The California Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities
2017 Risk Management Plan
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
1.0 Education and Training 4
1.01 Staff Training and Materials 4
1.02 Program Transparency 5
2.0 Policies and Procedures 6
2.01 Risk Management Policy and Procedures 6
2.02 Delegate Oversight 6
2.03 Parent/Guardian Check-In and Check-Out Procedures 6
2.04 Restrictions on Unauthorized Persons Picking-up and Checking-out 6
2.05 Prohibition of One-On-One Contact 6
2.06 First Aid Plan 6
2.07 Emergency Phone Numbers 7
2.08 DOR Reporting Structure 7
2.09 Local Hospitals near CSUS 7
2.10 Procedures for Transporting YLF Delegates to Local Hospitals 8
2.11 Incident Reporting 8
2.12 Non-Emergency Event 9
2.13 Administering Medications 9
2.14 Emergency Procedures for Injury or Illness 10
2.15 Transportation Plans 11
2.16 Allowable Modes of Transportation 11
2.17 Standards for Vehicles, Drivers and Passenger Safety 11
2.18 Delegate and On-Site Staff Confidentiality 12
2.19 Collection of Health, Medical, and Emergency Information 12
2.20 CSUS Emergency Evacuation Plan for Desmond Hall 12
2.21 Crime in Progress or Civil Disturbance 13
2.22 Reporting Violent or Criminal Behavior 14
2.23 Conduct if Held Hostage 14
2.24 Desmond Hall Floor Plan 15
2.25 What To Do During an Earthquake 15
2.26 What To Do After an Earthquake 15
2.27 What To Do If an Evacuation Is Ordered 15
2.28 Evacuation Plan 16
2.29 In the Event of Explosions, Aircraft Crash or Train Derailment 17
2.30 Fire and Fire Emergencies 18
2.31 In Case of a Flood 18
2.32 Hazardous Material Spill, Radiation Incident or Minor Chemical Spills 19
2.33 Parent Notification of Emergency Evacuations 19
2.34 Background Check and Fingerprinting Process 19
2.35 Bathroom and Shower Schedules for YLF Delegates and On-site Staff 20
2.36 YLF Delegate Rooming Assignments at CSUS 21
3.0 Mandated Reporting System 22
3.01 Protection from Abuse 22
3.02 Reporting Abuse 22
3.03 Consequences of Failing to Report Abuse 23
4.0 Code of Conduct and Standards of Supervision 24
4.1 Standards of Conduct 24
4.2 Standards of Supervision 25
The California Committee on Employee of People with Disabilities (CCEPD) is located organizationally within the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) and funded through the Employment Development Department (EDD). The Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities (YLF) planning efforts are an ongoing collaborative effort between these three entities and other state departments and private partners. The development of contracts for various aspects of YLF is through EDD. Thus, the development of the risk management plan was in collaboration with EDD and DOR.
Many of the new policies identified in this plan incorporate policies outlined in the California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) contract. The purpose of the new risk management plan is to identify, eliminate potential negative events that could have an adverse effect on the program’s objective and offer guidance to on-site staff. This plan will further provide staff the necessary tools to identify, assess, respond, monitoring and control events in a uniform consistent and safe manner. Many youth programs have a risk management plan as part of their standard operating procedures in managing its program.
1.0 Education and Training
1.01 Staff Training and Materials
On-site staff can include volunteer YLF alumni, State of California employees and contracted staff. On-site staff must review, accept and sign the Guidelines, Confidentiality, and Social Networking Policy acknowledgment documents when applying. On-site staff must read and understand the CSUS publication, “Your Guide to Working with Minors: What You Need to Know” (Youth Protection Guide) and copy of YLF’s Risk Management Plan. On-site staff is required to sign a corresponding form prior to their arrival, acknowledging they understand the information.
During the orientation, on-site staff will also receive training on the Youth Protection Guide and Code of Conduct and Standards that CSUS has instituted. (Orientation for on-site staff occurs the day before delegates arrive for the YLF program). They will also receive mandatory training and materials relevant to their position, including training on disability culture. This will include the schedule of activities (known as the “Week at a Glance”), curriculum, reference facilitation materials, emergency response procedures and the organizational communication structure.
On-site staff is expected to understand and comply with all policies and procedures provided to them. If any policies or procedures are not understood, they must ask trainers for clarification.
1.02 Program Transparency
The YLF Governance Committee, which includes state partners and other non-profit organizations, meet monthly to prepare details of the YLF program throughout the year. During the spring and summer, the Logistics and Transportation, Program, Reasonable Accommodations, Student Selection, and Personnel workgroups meet to address details of the YLF. Much of the program is coordinated in a workgroup structure.
Upon request, the schedule of activities (known as the “Week at a Glance”), curriculum and on-site staff descriptions are available to staff, YLF alumni and their families. Much of the program is also detailed in the Student Workbook. Delegates will receive curriculum on their first day at YLF.
At the conclusion of YLF, both delegates and on-site staff can provide input on the program through an evaluation.
All staff orientation and program documents are available to participants, families and the public.
2.0 Policies and Procedures
2.01 Risk Management Policy and Procedures
Everyone participating in YLF is expected to comply with the risk management policy and procedures outlined in the entire Risk Management Plan.
2.02 Delegate Oversight
On-site staff is expected to provide supervision of delegates at all times. Delegates must be accompanied by a minimum of two on-site staff members at all times other than group sessions.
2.03 Parent/Guardian Check-In and Check-Out Procedures
Only authorized adults who are identified on delegate emergency forms and provide photo identification are permitted to check-in and check-out delegates from the YLF program, including at CSUS.
YLF delegates are not allowed to leave the premises at CSUS during the YLF event.
2.04 Restrictions on Unauthorized Persons Picking-up and Checking-out
Only authorized adults who are identified on delegate emergency
forms are permitted to pick-up and check-out delegates from the YLF program, including at CSUS.
2.05 Prohibition of One-On-One Contact
Other than interactions with authorized medical or personal care attendant staff, as identified by the YLF Project Manager, one-on-one contact between staff and delegates is prohibited, outside of group settings.
2.06 First Aid Plan
The following is a guide to handle a medical emergency. Emergency phone numbers are provided as well as the DOR Reporting Structure contact information.
In the event where Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is necessary, it is recommended that CPR be administered by a certified CPR specialist or medical professional.
2.07 Emergency Phone Numbers
Ambulance (From Mobile phone)...... (9-1-1)
Fire-Rescue (From Mobile phone)...... (9-1-1)
CSUS Campus Police (Emergency).... 916-278-6900
CSUS Campus Police (Non-emergency)… 916-278-6000
YLF Nurse (Desmond Hall Front Desk)… 916-278-5428
2.08 DOR Reporting Structure
In the event of a medical emergency or emergency evacuation, the following DOR and EDD staff must be contacted in this order Cellular phone numbers will be provided to on-site staff:
1. Daniel Gounder, YLF Project Manager (DOR): 916-445-9932 will report to Maria Aliferis-Gjerde, Executive Officer.
2. Maria Aliferis-Gjerde, Executive Officer (DOR): 916-558-5698 will report to other DOR, EDD and CCEPD Chair on the medical emergency or emergency evacuation.
3. Michelle Reynolds, Deputy Director, Legislation and Communications (DOR): 916-606-1845
4. Irene Walela, Deputy Director (DOR): 916-558-5837
5. Dennis Petrie: Deputy Director of Employment Development Department (EDD), 916-651-6051
6. Maria Nicolacoudis, Chair (CCEPD): 408-279-7515
2.09 Local Hospitals near CSUS
The list is only included for informational purposes and lists hospitals in closest proximity order to the CSUS campus. No YLF delegate will be transported in personal cars, only in ambulances. Assigned on-site staff or the YLF nurse will stay with the delegate at the hospital until parents or the legal guardian arrive.
Mercy General Hospital
4000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819
Non-Trauma Center
Accepts all medical coverage. No one will be turned away.
Sutter Medical Center
2825 Capitol Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95628
Emergency Room
Accepts all medical coverage. No one will be turned away.
UCD Medical Center
2315 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817
Emergency Room
Accepts all medical coverage. No one will be turned away.
Kaiser Hospital
2025 Morse Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95825
Emergency Room
Accepts all medical coverage. No one will be turned away.
Methodist Hospital
7500 Hospital Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 423-6020 or (916) 423-3000
Emergency Room
Accepts all medical coverage. No one will be turned away.
2.10 Procedures for Transporting YLF Delegates to Local Hospitals
In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1. Emergency transportation will be provided by ambulance. Emergency responders will transport delegates to a local hospital or trauma center based on the level of the emergency. In an emergency event, only the on-site YLF nurse and trained emergency staff should provide emergency medical care. The YLF nurse will inform the YLF Project Manager about the incident and the YLF nurse will contact the parent or legal guardian. Finally, the YLF Project Manager will follow the DOR Reporting Structure outlined in 2.08.
