The Experiment: The Hunt for Causes
Reading Guide
Read pages 24-27 and answer the following questions in your notebook using complete sentences:
- Why are experiments important to the study of psychology?
- What is informed consent?
- What changes have occurred in recent years in respect to the use of animals in psychological research?
- Explain the difference between an independent and dependent variable.
- Why is it important for researchers to have a control group?
- What is a placebo and how can it be used by researchers?
- Why are some experiments single or double blind studies?
- Why are field experiments sometimes preferred over laboratory experiments?
- Design a psychological experiment on a topic that you are interested in researching. Provide an outline of the experiment in the following format:
- State your hypothesis
- Identify the independent variable
- Identify the dependent variable
- Describe the experimental group
- Describe the control group
- Identify and explain any use of a placebo
- Identify and explain if it will be a single or double blind study
- Identify and explain if it will be conducted in a laboratory or out in the field
**Use the experiments on nicotine, Viagra, and divorce that are described in the section as models for your experiment.
The Experiment: The Hunt for Causes
Reading Guide
Read pages 24-27 and answer the following questions in your notebook using complete sentences:
1. Why are experiments important to the study of psychology?
2. What is informed consent?
3. What changes have occurred in recent years in respect to the use of animals in psychological research?
4. Explain the difference between an independent and dependent variable.
5. Why is it important for researchers to have a control group?
6. What is a placebo and how can it be used by researchers?
7. Why are some experiments single or double blind studies?
8. Why are field experiments sometimes preferred over laboratory experiments?
9. Design a psychological experiment on a topic that you are interested in researching. Provide an outline of the experiment in the following format:
a. State your hypothesis
b. Identify the independent variable
c. Identify the dependent variable
d. Describe the experimental group
e. Describe the control group
f. Identify and explain any use of a placebo
g. Identify and explain if it will be a single or double blind study
h. Identify and explain if it will be conducted in a laboratory or out in the field
**Use the experiments on nicotine, Viagra, and divorce that are described in the section as models for your experiment.