How the ECCE work is informed
The following statements of intent have been done through group process. This process was completed in two sections with the ECCE members. The group is divided into two specific formation areas of ministry, adult and children. Separately the groups created statements based on a vision for life-long formation, from which specific goals were outlined. This document was blended after three areas of focus were determined. This will serve as a blueprint for the work of ECCE as they move forward in the work of formation ministries within the Episcopal Church.
Group / Statement of Intent / GoalsHow We Believe / To nurture and strengthen faith formation for children it is essential for adults, especially parents, to be well grounded in the faith. Ordained and lay leadership needs to be equipped to nurture and strengthen adult faith formation through worship, adult education and spiritual formation opportunities, outreach mission, ministry in congregations and at times of life transitions (marriage, baptism, confirmation, etc), conferences and other learning opportunities, internet resources and communication, thus encouraging an understanding that how we come to believe informs a life-long process of formation. /
- Help congregations and individuals understand our Episcopal identity.
- Deepen our relationship with God that empowers ministry.
- Equipping ordained and lay leadership in promoting strong life long opportunities for formation
- Develop resources for nurturing faith formation in households and daily life
- Assess current curricula and other resources to identify strengths and gaps
- Communicate strong examples
- Find/develop resources to fill gaps
How We Teach and Learn / In order for Life Long Christian Formation to be incarnate and understood by all people, the Episcopal Church needs to provide the tools for every person to discover who God has created them to be and called them to do. It is necessary to communicate what Life Long Christian Formation is beyond traditional Sunday programming going beyond the intellectual learning and recognizes and upholds our connectedness to all things God has created. The Episcopal Church must develop a comprehensive and consistent understanding of how the Church defines holistic Life Long Christian Formation. This must be communicated in a manner which can be understood by all people from our bishops to the pew sitter to those outside of our church.
Therefore, ECCE intends to provide creative solutions for all who are exploring ways to authentically integrate their faith. /
- Equip congregations for creating a safe environment to explore faith.
- Create a model that provides leadership with the skills necessary to create an emotionally safe environment in which to have dialogues and other faith formation experiences. (Local church)
How We Live Out Our Faith in the World / In order to respect the dignity of all God’s children, we must be intentional about the manner in which we invite, include and support children and their families into all aspects of the church community, paying particular attention to those traditionally excluded because of issues of race, special needs, social class and age. This requires continuous learning and feedback including priests, lay professionals and other parish staff, teachers, families and individuals, thus empowering adults to live out their faith in the world. /
- Provide knowledge of Distinctive Context Populations to institutions which provide programming for clergy and lay leadership (ex. seminaries, teacher workshops).
- Develop means by which to identify impacted families and programming which responds their specific needs.
- Educate professional organizations as well as grass-roots efforts as to their responsibility to be intentional issues of race, special needs and social class.
- Develop a model that will help people intentionally incorporate their faith in the secular world.