Public interest disclosure policy
1Policy Statement
1.1The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (the department) expectshigh standards of professional and ethical conduct from its employees and agents.
1.2The department is committed to implementing employee awareness initiatives and internal control systems to prevent and/or minimise the incidents of wrongdoing.
1.3The department encourages the internal reporting of wrongdoing and will take appropriate and necessary action to uphold the integrity of the department and promote the public interest.
2.1This policyapplies to all:
- permanent, temporary and casual employees.
- contractors and members of the public to the extent outlined in the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010.
3Purpose and intended outcomes
3.1This policy has been developed to facilitate the effective notification, assessment and management of public interest disclosures (PID) in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (Qld)(the Act)including:
- encouraging employees who have witnessed wrongdoingto make a PID
- providing support and protection from reprisalsfor employees making a PID
- ensuring appropriate consideration is given to the interest of employees who are the subject of a PID
- responding to a PID thoroughly and impartially
- taking appropriate action to address wrongdoing that is the subject of a PID.
3.2.1This policy and associated procedure is an important component of the department’s overall integrity management program and will ensure:
- clear guidance for employees in relation to making a PID
- consistent and appropriate assessment procedures to determine which complaints meet the requirements of the Act for treatment of a PID
- management or coordination of support and protection offered to disclosers
- appropriate monitoring of the investigation and resolution of a PID
- timely collection, reporting and review of PID data.
3.3Note: This policy must be read in conjunction with thePublic interest disclosure procedure (DSDIP-CG-PR-022) document.
4.1CEO, Seniorexecutivesand senior officers
- model and demonstrate ethical leadership
- implement appropriate internal control systems to prevent and/or minimise incidents of wrongdoing
- be alert to any actual or potential wrongdoing amongst all employees
- notify the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) liaison officer (Manager, Governance) of any suspected official misconduct
- support employees to attend ethical decision making and the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service (the Code) training.
4.2PID contact officer (Manager, Governance)
- provideadvice and information to employees and managers in relation to the prevention and management of PIDs
- provide information and assistance to any person seeking to make a PID
- receive, assess and manage all PIDs in consultation with the discloser and the CMC liaison officer as required
- notify the CMC liaison officer of any complaints of suspected official misconduct
- provide support to persons making a PID.
- Governance Unit
- maintain, monitor and review this policy and associated procedures
4.4CMC liaison officer (Manager, Governance)
- receive, assess and manage all reports of suspected official misconduct in consultation with the CMC.
- promote awareness of this policy and associated procedure and maintain an ethical culture which supports the reporting ofwrongdoing
- be alert to any actual or potential risk for employees or contractors in the work unit and implement the necessary internal controls or other action as required
- assist employees to resolve ethical dilemmas
- report any suspected wrongdoing and follow the departmental procedures.
4.6All employees
- conduct duties to a high professional and ethical standardand always act in the public interest
- be aware of employee rights and obligations under the Act and the Code in relation to the reporting of suspectedwrongdoing and reprisal actions
- seek appropriate guidance from management or PID contact officer in relation to any ethical dilemmas
- report any actual or perceived wrongdoing(where known)
- co-operate in investigations into any actual or perceived wrongdoing
- protect and maintain the confidentiality of a person who has or suspected to have made a disclosure
- refrain from any activity that is or could be perceived to be, reprisal, victimisation or harassment of a person who makes a disclosure
- refer all suspected PIDs to the appropriate authorities.
5.1This policy will be reviewed in December 2013, and in accordance with any relevant legislative amendments.
Policy number: DSDIP-CG-PN-022 / Effective date: 1 July 2011Policy name: Public interest disclosure policy / UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED
Version: 1.3 / Page 1 of 2