2.11 Incident Reporting
After any emergency event, the YLF nurse will complete an incident report form with the following details:
· Full name of the YLF delegate and/or YLF on-site staff
· Date and time of the event
· Incident location of the event
· Incident details of the event
The completed incident report form will be saved electronically and shared within 24 hours either by hard copy or printed through a secure drive. The YLF nurse will follow up on any action items as needed and following the DOR Reporting Structure outlined in 2.08.
· The Executive Officer for the CCEPD, Maria Aliferis-Gjerde, email:
, phone number 916-558-5698.
· YLF Project Manager, Daniel Gounder, email:
Phone number: 916-445-9932.
2.12 Non-Emergency Event
In a non-emergency event the following procedure should be followed:
Notify a staff member, the YLF Project Manager and the YLF nurse about the non-emergency event. The YLF Project Manager and the YLF nurse will assess the type of care needed.
The YLF nurse will also contact the parent or legal guardian about the incident and provide details. If the YLF nurse determines that the delegate needs to be transported to the hospital, the parents or legal guardian will determine how to best transport the delegate to the local hospital.
2.13 Administering Medications
The YLF nurse evaluates the situation and discusses in detail all prescriptions, medications, and medication schedules with the YLF delegate and parent or legal guardian prior to the event.
The YLF nurse has a signed Delegate Medical Information and Accommodations and medical history form signed by the parent or legal guardian for each delegate on file. These medical forms provide the following:
· List of all medications, including over-the counter medications, dosage amounts and schedule for administering.
· Allergies and dietary restrictions.
· Authorization to dispense medication for both prescribed medication and over-the-counter medications signed by parent or legal guardian for the YLF on-site nurse to administer.
Only the YLF nurse or doctor as acknowledged by the YLF Project Manager, are permitted to administer any prescribed and over-the-counter medications. If delegates need an epi-pen, rescue inhalers or insulin, those items may be carried by delegates throughout the YLF program if parents or the legal guardians have agreed. Information that delegates need epi-pens or inhalers will be shared with co-counselors in case an emergency occurs so they respond accordingly.
2.14 Emergency Procedures for Injury or Illness
In case of a medical emergency, this section has guidelines too. Although there is medical staff on-site, please follow these guidelines in assessing an injury or illness. Under no circumstances should a sick or injured delegate be sent home without the knowledge and permission of the parent or legal guardian.
Do not Move the Injured Person
A severely injured or ill student or staff member should not be moved unless absolutely necessary for their immediate safety.
Assess the Situation
Be sure the situation is safe for you to approach. The following dangers will require caution: live electrical wires, gas leaks, building damage, fire or smoke, traffic, and/or violence.
Stay at the Scene
A designated on-site staff or YLF nurse should stay at the scene and give help until the person designated to handle emergencies arrives.
Contact a Designated Person
Send communication to the person designated to handle emergencies. This person will take charge of the emergency, render any further first aid as needed and call for additional resources as required.
Do not Administer Medication without Approval
DO NOT give medications unless there has been prior approval by the parent or guardian.
Call 9-1-1 in a Life Threatening Emergency
In a life threatening or medical emergency, call 9-1-1. Then, contact the YLF Project Manager and the YLF nurse immediately. The YLF nurse will notify the parent or legal guardian of the emergency as soon as possible to determine the appropriate course of action.
If the parent or legal guardian cannot be reached, notify a parent or legal guardian substitute and call either the physician or the hospital designated on the delegate’s medical form. The YLF nurse has all copies of the medical forms, which include emergency and medical contacts for delegates. The front desk staff will also have emergency contact information for delegates in case they need to assist YLF Project Manager in calling parents or the legal guardians.
2.15 Transportation Plans
Delegates and on-site staff must submit the “Travel Arrangements” form provided to them. The form includes plane, bus, train or car travel details, contact information and any references to special accommodations. CCEPD designated staff (DOR staff) will receive forms and provide them to the travel coordinator to make appropriate reservations. Delegates and on-site staff must wear their YLF t-shirts for identification. Staff assigned to pick up delegates at the airport, train station or bus station must wear a YLF identifiable t-shirt. Staff members will be wearing navy blue polo shirts. The YLF delegates will be transported to CSUS by accessible and non-accessible vehicles such as Paratransit, shuttle or bus, or will be driven by a staff member who has provided proof of insurance and signed and submitted a State of California STD 261 form.