Bloomington Public Schools
1350 West 106th Street
Bloomington, MN 55431-4126
Name of Student: Date of Birth: Grade: School: Parent Contact(s): Date By Relationship to student: Date By Relationship to student:
Referral completed by: ____________
Parent contacted about Special Education Referral: Date Date Referral received by Team Facilitator
Was the student's academic related problems apparent before this year?
No Yes. Describe
Please rate the student's performance in the following areas:
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Written Language/Spelling
Social Studies
Please rate the student's performance in the following areas:
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Understanding of spatial directions (left/right, up/down)
Reverses or Rotates words, numbers
Short term memory
Long term memory
Expresses ideas orally
Expresses ideas in written form
Follows verbal directions (classroom routines)
Responds to verbal directions (no visual cues)
Understands meaning from tone of voice or intonation
Obtains information during large group instruction
Yes No
Speaks in mazes. Goes round and round; doesn't get to the pointHas difficulty finding the right word when speaking.
Uses nonspecific language, (uses a great deal of pauses, fillers i.e. -er, um, ah, kinda)
Seems to know what she/he wants to say but can't say it.
Expresses thoughts in a sequential manner with a beginning, middle and end.
Perseverates on a word, phrase, topic
Please rate the student's performance in the following areas:
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Find way around building
Manage stairs in school and on bus
Complete self-help and dressing manipulations at level of peers
Open doors and locker independently
BL #12a 9/04 This form is available in several languages, Braille, or other format. Contact the individual sending this form.
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Keep up with peers during passing time or transitions
Be on time for school and classes
Follow a schedule independently
Complete assignments in a timely manner
Maintain organized materials, desk, locker
Pay attention/stay on task
Complete and turn in homework
Participate in class discussion
Use of class time
Ask and answer oral questions
Ask for help when needed
What are the student's emotional, social, or behavioral strengths?
Please rate the student in the following areas:
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Ability to tolerate frustration or failure
Ability to play with same age peers
Ability to interact appropriately with peers
Ability to read social cues
Ability to gain positive attention
Ability to develop and maintain friendships
Ability to interact appropriately with adults
Ability to seek positive attention
Demonstrates positive self-esteem
Please rate the student's behavior of concern:
Mild / Mod. / Severe / Where Behavior When Behavior / FrequencyProblem / Problem / Problem / NA / Occurs Occurs / (hourly, daily, etc)
Overly perfectionistic
Pervasive unhappiness or sadness
Shy or withdrawn (daydreams)
Anxious (seems tense, nervous)
Physically Aggressive
Impulsive (shows poor judgment)
Destructive to Property
Threatens others
Mood swings
Fire setting
What are the two behaviors of highest concern?
Please indicate presence of the following behaviors:
Mild / Mod. / SevereProblem / Problem / Problem / NA / Fails to initiate and/or maintain conversations with peers and adults
Talks excessively about topics that hold little interest to others
MildProblem / Mod. Problem / Severe
Problem / NA
Has peculiar voice characteristics (high pitched, monotone, excessively loud, etc...)
Repeats words or phrases over and over
Prefers solitary or isolated activities
Shows little or no interest in other children
Avoids or limits eye contact
Displays perseverative or obsessive interest in specific objects, patterns, topics, etc. Has difficulty with changes in routine
Displays rigid patterns of behavior or ritualistic behavior
Please describe: Displays unusual body movements (rocking, hand flapping, finger flicking,
spinning, etc.)
Overreacts to touch/tactile, noise, tastes, smells and/or visual stimuli
(including clothing)
Please rate the student in the following areas: Articulation
Mild Mod. Severe No
Problem Problem Problem Problem Please describe sound errors:
Expressive Language
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Uses proper grammar
Uses age-appropriate vocabulary
Retrieves words quickly
Verbally responds to questions quickly
Asks questions appropriately
Answers questions appropriately
Expresses and organize ideas
Retells stories and a sequence of events
Receptive Language
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Follows oral directions/discussions
Understands oral information
Remembers auditory information
Discriminates between similar sounding words
Yes / NoReluctant to speak
Dysfluent (stutters)
Unusual voice quality, pitch, or volume
Fine Motor
Please rate the student in the following areas:
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem Ability to:
Cut and assemble art work at level of peers
Color within lines with good pressure
Use dominant hand
Write at a speed consistent with peers
Write legibly within indicated space
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem Ability to:
Copy from blackboard/overhead
Copy from desktop
Write with good pressure
Use correct pencil grasp
Write letters and numbers without reversals (after grade 2)
Use keyboard and/or mouse at same rate as peers
Sensory Motor
Please rate the student in the following areas:
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Remains seated during an activity without excessive movementEnergy level comparable to peers
Adapts to a new motor task
Attach a handwriting or work sample if appropriate.
Gross Motor (Completed by the Physical Education Teacher)
Please rate the student in the following areas:
Mild Mod. Severe
Superior Average Problem Problem Problem
Ability to follow directions
An Assistive Technology/Device is any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve functioning of individuals.
Does the student currently use any Assistive Technology devices in any environment? Yes No
If yes, check all that apply.
pencil grips
slant boards
seating/posture adaptations
alternate pencils, pens, crayons, etc.
adapted paper
paper stabilizers (clip boards, dicey)
adapted scissors
TRANSITION (for Secondary Students Only)
rubber stamps
carbon note taking tablets
zipper pulls
organizers: notebook, desk, locker
study carrel
Has a vocational assessment been completed?
Yes. When
Areas to consider
Decision Evaluate
Return to General Education for continued support
Refer to 504
Cognitive / Language/CommunicationAcademics / Fine Motor
Functional Skills / Gross Motor
Emotional/Behavioral Status / Sensory
Autism / Assistive Technology
OHD / Transition
Evaluation Case Manager:
Date Parent contacted (Within 5 days of S.W.I.M. meeting):
Team Facilitator Signature: