Terms Last Revised: 6/06/2016
M.2Equivalent visible particulate emission limitation in lieu of the 60% limit[OAC rule 3745-17-07(C)]
This term and condition should be used whenever an emissions unit is being granted an equivalent visible particulate emission limitation (EVEL) in lieu of the limitation in OAC rule 3745-17-07(A)(1)(b), pursuant to OAC rule 37451707(C).
Note:The requirements for documenting the results and frequence of the Method 9 readings will need to be developed in the Monitoring and Record keeping section of the permit, as it would be determined applicable to the specific emissions unit.
Note:If a Continuous Opacity Monitor (COM) is installed on the emissions unit, COM language would replace the Reporting and Testing requirements below. See terms J2 and J3 for the COM requirements.
XXXX1- fill in and replace with the appropriate EVEL
Additional Terms and Conditions
- Pursuant to the provisions of OAC rule 3745-17-07(C), the permittee is hereby granted the following equivalent visible particulate emissions limitation for this emissions unit, in lieu of the 60 percent opacity limitation specified in OAC rule 37451707(A)(1)(b).
Except as otherwise provided in OAC rule 37451707(A)(2) and (A)(3), visible particulate emissions shall not exceed 20 percent opacity, as a 6-minute average with the exception that the permittee may cause or allow the discharge into the ambient air, from any stack associated with this emissions unit, for not more than 6 consecutive minutes in any 60 minutes, air contaminants of a shade or density not greater than [XXXX1] percent opacity, as a 6-minute average.
[OAC rule 3745-17-07(C)]
Reporting Requirements
(2)The permittee shall submit quarterly deviation reports documenting the date and results of each visible emissions observation, conducted in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 9, that did not meet the opacity limitations contained in this permit. The reports shall also include any deviations from the frequency of the Method 9 readings required in this permit. These reports are due by the date described in Part 1 - General Terms and Conditions of this permit under section (A)(1).
[OAC rule 3745-17-07(C)]
Testing Requirements
(3)Emission Limitation:
Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (A)(2) and (A)(3) of OAC rule 37451707, visible particulate emissions shall not exceed 20 percent opacity, as a 6-minute average with the following exception: the permittee may cause or allow the discharge into the ambient air from any stack associated with this emissions unit, for not more than 6 consecutive minutes in any 60 minutes, air contaminants of a shade or density not greater than [XXXX1] percent opacity, as a 6-minute average.
Applicable Compliance Method:
Compliance shall be determined through visible emissions observations performed in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Method 9 and the procedures specified in OAC rule 37451703(B)(1).
[OAC rule 3745-17-07(C)]