Regular Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2017

Meeting was held at home of Corinne Moller in Lake Shastina and was convened by Acting Pres.Corinne Moller at 6:07PM.

Directors Present: Gilbert, C. Moller, Parham

Directors Absent: Cervelli, Rodriguez, Lee, Escobedo, R. Moller

Acting President C. Moller noted that there was no quorum; therefore, no business could be conducted. It was decided that the 3 board members present would discuss an agenda for the February Annual Meeting in an effort move through the process of electing officers and board members, and appointing committees. Then preparing some Minutes that could be reviewed by all board members in a manner that would help everyone think about and be prepared for the decisions that would be made in Feb.

Public Comments: None

Consent Agenda: Moved to Feb. 2017 meeting. No quorum – no vote.

Treasurer Rodriguez had a family emergency and had to leave town. Dir. Parham needed money in order to proceed with the website project. All 3 directors discussed ways to come up with the money and then get reimbursed from the Club. Dir. Parham said he would proceed. It was noted that the Board should consider adopting a few rules about handling the Club’s account when the Treasurer needed to be out of town or otherwise unavailable.

Continuing on the subject of the website, Dir. Parham said he needs to have a proper “release form” to be able to use photos of players on the website. C. Moller agreed to contact Terry Carlise, the photographer that the Club used for team photos last Fall about this matter and then get back to Dir. Parham.

The group discussed the benefits to the Club, players, board and coaching staff as well as referees to have a Coaching Coordinator. They shared ideas about setting up a coaching clinic; developing a coordinator via College of the Siskiyou’s, Weed High School and considering incentives for participation.

Establishing the Weed Youth Soccer Club as a non-profit organization should be placed on the Feb. agenda as it will require board action before anyone can proceed with application to the IRS.

SPRING SOCCER: Dir Gilbert reported the following: Currently there are only 15 sign ups, probably enough to make 1 U12 team. She does not think that starting early was helpful and will not recommend that we do that again.


The group of 3 directors moved on to a discussion about Directors and Officers that must be on the February Agenda. It was the consensus that we should just list those members that we felt had the ability to the jobs that needed to be done and not try to eliminate anyone because we might think they are too busy, afraid, unsure or any other reason. Following is a list of those directors that should be considered for each board position. Please consider every name and every position for discussion at the February Annual Meeting. We must be in a position to move ahead with the business of Club at the close of the Feb. Meeting. It is expected that Alysha Parham will be elected to the Board at the Feb. meeting, and therefore should be considered for an Officer and/or Committee position.

President: Gilbert; Lee; C. Moller; R. Moller; D. Parham

Secretary: Escobedo; Gilbert; C. Moller; R. Moller; A. Parham, D. Parham, Jenny Davis (potential new board member)

Treasurer: C. Moller, R. Moller, D. Parham (these members know how to accounting and use Quicken Software)

It should be noted that the position of Secretary and Treasurer could be combined into 1 position called Secretary/Treasurer.

KICK-A-THONwas discussed. The group thought that the U10 and under players/coaches had the most fun with this program and should recommend that it be modified to include these players in Fall 2017.

BUSINESS SPONSORSHIPS were discussed and the group agreed that this would be an important item to include on the Feb. Agenda.

P O BOX KEY – Nicole Swan and Debbie Rodriguez have the keys to the Club’s PO Box. Nicole Swan resigned from the Board in Dec. We need to contact her to get the key returned. Rodriguez has resigned effective with the Feb. 2017 meeting. We need to get the key from her as well. Corinne will send an e-mail to both people asking for the keys to be returned.

RECRUITING DOCUMENT was approved by the Board via email. C. Moller will send an electronic copy of that document to Gilbert at the close of this meeting so Gilbert can use it during sign-ups. We hope to find new Board members, coaches and committee members by using this tool to start discussions about the benefits of the WYSC.

There being no further business -

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40PM to thenext regular meeting on February 7, 2017, starting at 6:00PM. Location: Weed Elementary School.

Respectfully submitted,

Corinne Moller

Club Secretary/Acting Temporary President