Information Act.
Council voted to employ the payroll services of PAVO to run the PAYE system on behalf of KCC at a cost of £10 per month.
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster,
Meeting Held 2nd June 2015 at Montgomery Town Hall
In attendance from Kerry C.C. : K Lander, O Stanier, County Councillor K. Roberts-Jones
A set of 'Standing Orders' were proposed and adopted.
Powys C.C. had not provided details of those services that are to be handed over to 'Clusters' for their administration. Consequently much and most of the meeting was taken up with discussion regarding Terms of Reference for the Cluster. Major issues debated:
1.Should each community council have an additional representative for every 500 electors it has over the initial threshold of 1700 electors. K Lander and O Stanier were the only members in favour of this proposal and accordingly it was rejected.
2.The meeting was advised that the Kerry Community Council's representatives were not authorised to make decisions on behalf of their community council as members of the cluster. All representatives of the other four community councils stated that they were so authorised and it was felt that the Kerry's position would frustrate efficient functioning of the Cluster. K. Lander and O Stanier were asked to take this matter back to Kerry C.C. for further consideration.
3.A proposal that administration costs of the cluster be covered, in part, by core contributions from each member community council, based on the number of rateable dwellings in each council's area, was, (in the perspective of 1. above), rejected.
Other matters discussed / agreed.
•Annual administration costs for the cluster were estimated at £1314. It was proposed therefore that each member council should contribute £200 now towards costs for the first 9 month period of the cluster's administration.
•Each member community council to make a standing Agenda item of 'Cluster Feedback'.
•To assist the cluster's promotion of 'walking' tourism, O. Stanier / K Lander to deliver to next meeting a copy of Kerry W.I.'s booklet on walking in the area.
Council voted to give Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry) and Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn) as Kerry Community Council's representatives’ full authority to make decisions and vote on their behalf as members of the cluster.
A report on the meeting of the Montgomery Cluster Group to be an agenda item each month.
A cheque for £200 was drawn to cover administration costs. Clerk to forward to the Cluster Group
Item 8.Correspondence/communications sent /received
Additional Correspondence sent to:
P&W reference standard of work at cemetery.
Eric Cox Highways. To report works required
Alastair Knox PCC To request repairs to locks and provision of new keys. Information on utilities providers.
Letters from:
Thanks for grant payment from; Kerry Silver Threads. Dolfor Indoor Bowls, Dolfor Community Fund, Dolfor WI,
Dolfor Community Hall, Sarn Baptist Church and Sarn Local History Group.
St Michael’s School have mislaid their cheque for £200 and request a replacement.
Sovereign Play Equipment. Brochure and prise list for outside gym equipment.
PCC Local Development Plan Consultation. Details with clerk.
Emails from
OVW.(Survey ) Your Council and the use of IT and the Internet 2015. Clerk to complete at your request.
PCC Town and Community Council Support Members of your Community Council are invited to attend a Presentation by our Planning Policy & Development Management Service on Monday 6th July 2015, from 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm in The Council Chamber, Powys County Hall, Llandrindod Wells. Tea/coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
PCC (CSP - Passenger Transport) I would be grateful if you would make your Council aware that PCC has started consultation on the provision of public transport from November 2015. Please see below the link to the PCC website that takes you to the consultation pages and provides you with the opportunity to take part in the consultation process.
Aon Insurance. Confirmation of renewal and a copy of the Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance. This to be displayed on Kerry notice board.
Item 9. Any Other Business.
Kerry / It was requested that KCC take on the responsibility for the grass maintenance at the War Memorial site. County Cllr Mrs K. Roberts-Jones informed Council of the continuing fall in the standard of work by the grass cutting contractors, P&W. Despite several emails and telephone conversations to the company, complaints are still being received from residents.
County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones proposed she meet with a company representative and his work team in the village to resolve the various issues. Council accepted the proposal and requested the clerk to send a strongly worded letter detailing Council’s views and an invitation to meet with County Cllr. Roberts-Jones. Clerk to provide maps of the various work sites and details of the contractedwork relating to each site. Cemetery maintenance to be included.
Letters to be sent to the residents of Ivy Cottage and Herbert Court Farm requesting they cut back their hedges on the path leading from Herbert Court to the Car Park.
A request has been made by a resident for KCC to provide a replacement to the recently stolen bench from the cemetery. Clerk to obtain costings.
A water stand pipe at the bottom of the cemetery was also requested. Cllr. Morgan to seek quotes for the work from local builders.
Sarn / Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn) was joined by his fellow Councillors in strong objections to the recently increased parking tariff at Newtown’s car park. Following discussion it was decide to write to the portfolio holder expressing Councils concerns and detailing possible alternatives.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.40pm.