SANCTIONED BY PNA for USMS Inc. #(to be determined later):


LOCATION: (Body of water and town; physical address if known)

COURSE: (Description including whether start and finish are in the water or on the shore, expected water temp, hazards, etc.)

TIME: (Check-in, safety meeting, race start time(s); specifics for races with unusual start and finish issues)

RACE DIRECTOR: (Name and contact info (phone/email); ok to specify calling hours)

ELIGIBILITY: Standard statement is: “Open to all 2014 registered Masters swimmers (USMS or MSC) 18 and above as of (your event date). Competitors not registered may sign up for a $20 One-Event USMS registration. Non-PNA registered swimmers must provide proof of their Masters membership card at check-in.”

RULES: Standard statement is: “Current USMS rules will govern this event. Wetsuits and full-body swimsuits are allowed in the wetsuit division. No additional devices to help speed, pace, buoyancy, or endurance are allowed (such as webbed gloves, fins, snorkels, etc.).”

(Provide rules specific to your event, such as a limit on time to complete an event)

SAFETY: Standard statement is:“Lifeguards and safety boats will monitor the entire course. All participants MUST attend the safety meeting.”(Provide body marking, caps, and other safety details)

AWARDS: (Participation and other awards; age group awards, if given, must be consistent throughout the represented age groups)

ENTRYFEES: (Amounts for all types of entries – on time, late, race-day)

ENTRY DEADLINE: (Deadline details for paper and race-day entries; paper entries should use the consolidated form found in The WetSet)

ONLINE ENTRY: Standard statement is: “Online registration opens on and closes at 11:59 pm PDT on ” (Provide specific dates and link to online entry)

PAPER ENTRIES: (If accepted, indicate where checks and form should go)

RESULTS: (How will results be made available, both at and after the event)

DIRECTIONS: (Provide simple directions and/or a link)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (Lodging, public transportation to the event, fun things to do in the area)

LINKS (To website, map, directions)

The above information will appear in at least one issue of The WetSet.

You are encouraged to write up a short article pitching your event by providing interesting information about its history, special features, record performances, photos, etc. The newsletter editor is always looking for “material” so why not submit an article. Please submit it to the Open Water Coordinator for review first.

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