Fat and Dietary Cholesterol Intake
Based on your same 3-day average printouts, answer the questions below. (Each question is worth 1 point except where noted. 30 points possible)
Staple the following reports (in the order listed) to the back of the assignment: No reports, no grade!!
1. Macronutrient Ranges
2. Intake vs Goals
3. Fat Breakdown
Do NOT submit additional reports or the assignment won’t be graded!
Macronutrient Ranges:
1. ______What is your average percentage of total calories consumed from fat?
2. ______What is the range of % of calories from total fat recommended by the Dietary Guidelines?
3. ______How did your % intake of fat compare to the recommended % intake of fat? (Difference between questions 1 and 2)
Intake vs Goals:
4. ______On average, how many grams of total fat did you consume each day?
5. ______How many grams of total fat should youhave consumed?
6. ______How did your intake of total grams of fat compare to the recommended intake? (Difference between numbers 4 and 5.)
7. ______What is the maximumgrams of saturated fatyoucan eat per day? Show calculation. Not on a report. (2 points)
8. ______How many grams of saturated fat did you consume?
9. ______How did your intake of saturated fat compare to the max recommended?
(Difference between numbers 7 and 8.)
10. ______How many milligrams of cholesterol did you consume?
11. ______What is the max recommended consumption of cholesterol per day?
12. ______How did your intake of cholesterol compare to the recommended intake? (Difference between numbers 10 and 11)
Fat Breakdown:
13. ______What percentage of your calories came from saturated fat?
14. ______What percentage of your calories came from monounsaturated fat?
15. ______What percentage of your calories came from polyunsaturated fat?
No Reports, Use Your Knowledge:
16. List all of your sources of saturated fat for each of your three days.(3 points)
Day 1: ______
Day 2: ______
Day 3: ______
17. What types of foods contain trans fat? ______
18. List all of the foods you ate that contained cholesterol.
19. List at least 3 additional foods you can include in your diet to increase your intake of
monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. (3 points)
20. Which types of fat are unhealthful and why? (Cite page numbers in the text to support your answer.) (3 points)
21. Which types of fats are more healthful and why? (Cite page numbers in the text to support your answer.) (3 points)