WED 466 - Quiz 2 - Terminology

______- Although vocational education has no limits as to the types ofoccupations, it generally excludes the professions. It is here to apply specifically to useful employment intrades and industry, agriculture, family and consumer science, technical, business, and marketing. Suchprograms may or may not be federally subsidized. Vocational education courses are not consideredgeneral education courses. Nevertheless, a good vocational program provides for a continuation ofgeneral education experiences.

______- Business and processing as related to agriculture from important dimensions of content of this discipline which once considered to only be concerned with agricultural production. Now

clearly seen as a full spectrum field, agriculture education teaches about the entire continuum from

production to sales and processing. Like the other vocational service areas, agriculture education also

includes both general education (practical arts) and vocational courses. The field has developed a very

strong youth organization component known as the "Future Farmers of America."

______- The subjects addressed by this discipline include office practice, stenography,

record keeping, accounting, clerical skills, and business operation. Keyboarding is a popular offering at

the middle schools and more intensive/specific courses at the high schools. Typically, and because of

demand, business education enjoys the most favorable placement rate of many vocational education

service areas and, at the same time, it serves many via its practical arts phase. The field has evolved

several strong youth organizations, among them the "Future Business Leaders of America."

______- This service area focuses on family life, nutrition, foods,housing, clothing, and related subjects. In the junior high/middle school students - both male and femalealike - are offered home economics learning experiences that emphasis general education and practicalarts goals. At the high school level, both general education and vocational education goals may bepursued although typically by participation in different courses. Consumer and home making courses arealso offered. The field’s youth organization is the "Future Homemakers of America."

______- Is designed to develop competencies related to the application and utilization of materials and processes, energy and power, and communications technologies related to business

management components to prepare students for technically oriented mid-management positions. The

program integrates hands-on experiences and management related theory to enable one to communicate

and function within the management, engineering, and production environments of business and industry.

______- Is an umbrella term used to identify and array of educational programs which all have industry as their base. They would involve the development of competencies related to tools,

materials, processes, or occupations within industry. Such programs might include training activities

carried on within an industrial setting, apprenticeship training, training by trade unions, armed forces,

propriety schools, community colleges, area vocational schools, as well as the more traditional public

school systems.

______- Is a term used to identify a secondary, post-secondary or adult education

program in which individuals are prepared or upgraded in an occupation within the broad area ofmarketing or distributive education. The focus of the program is on retailing, salespersonship, and relatedaspects of marketing. The field has developed a rather strong youth organization component known as"Distributive Education Clubs of America." Further, this sub-set of vocational education heavily upon thecooperation method in which students are placed "on-the-job" for two to four hours per day, up to amaximum of 15 hours per week for related and supervised work experience. Such students typically takeone hour of classroom work that is supplemental to their employment.

______- Means organizations for students enrolled in, or who have beenenrolled in, vocational education programs, with national, state, and local units, the activities of which arean integral part of the instructional program. Each service area involved with promoting its objectives viastudent organizations. Key goals of such activities include leadership development, meeting management

skills, personal growth, public speaking, and of course, subject matter knowledge and skill - often

promoted by contests.