Data Governance as a Service
This document provides a list of services that University Data Governance can provide for group as either a part of an existing project or as a standalone initiative. Contact Matt () to discuss how they can be utilized within your organization.
Data quality analysisservices provide data quality consulting at any stage of application development and throughout the entire data lifecycle.
- Business impact analysis – Data governance (DG) will lead the analysis of the business impact of an identified data quality, data process or data definition issue. This service includes analysis of the data issue, interviews with business process stakeholders and a written report of findings. When possible, this report will definethe impact quantitatively and extrapolated appropriately.
- Data profiling – DG will provide a statistical analysis of columnar data in both graphical and tabular form using Ataccama DQ Analyzer (a product recognized in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Tools). This report will help identify hidden data quality issues, empirically build element-level metadata and expose new relationships within the data.
- Data profile analysis facilitation – DG will assist in interpreting the results of a data profile and identifying statistical abnormalities that may indicate data quality issues.
- Root cause analysis –DGwill provide ananalysis of data lineage throughout the information’s lifespan to identify the original cause of an identified business or data issue.
- Data remediation consultation – DG will facilitate the development of a list of potential solutions to an identified data quality problem. This will include ananalysis of each solution’s strengths, weaknesses and estimated cost.
Mediation and arbitration services provide an independent and neutral third party’s perspective fordata related guidance or conflict resolution.
- Data conflict mediation –DGwill lead data conflict mediation discussions with all impacted parties. In the course of mediation, DG will provide a recommendation on a solution that provides the greatest net benefit to Stanford as a whole. This recommendation is non-binding.
- Data solution arbitration – DGwill lead a discussion around the proposed data improvement solutions and provide a binding resolution.
Stewardship facilitationservices support the development of data stewardship capabilities and competencies.
- Metadata developmenttraining– DG will lead train-the-trainer sessions that teach how to develop high-quality metadata, choose appropriate metadata attributes and transition metadata development into active data stewardship.
- Business definition development – DG will lead a team in the development of business definition metadata for a well-scoped project or application. This activity may expose potential business process improvement opportunities or help identify data quality issues. The information gathered in the course of this activity will be published in a searchable and easily maintainable format.
- Technical metadata reconciliation – DG will lead the analysis of the various versions of data entity/element metadata and support their reconciliation through data modeling and technical recomendations.
- Storage and technical management of metadata – DGwill provide an online solution for the storage and technical management of accumulated metadata. This solution can be made accessible to defined users for ongoing maintenance. Content management will remain the responsibility of the subject area owner.
Data requirement/policy developmentservices ensure that crucial data considerations are made early in the project to minimizecostly redesign, avoid unexpected downstream data issues and prevent long-term data quality risks.
- Business requirement review – DG will help in writing and reviewing “data-conscious” business requirements.
- Functional design review – DG will review functional design documents for data stewardship, data quality and data management risks and opportunities.
- Data policy development – DG will help develop, review and approve data policies related to data development, metadata development, data architecture, data ownership and acceptable data usage.
Data quality monitoring services focus on the development and maintenance of consistent and easily manageable data quality monitoring solutions.
- Data quality scorecard development– DG will help to identify good data quality metrics, setup capture mechanisms and design an effective data quality scorecard within a well-defined scope.
- Data quality asset storage and distribution – DG will provide storage service for the centralized storage of data quality assets. This service can be combined with the data quality scorecard development service to create centrally published and maintained data quality reporting.
Presentation, training and workshop organization/facilitation services provide customized training and/or training materials on a wide variety of data-related subjects.
- Data governance, data stewardship, metadata, and data quality overview presentations.
- Data modeling, data definition, root cause analysis, and collaboration training.
- Scoped data-centric workshops and focusgroups.
Updated: 2/13/2012